Domestic reforms of Diocletian
- Latin in full:
- Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus
- Original name:
- Diocles
- Born:
- 245 ce, Salonae?, Dalmatia [now Solin, Croatia]
- Died:
- 316, Salonae (aged 71)
- Title / Office:
- emperor (284-305), Roman Empire
Perhaps more important for the maintenance of the empire was Diocletian’s program of domestic reform. He was not a complete innovator in this area, for his predecessors had made some tentative attempts in the same direction; the emperor Gallienus had excluded senators from the army and separated military from civil careers. The Senate had progressively been deprived of its privileges. Diocletian, however, systematized these arrangements in such a way that all his reforms led toward a kind of centralized and absolute monarchy that put effective means of action at his disposal. Thus, Diocletian designated the consuls; the senators no longer collaborated in the making of laws; the imperial counsellors (consilia sacra) were distributed among specialized offices, and their functions were strictly defined so that the power of the praetorian prefects (personal bodyguards to the emperor) was limited; the specialization of administrative work grew; and the number of bureaucrats increased. This was the beginning of the bureaucracy and technocracy that was eventually to overrun modern societies.
Such organization made it possible for administration to rely less on individual human beings and more on the application of legal texts. In fact, it was during Diocletian’s reign that the Gregorian and Hermogenian codes, of which only fragments remain, were rewritten. But 1,200 extant rescripts show another aspect of the emperor’s personality. A conservative, Diocletian was concerned with the preservation of the ancient virtues: the obligation of children to feed their parents in old age; of parents to treat their children justly; of spouses to respect the laws of marriage; of sons not to bear witness against their fathers, or slaves against their masters; and of private property, creditor’s rights, and contract clauses to be protected. He forbade the use of torture if truth could be discovered otherwise and encouraged governors to be as autonomous as possible.
The army was also reorganized and brought back to the old discipline. Sedentary troops (local troops) were sent to the frontiers, and the ready army (main movable army) was made domestic. Troop strength was increased by a fourth (not multiplied by four as Lactantius claims). There too, Diocletian’s reforms were infused with a sense of human realities; he exempted soldiers from duty after 20 years of service, and, if he limited the price of commodities so as to reduce the cost of living, it was mainly to make life easier for the troops. If one is to believe Lactantius, Diocletian divided the provinces “so as to make himself more feared,” but in fact it was to bring the governors closer to those they administered and, by fragmenting their power, to diminish their territorial strength. He undertook to facilitate economic development through a recovery of agriculture and a program of building.
Such policies were expensive, as were wars and the legacy of an unstable financial situation. Diocletian’s fiscal solutions are still debated; they constitute a very difficult problem. Two new taxes were instituted, the jugum and the capitatio, the former being the tax on a unit of cultivable land, the latter, a tax on individuals. Taxes were levied on a proportional basis, the amount of the contribution being determined by the productivity and type of cultivation. As a rule, it was a sort of socioeconomic taxation based on the linkage between humans and land in terms of either ownership or productivity. Assessments were made every five years; later, the system was consolidated into a cycle of 15 years called an indictio. This census of taxable adults gave rise to violent criticisms but had the theoretical advantage of replacing the arbitrary levies of the previous era. To be sure, the financial system was subject to excesses; but Diocletian’s purpose was to obtain funds, and he did not even spare Italy, which had until then been free of land taxation.
This reform was accompanied by a monetary reform, including restoration of a sound gold and silver coinage of fixed design, creation of a new bronze coin, circulation of small coins to facilitate daily financial exchange, decentralization of minting, and an increase in the number of mints from 8 to 15.

All of these measures tended to stave off financial crises. The renowned Edictum de Maximis Pretiis was issued in 301 ce, fixing wages and establishing maximum prices, so as to prevent inflation, abusive profits, and the exploitation of buyers. About 1,000 articles were enumerated, and violation was punishable by death; severe penalties were exacted of black marketeers. But even so, this regulation of prices and wages was not enforceable, and the edict was later revoked.
Persecution of Christians
The end of the reign was darkened by the last major persecution of the Christians. The reasons for this persecution are uncertain, but various explanations have been advanced: the possible influence of Galerius, a fanatic follower of the traditional Roman religion; the desire to restore complete unity, without tolerance of a foreign cult that was seen as separatist and of individuals who were forming a kind of state within the state; the influence of anti-Christian philosophers such as Porphyry and governors such as Hierocles on the scholarly class and on the imperial court; the fear of an alienation of rebellious armies from emperor worship; or perhaps the disturbances provoked by the Christians themselves, who were agitated by doctrinal controversies. At any rate, some or all of these factors led Diocletian to publish the four edicts of 303–304, promising all the while that he would not spill blood. His vow went unheeded, however, and the persecutions spread through the empire with an extreme violence that did not succeed in annihilating Christianity but caused the faith of the martyrs to blaze forth instead.
Diocletian had aged prematurely through illness. Perhaps he decided that, after 20 years of reign, his abdication was also “fateful.” Of his own volition he decided to entrust the affairs of the empire to younger men and returned first to Nicomedia, then to the neighbourhood of Salonae, on the edge of the Adriatic, where he had a magnificent palace built (the modern town of Split, Croatia, occupies the site of its ruins). He abdicated May 1, 305, and his death occurred almost unnoticed.
Diocletian had reorganized the empire without political romanticism. His reforms had not proceeded from a premeditated plan but had imposed themselves out of historical necessity. He may be accused of several things: of having been cruel, but his harshness was not the act of deep-seated brutality; of being miserly, but this miserliness was inspired by the desire to obtain resources for the state; of cutting a slightly muddle-headed, visionary figure, but these were the traits that led him to reflect on better methods of governing an immense territory; of having paved the way to bureaucracy and technocracy, but this was done with greater efficiency in view. Personally, Diocletian was a religious man. No doubt he did not manifest any unusual piety, but he always thought that the gods of the emperors governed the world. He exercised an absolute, “divine right” monarchy, and he surrounded it with majesty.
Partially he failed in his task, and one can rightly say that the state he created was not “the new house he intended to build, but rather an emergency shelter,” which offered protection against storms with the help of the gods. The fact remains that he was, in his actions, his religion, and his time, vir rei publicae necessarius, “the man whom the State needed.”
Jean Cousin The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica