Cornelius Otto Jansen
- Born:
- October 28, 1585, Acquoi, near Leerdam, Holland
- Subjects Of Study:
- St. Augustine
- Christianity
- Jansenism
- free will
- grace
- predestination
Cornelius Otto Jansen (born October 28, 1585, Acquoi, near Leerdam, Holland—died May 6, 1638, Ypres, Flanders, Spanish Netherlands [now in Belgium]) was a Flemish leader of the Roman Catholic reform movement known as Jansenism. He wrote biblical commentaries and pamphlets against the Protestants. His major work was Augustinus, published by his friends in 1640. Although condemned by Pope Urban VIII in 1642, it was of critical importance in the Jansenist movement.
Jansen entered the University of Leuven (Louvain), in the Spanish Netherlands in 1602 to study theology. According to the custom adopted by the humanists of the Renaissance, Jansen Latinized his name to Cornelius Jansenius. His teacher, Jacques Janson, taught the doctrine of the theologian Michael Baius (Michel de Bay), who had died at Leuven in 1589. According to the latter, humans are affected from birth by the sin of Adam. Human instincts lead necessarily to evil. An individual can be saved only by the grace of Christ, accorded to a small number of the elect who have been chosen in advance and destined to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This doctrine, inspired by certain writings of St. Augustine, attracted Jansen and another student who had come to study at Leuven, a Frenchman named Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, who was to become a leader of the Jansenist movement. The two young men became friends in Paris, where Jansen went in 1604. They decided to revive theology, which they believed the theologians of the Sorbonne had reduced to subtle and vain discussions among Scholastics. Jansen and Duvergier thought that it was necessary to render to God the homage owed by humanity and that the pride of the Renaissance savants had alienated Christians from the Jesus who loved the simple and the humble.
In 1611 Jansen followed Duvergier to the home of the latter’s parents, located in the outskirts of Bayonne. The bishop of the city entrusted to Jansen the direction of the episcopal college there from 1612 to 1614. For three years afterward the young Dutchman, with Duvergier, dedicated himself to the study of the writings of the early Church Fathers.

Return to Leuven: the Augustinus
In 1617 Jansen returned to Leuven, where he directed the college of Sainte-Pulchérie, created for Dutch students. A violent dispute had arisen at Leuven between the disciples of Baius and the Jesuits, who considered as dangerous the doctrines of this theologian, who had been condemned by Pope Pius V in 1567. Jansen then undertook a thorough study of the works of St. Augustine by which Baius had been inspired. He read them, he declared, 10 times consecutively. But he devoted himself most particularly to the texts drafted by Augustine to combat the doctrine of Pelagius, who held that, in spite of the fault committed by Adam, humans continue to be entirely free to do good and to obtain salvation by means of their own merits. Jansen then began his great work, the Augustinus. For him, the divine grace that alone can offer salvation is not at all due to an individual’s good actions. It is, he claimed, a gratuitous gift by means of which Christ leads the elect to eternal life, but the multitude, “the mass of perdition,” is doomed to damnation. Thus, humans are predestined to obtain grace or to suffer condemnation. In reality, Augustine had not envisaged the fate of human beings with such great rigour. He had even proclaimed the power of free will when he was engaged in the struggle against the Manichaeans. But Augustine had then been constrained to enclose the liberty of humanity within strict limits, in order to refute the affirmations of Pelagius, which radically reduced the value of the divine grace obtained by Jesus on the cross.
Jansen was so fascinated by Augustine’s treatise against the Pelagians that he apparently lost sight of Augustine’s works against the Manichaeans.
Jansen also wrote commentaries on the evangelists and on the Old Testament—notably on the Pentateuch—as well as a “Discourse on the Reformation of the Inner Man.” He was likewise the author of pamphlets directed against the Protestants.
Last years
Having acquired the degree of doctor in theology at Leuven, Jansen became the rector of that university in 1635, and in 1636 he became bishop of Ypres. The Jesuit scholar René Rapin asserted in his book Histoire du Jansénisme (1861) that Jansen had obtained his bishop’s mitre as a result of the personal intervention of the king of Spain, Philip IV. This sovereign had recognized him for having published a pamphlet entitled Mars Gallicus, in which he strongly criticized the policy of the French cardinal and prime minister, Richelieu, who had contracted an alliance with the Dutch Protestants against Spain. In 1638, a short time after his elevation to the episcopate, Jansen died of the plague. In 1640 his friends published at Leuven the work he had dedicated to St. Augustine, under the title Augustinus Cornelii Jansenii, Episcopi, seu Doctrina Sancti Augustini de Humanae Naturae, Sanitate, Aegritudine, Medicina adversus Pelagianos et Massilienses (“The Augustine of Cornelius Jansen, Bishop, or On the Doctrines of St. Augustine Concerning Human Nature, Health, Grief, and Cure Against the Pelagians and Massilians”).
This book had cost its author 22 years of effort. In the epilogue Jansen declared: “I leave my work to the judgment of the Roman Church. . . . I retract all that she will decide that I ought to (must) retract.”
Condemnation of Jansen’s teachings
In a bull of 1642, Pope Urban VIII forbade the reading of the Augustinus, which had been published without the authorization of the Holy See and was based on the doctrine of Baius, already condemned. Five propositions in the Augustinus were condemned by Pope Innocent X in 1653, and by his successor, Alexander VII. The bishops of France were required to make all of the priests, monks, and nuns sign a formulary conforming to the pontifical decisions. But Duvergier de Hauranne, who had become the abbé of Saint-Cyran, had taught the doctrine of Jansen to the nuns of the abbey of Port-Royal. This convent became a focus of resistance against the Jesuits, who, having obtained the pontifical decisions in their favour, intended to impose them. From that time, a conflict began between the Jesuits and Antoine Arnauld, a disciple of “Monsieur de Saint-Cyran” (Duvergier de Hauranne) who called himself an Augustinian. The Jesuits, however, called him a Jansenist. According to them, the doctrine of Arnauld was that of Jansen and not of St. Augustine. Blaise Pascal wrote Les Provinciales (“Provincial Letters”) in 1656 and 1657 to defend Antoine Arnauld. The latter was condemned by the Faculty of Theology at the Sorbonne.
Although Louis XIV was determined to eliminate the Jansenists as a threat to the unity of his kingdom, there was a temporary peace after Clement IX became pope in 1667, and the conflict ceased to be a major concern when the papacy and the French Roman Catholic church clashed on Gallicanism. But after the controversy between the papacy and the monarchy was settled, Louis XIV obtained from Clement XI in 1705 the bull Vineam Domini, which renewed the earlier condemnations. In 1709 Louis XIV ordered the dispersal of the nuns of Port-Royal into diverse convents, and he had the abbey destroyed in 1710. He then obtained in 1713 the bull Unigenitus Dei Filius, which condemned 101 propositions of Quesnel. The promulgation of Unigenitus as French law in 1730 finally caused the decline in strength of the Jansenist party.
In 1723 followers of Jansen’s views established an autonomous Jansenist church at Utrecht, Holland, known as the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands, which still existed in the early 21st century. Jansenism also spread to Italy, where in 1786 the Synod of Pistoia, which was later condemned, propounded extreme Jansenist doctrines.
Marc Marie Escholier