François Clouet
François Clouet (born c. 1515, /20, Tours, Fr.—died 1572, Paris) was a French painter who immortalized in his portraits the society of the court of the royal house of Valois.
The son of Jean Clouet, he was known also under his father’s byname, Janet, a circumstance that created a persistent confusion between the works of these two painters. François worked with Jean possibly as early as 1536 and replaced him in 1540 as official painter to Francis I. He continued in this office, serving under Henry II, Francis II, and Charles IX. He directed a large workshop in which miniaturists, enamel designers, and decorators carried out his projects. In addition to making portraits, he painted genre subjects, including nude figures (e.g., “Diane de Poitiers”) and theatrical scenes—the latter attested by an engraving, as well as by a picture entitled “Scene of the Commedia dell’Arte.” He also supervised the decorations for funeral ceremonies and for the triumphal entries of the French kings.
It has been possible to identify his work on the basis of two signed pictures, “Diane de Poitiers” and the “Portrait of Pierre Quthe” (1562), and of another one bearing a 16th-century ascription to him, “Portrait of Charles IX, Full-Length” (probably 1569). The identification of the preparatory drawing for the last picture has enabled experts to attribute 50 portrait drawings and several painted portraits to François.

François Clouet was a typical Renaissance painter, closely related to the humanistic circles and praised by many poets of his day, including Pierre de Ronsard and Joachim du Bellay. As a portrait painter he was less profound than Jean Clouet, although he was able to render a more vivid, fleeting expression of the face. His drawings are characteristic of the French Renaissance with their almost dry precision, elegant stylization, and clear-cut plasticity.