Military campaigns and uneasy peace
- French in full:
- Napoléon Bonaparte
- Original Italian:
- Napoleone Buonaparte
- Byname:
- the Corsican or the Little Corporal
- French byname:
- Le Corse or Le Petit Caporal
- Died:
- May 5, 1821, St. Helena Island (aged 51)
- Title / Office:
- emperor (1815-1815), France
- emperor (1804-1814), France
- Founder:
- Saint-Cyr
- Political Affiliation:
- Jacobin Club
- House / Dynasty:
- Bonaparte family
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Joséphine
- spouse Marie-Louise
- father Carlo Maria Buonaparte
- mother Letizia Buonaparte
- son Alexandre-Florian-Joseph Colonna, Comte Walewski
- son Napoléon-François-Charles-Joseph Bonaparte, Herzog von Reichstadt
- brother Lucien Bonaparte
- brother Louis Bonaparte
- brother Joseph Bonaparte
- brother Jérôme Bonaparte
- sister Pauline Bonaparte
- sister Élisa Bonaparte
- sister Caroline Bonaparte
- Role In:
- Battle of Austerlitz
- Battle of Borodino
- Battle of Dresden
- Battle of Eylau
- Battle of Friedland
- Battle of Jena
- Battle of Leipzig
- Battle of Lodi
- Battle of Marengo
- Battle of Smolensk
- Battle of Ulm
- Battle of Wagram
- Battle of Waterloo
- Battle of the Pyramids
- Concordat of 1801
- Continental System
- Coup of 18–19 Brumaire
- French Revolution
- French Revolutionary wars
- Napoleonic Wars
- Peninsular War
- Siege of Acre
- Siege of Mantua
- Siege of Toulon
- Treaty of Amiens
- Treaty of Campo Formio
- Treaty of Pressburg
- Treaty of Schönbrunn
- Treaties of Tilsit
News •
The first consul spent the winter and spring of 1799–1800 reorganizing the army and preparing for an attack on Austria alone, Russia having withdrawn from the anti-French coalition. With his usual quick assessment of the situation, he saw the strategic importance of the Swiss Confederation, from which he would be free to outflank the Austrian armies either in Germany or in Italy as he might see fit. His past successes made him choose Italy. Taking his army across the Great St. Bernard Pass before the snow melted, he appeared unexpectedly behind the Austrian army besieging Genoa. The Battle of Marengo in June gave the French command of the Po valley as far as the Adige, and in December another French army defeated the Austrians in Germany. Austria was forced to sign the Treaty of Lunéville of February 1801, whereby France’s right to the natural frontiers that Julius Caesar had given to Gaul—namely, the Rhine, the Alps, and the Pyrenees—was recognized.
Great Britain alone remained at war with France, but it soon tired of the struggle. Preliminaries of peace, concluded in London in October 1801, put an end to hostilities, and peace was signed at Amiens on March 27, 1802.
General peace was reestablished in Europe. The first consul’s prestige increased still more, and his friends—at his suggestion—proposed that a “token of national gratitude” should be offered to him. In May 1802 it was decided that the French people should vote in referendum on the following question: “Shall Napoleon Bonaparte be consul for life?” In August an overwhelming vote granted him the prolongation of his consulate as well as the right to designate his successor.
Bonaparte’s conception of international peace differed from that of the British, for whom the Treaty of Amiens represented an absolute limit beyond which they were under no circumstances prepared to go. The British even hoped to take back some of the concessions they had been forced to make. For Bonaparte, on the other hand, the Treaty of Amiens marked the starting point for a new French ascendancy. He was, first of all, intent on reserving half of Europe as a market for France without lowering customs duties—to the indignation of British merchants. To revive France’s expansion overseas, he also intended to recover Saint-Domingue (Haiti; governed from 1798 by the black leader Toussaint Louverture), to occupy Louisiana (ceded to France by Spain in 1800), perhaps to reconquer Egypt, and at any rate to extend French influence in the Mediterranean and in the Indian Ocean. In continental Europe he advanced beyond France’s natural frontiers, incorporating Piedmont into France, imposing a more centralized government on the Swiss Confederation, and in Germany compensating the princes dispossessed of territory on the Rhine under the Treaty of Lunéville with shares of the secularized ecclesiastical states.
Great Britain was alarmed by this expansion of France in peacetime and found it scarcely tolerable that one state should command the coastline of the Continent from Genoa to Antwerp. The immediate occasion of Franco-British rupture, however, was the problem of Malta. According to the Treaty of Amiens, the British, who had taken the island on the collapse of the French occupation, should have restored it to the Hospitallers; but the British, on the pretext that the French had not yet evacuated certain Neapolitan ports, refused to leave the island. Franco-British relations became strained, and in May 1803 the British declared war.

The empire
The peace settlement had brought about the life consulate; the return of war was to stimulate the formation of the empire. The British government, which would have been glad to see Bonaparte deposed or removed by assassination, renewed its subsidies to the French royalists, who resumed their agitation and plotting. When a British-financed assassination plot was uncovered in 1804, Bonaparte decided to react vigorously enough to deter his opponents from any more such attempts. The police believed that the real head of the conspiracy was the young duc d’Enghien, a scion of the royal house of Bourbon, who was residing in Germany, a few miles across the frontier. Accordingly, with the agreement of Talleyrand and the police chief Joseph Fouché, the duke was kidnapped on neutral soil and brought to Vincennes, where he was tried and shot (March 21). This action provoked a resurgence of opposition among the old aristocracy but enhanced the influence of Fouché.
Read about five great political comebacks, including Napoleon’s.
Founding the empire
In the hope of consolidating his own position, Fouché now suggested to Bonaparte that the best way to discourage conspiracy would be to transform the life consulate into a hereditary empire, which, because of the fact that there would be an heir, would remove all hope of changing the regime by assassination. Bonaparte readily accepted the suggestion, and on May 18, 1804, the empire was proclaimed.
Though there was little change in the organization of the government of France, Napoleon as emperor revived a number of institutions similar to those of the ancien régime. In the first place, he wanted to be consecrated by the pope himself, so that his coronation should be even more impressive than that of the kings of France. Pius VII agreed to come to Paris, and the ceremony, which seemed equally outrageous to royalists and to the old soldiers of the Revolution, took place in Notre-Dame on December 2, 1804. At the last moment, the emperor took the crown from the pope and set it on his own head himself.
The imperial regime also instituted its symbols and titles. Princely titles were brought back for the members of Napoleon’s family in 1804, and an imperial nobility was created in 1808. As opposition was still lively, Napoleon intensified his propaganda and imposed an increasingly strict censorship on the press. A dictatorial regime allowed him to carry on his wars for years without worrying about French public opinion. Having been president of the Italian Republic (as the Cisalpine Republic was renamed) since January 1802, Napoleon in March 1805 was proclaimed king of Italy and crowned in Milan in May.