Last years (1817–32) of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Born:
- August 28, 1749, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]
- Died:
- March 22, 1832, Weimar, Saxe-Weimar (aged 82)
- Notable Works:
- “Alexis und Dora”
- “Auf dem See”
- “Clavigo”
- “Der Gross-Cophta”
- “Egmont”
- “Faust”
- “Götz von Berlichingen”
- “Hermann und Dorothea”
- “Iphigenie in Tauris”
- “Stella”
- “The Erl-King”
- “The Sorrows of Young Werther”
- “The Theatrical Mission of Wilhelm Meister”
- “Torquato Tasso”
- “Über allen Gipfeln”
- “Venetian Epigrams”
- “Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship”
- Movement / Style:
- Sturm und Drang
The year 1817 saw the marriage of Goethe’s son, as well as Goethe’s resignation from the post of director of the Weimar theatre and his final surrender of the Frankfurt citizenship that he still nominally retained. He had to make a new will and could see his 70th birthday approaching. The period until 1823 was one of tidying up at the end of life. But there was no decline in Goethe’s energies. He completed another collected edition with Cotta, began some more-impersonal autobiographical memoirs (Tag- und Jahreshefte [1830; “Journals and Annals”]), wrote a vivid account of his military experiences in 1792 and 1793 (Campagne in Frankreich, Belagerung von Mainz [1822; “Campaign in France, Siege of Mainz”]), rather hastily finished off The Wanderings of Wilhelm Meister, and brought out many of his earlier, hitherto unpublished scientific writings in a new irregular periodical (Zur Naturwissenschaft Überhaupt [“On Natural Science in General”]). He also took up a new scientific interest, meteorology.
One more crisis remained. In 1818 Goethe resumed his summer visits to Bohemia. In Marienbad he was the guest of the Levetzow family and fell in love with the family’s daughter Ulrike, to whom in 1823, when she was 19 and shortly before his 74th birthday, he proposed marriage. Family reluctance probably played as great a part in Ulrike’s refusal as any personal disinclination. In anguish Goethe returned to Weimar, drafting in the carriage the poem “Elegie” (“Elegy”), which he later made into the centrepiece of “Trilogie der Leidenschaft” (1827; “Trilogy of Passion”).
Goethe stayed in Weimar and its immediate surroundings for the rest of his life. It was a final stage of renunciation, an acknowledgement of the reality of passing time and strength and life. But it was also a time of extraordinary, indeed probably unparalleled literary achievement by a man of advanced age. Partly in order to secure the financial future of his family—he now had three grandchildren and could not know that they would all die without issue—he prepared a final collected edition of his works, initially in 40 volumes, the Ausgabe letzter Hand (“Edition of the Last Hand”). In the course of this huge task, he rewrote and greatly extended The Wanderings of Wilhelm Meister (1821; 2nd ed. 1829). Less a novel than a collection of stories, extracts, and reflections in which fact and fiction, the prosaic and the intensely poetic, interact unpredictably, the book is held together by a framework narrative that violates conventional expectations as deliberately as much 20th-century experimental writing. It also engages directly with such 19th-century themes as industrialization, utopian socialism, public education, and immigration to America. He wrote a fourth section of his autobiography Poetry and Truth, completing the story of his life up to his departure for Weimar in 1775; he compiled an account of his time in Rome in 1787–88, Zweiter Römischer Aufenthalt (1829; “Second Sojourn in Rome”); and above all he wrote part two of Faust, of which only a few passages had been drafted in 1800. Yet he did not cut himself off from the world. He followed public events closely, such as the establishment of the first railways in Britain in 1825 and the July Revolution in France in 1830 (which influenced the closing scenes of Faust). In literature he read the first works of the Victor Hugo and Honoré de Balzac. His correspondence had become enormous, and the stream of visitors was never-ending—among them Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Heinrich Heine, Franz Grillparzer, William Makepeace Thackeray, Felix Mendelssohn, and King Louis (Ludwig) I of Bavaria, but also hopeful young unknowns, such as the would-be poet Johann Peter Eckermann, who, by noting down Goethe’s conversations at this time, wrote what Friedrich Nietzsche called “the best German book in existence.”
The year 1829 brought celebrations throughout Germany of Goethe’s 80th birthday. It also brought the first performance in Weimar of part one of Faust; Goethe assisted with the rehearsals but did not attend the performance. As he grew older, deaths naturally accumulated round him: Frau von Stein in 1827, Duke Charles Augustus in 1828. In 1830, however, came the unexpected and terrible news that his son had died in Rome during his own Italian journey. Goethe fell seriously ill immediately but recovered. He still had work to do, and only in August 1831—when, shortly before his 82nd birthday, he sealed the manuscript of part two of Faust for publication after his death—did he say he could regard any life that remained to him as a “pure gift.” The following spring, having caught a cold, he died of a heart attack, sitting in his armchair in the modest little bedroom beside his study, on March 22, 1832, at about 11:30 in the morning.