Attempts at reform of Napoleon III
- Also called (until 1852):
- Louis-Napoléon
- In full:
- Charles-Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte
- Born:
- April 20, 1808, Paris
- Title / Office:
- emperor (1852-1871), France
- president (1851-1852), France
- president (1848-1850), France
- Political Affiliation:
- Bonapartist
- House / Dynasty:
- Bonaparte family
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Eugénie
- father Louis Bonaparte
- mother Hortense
- son Louis Bonaparte
In 1860 Napoleon III believed his regime to be stable enough to grant certain freedoms. The commercial treaty with Great Britain was to be the beginning of a new economic policy based on free-trade principles, with the aim of increasing prosperity and decreasing the cost of living. Dissatisfied with the functioning of the legislature, the Emperor decided to give “the great bodies of the state a more direct part in the formation of the general policy of our government.”
His hopes were not fulfilled to the extent he had expected. A deterioration in the economy caused dissatisfaction among the middle class and the working people, who joined the Catholics, angered by his anti-papal Italian policy, to become a steadily growing opposition. In the elections of 1857 only five members of the opposition had gained seats in the National Assembly; six years later there were 32.
At this very time, repeated bladder-stone attacks temporarily incapacitated the Emperor, who had been in poor health since 1856. He had always insisted on exercising control over all decisions of government; in his ministers he had seen nothing but tools. Now, he became dependent on persons in his entourage who formed groups and intrigued against each other. In 1863 the authoritarian Eugène Rouher, nicknamed the “Vice Emperor,” became prime minister; on the other hand, Napoleon III took the advice of his half brother the Duke of Morny to continue his policy of liberalization. With the help of his uncle Jérôme Bonaparte, who preached a democratic Bonapartism, he tried to win over the workers. But his concessions (freedom of coalition in 1864, freedom of assembly in 1868, extension of the rights of members of parliament, and liberalization of the press laws) were restricted by too many reservations and came too late. He allowed Victor Duruy, his minister of education from 1863, to fight clerical influence in education, yet on the other hand he tried to reconcile French Catholics by working for a compromise settlement in disputes between the papacy and the new Italian kingdom.
In 1861, by proposing to make the Austrian archduke Maximilian emperor of Mexico and by negotiating with the president of Ecuador about a projected “Kingdom of the Andes,” he had begun his Latin-American venture. He had expected material rewards for France and also hoped that the planned kingdom would check the growing influence of the United States in Latin America. Yet, as soon as the United States had concluded its Civil War it forced the French to withdraw. In Europe when the Polish insurrection broke out in 1863, he did not, in spite of his sympathy, dare to support Poland against Russia. Nevertheless, such sympathies led to an estrangement from Russia. Moreover, the great powers refused Napoleon’s proposal of a conference for the reorganization of Europe. Regarding Otto von Bismarck’s policy with a certain benevolence, he kept aloof when Prussia settled the Schleswig-Holstein question by a war on Denmark. He had always sympathized with Prussia and the idea of the extension of Prussia’s power in North Germany. He did not, however, openly tell Bismarck what price he demanded for his help. When in 1866, after routing Denmark, Prussia turned on its former ally, Austria, and defeated it more quickly than Napoleon had expected, he refused any armed intervention in its favour and only acted as mediator. Bismarck, however, was not willing to pay for Napoleon’s neutrality by the cession of German territories. The emperor’s plans to obtain compensation in Belgium failed, as did his attempt to gain Luxembourg in 1867. The retreat of Prussian troops from the fortress Luxemburg was no satisfactory reward: “Bismarck tried to cheat me. A French emperor cannot be cheated,” grumbled Napoleon III, not willing to allow the Prussians to cross the Main River line and extend their power into southern Germany, which was Bismarck’s obvious aim.
Last years
The emperor’s failures in foreign affairs strengthened the opposition. When in the 1869 elections the government received 4,438,000 votes against the opposition’s 3,355,000, Napoleon recognized that a genuine change of the regime was inevitable. In January 1870 he appointed Olivier-Émile Ollivier, whom Morny had recommended as the most appropriate prime minister for a liberal empire. The new Cabinet informed Great Britain and Prussia that France was ready to disarm, but Bismarck refused to cooperate.

On July 2 it became known that a Hohenzollern prince, a relative of the king of Prussia, was a candidate for the Spanish throne. In Paris this was regarded as Prussian interference in a French sphere of interest and a threat to security. Using his favourite means of secret diplomacy, Napoleon played a major part in causing the Hohenzollern prince to renounce his candidature. But then the sick emperor, influenced by the advocates of a belligerent policy, set out to humiliate Prussia by demanding that the candidature of the Hohenzollern prince would never be revived. As a result, war broke out on July 19. At the Battle of Sedan the sick emperor tried in vain to meet his death in the midst of his troops, but on September 2 he surrendered. He was deposed, and on September 4 the Third Republic was proclaimed.
Napoleon was released by the Germans and went to live in England. He studied technical and social problems, defended his politics in various publications, and even thought of landing in France to regain his throne. He died after undergoing an operation for the removal of bladder stones.
Heinrich Gustav Euler