Circumnavigation of the globe of Ferdinand Magellan
- Portuguese:
- Fernão de Magalhães
- Spanish:
- Fernando de Magallanes or Hernando de Magallanes
- Born:
- 1480, Sabrosa or Porto?, Portugal
- Died:
- April 27, 1521, Mactan, Philippines
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After Magellan’s death only two of the ships, the Trinidad and the Victoria, reached the Moluccas. Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa, Magellan’s master-at-arms, attempted to return to Spain on the Trinidad, but it soon became evident that the ship was no longer seaworthy. Espinosa himself then was arrested by Portuguese officials and imprisoned. Cano, originally master of the Concepción and a participant in the mutiny at Port Saint Julian, took the chance of continuing westward with the Victoria, as he likely determined that the crew would not survive another extremely hard voyage across the Pacific. On his way across the Indian Ocean and up the western coast of Africa, he had the chance not to be intercepted by the Portuguese ships that regularly traveled the route. For taking home to Spain, on September 8, 1522, the leaking but spice-laden Victoria, with only 17 other European survivors and a small number of Moluccans, “weaker than men have ever been before,” Cano received from Emperor Charles an augmentation to his coat of arms—a globe with the inscription “Primus circumdedisti me” (“You were the first to encircle me”).
Mairin Mitchell Francisco Contente DominguesLegacy
Magellan was undoubtedly one of the most skilled sailors of the great age of European maritime discoveries. Yet because he sailed in the service of the king of Spain, Portuguese historians have tended not to grant him the credit given to other eminent Portuguese navigators, such as Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama. Spanish historians, on the other hand, have preferred to emphasize the role of the Spanish (actually Basque) navigator Cano. However, Magellan did only what his predecessors Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and Amerigo Vespucci had done: lacking the opportunity to pursue their goals under the sponsorship of their own country, they looked for support elsewhere. This was a common attitude in the 15th and 16th centuries, a time before the age of nationalism and a time when men pledged allegiance not to the place where they were born but to a king. The early explorers served the monarch who supported their goals of fortune and fame, and the monarch in turn accepted the fealty of men who would enhance the wealth and power of the crown.
Notwithstanding the neglect of Iberian historians, Magellan’s complex character, his uncommonly eventful life, and the extreme difficulty of the voyage itself have fueled imaginations ever since the first account of the expedition—recorded by one of its few survivors, Antonio Pigafetta—appeared in the 16th century. Later biographers, such as the 20th-century writer Stefan Zweig, have portrayed Magellan as a symbol of the human capacity to succeed against all odds. Other contemporary authors have attempted to illustrate the magnitude of his accomplishment by likening his voyage through unknown waters to the first explorations of space.
Such a comparison might even be said to underestimate Magellan’s feat—a 16th-century maritime expedition was arguably much more unpredictable, and hence far more perilous, than computer-assisted space travel—but in any case, the achievements of Magellan were of profound importance. His supreme accomplishment was the discovery and crossing of the South American strait that bears his name—a major navigational task, considering the knowledge of the period. Moreover, being the first to traverse the “Sea of the South” from east to west, he demonstrated the immensity of the Pacific Ocean and the challenges it posed to navigation. Finally, the idea of the voyage itself had relied on the not-undisputed idea of a spherical Earth. The circumnavigation completed by Magellan’s expedition thus confirmed the conception of the world as a globe.