Philosophy of social institutions of John Searle
Searle’s interest in social institutions, like his interest in the mind, was also an outgrowth of his study of language. Speech acts, after all, are linguistic entities embedded in social settings. Searle was thus naturally drawn to questions concerning the constitution and creation of social institutions.
A key notion in Searle’s account of social institutions is that of a collective intention, such as the intention expressed by “Let’s push the log at the count of three.” Collective intentions, or “we-intentions,” entail the existence of individual intentions, or “I-intentions,” because a person cannot intend that he and others do something without also intending that he do his part (and because there is no distinct entity, over and above the individual, that could be said to be the bearer of a collective intention). Although we-intentions are held only by individuals, they are not reducible to I-intentions; in other words, a we-intention is not merely the sum of a certain number of I-intentions. This fact is evident, according to Searle, in any example of cooperative behaviour, such as a football (soccer) game or an orchestral performance. The we-intention to run a set piece in football is not equivalent to the sum of I-intentions to run, kick, or head; and the we-intention to perform a symphony is not equivalent to the sum of I-intentions to play a certain sequence of notes on a certain instrument.
According to Searle, objective social reality is literally created by means of we-intentions. The general form of such intentions is “X counts as Y in context C” or “X becomes Y in context C.” By adopting a we-intention that X counts as or becomes Y in C, individuals make it an objective fact that X counts as or becomes Y in C. A familiar example is the institution of money, which is created by the we-intention to treat certain pieces of paper or metal, issued by the appropriate governmental authority, as money.
An important feature of we-intentions in their role as creators of social institutions is that they can be iterated: given a we-intention of the form “X counts as Y in C,” the “Y” in the intention may become the “X” in a higher-level intention. For example, a certain utterance (X) counts as an English sentence (Y) in the context of an intention (by an English speaker) to utter an English sentence (C); an English sentence (X) counts as a promise (Y) in the context of an intention by the speaker that he do what he says he will do (C); the making of a promise (X) counts as getting married (Y) in the context of a marriage ceremony (C); and so on. According to Searle, the possibility of this kind of iteration helps to explain how complex social institutions are created out of simpler ones. Other examples of social institutions created by we-intentions are employment, ownership of private property, games, universities, political parties, governments, and, most importantly for Searle, language.
Searle wrote scores of journal articles and several books. In addition to Speech Acts, the latter included: Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts (1979), Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind (1983), The Rediscovery of the Mind (1992), The Construction of Social Reality (1995), Rationality in Action (2001), and Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization (2010).