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Human conceptual and linguistic creativity involves several mental faculties and entails the existence of some kind of mental organization. It depends on perceptual-articulatory systems and conceptual-intentional systems, of course, but on many others too, such as vision. According to Chomsky, the mind comprises an extensive cluster of innate “modules,” one of which is language. Each module operates automatically, independently of individual control, on the basis of a distinct, domain-specific set of rules that take determinate inputs from some modules and yield determinate outputs for others. In earlier work these operations were called “derivations”; more recently they have been called “computations.” The various modules interact in complex ways to yield perception, thought, and a large number of other cognitive products.
The language module seems to play a role in coordinating the products of other modules. The generative—specifically, recursive—properties of language enable humans to combine arbitrary concepts together in indefinitely many ways, thereby making the range of human thought virtually unlimited. When concepts are paired with sounds in lexical items (words), humans can say virtually anything and cooperate and make plans with each other. The fact that the language faculty yields this kind of flexibility suggests that the emergence of language in human evolutionary history coincided with the appearance of other cognitive capacities based on recursion, including quantification.
In a 2002 article, “The Language Faculty,” Chomsky and his coauthors Marc Hauser and W. Tecumseh Fitch divided the language faculty in a way that reflected what had been Chomsky’s earlier distinction between competence and performance. The faculty of language in the “narrow” sense (FLN) amounts to the recursive computational system alone, whereas the faculty in the broad sense (FLB) includes perceptual-articulatory systems (for sound and sign) and conceptual-intentional systems (for meaning). These are the systems with which the computational system interacts at its interfaces. Regarding evolution, the authors point out that, although there are homologues and analogs in other species for the perceptual-articulatory and conceptual-intentional systems, there are none for the computational system, or FLN. Conceivably, some cognitive systems of animals, such as the navigational systems of birds, might involve recursion, but there is no computational system comparable to FLN, in particular none that links sound and meaning and yields unbounded sentential “output.” FLN is arguably what makes human beings cognitively distinct from other creatures.
As suggested earlier, UG, or the language faculty narrowly understood (FLN), may consist entirely of Merge and perhaps some parameters specific to language. This raises the question of what the biological basis of FLN must be. What distinctive fact of human biology, or the human genome, makes FLN unique to humans? In a 2005 article, “Three Factors in Language Design,” Chomsky pointed out that there is more to organic development and growth than biological (genomic) specification and environmental input. A third factor is general conditions on growth resulting from restrictions on possible physical structures and restrictions on data analysis, including those that might figure in computational systems (such as language). For example, a bee’s genome does not have to direct it to build hives in a hexagonal lattice. The lattice is a requirement imposed by physics, since this structure is the most stable and efficient of the relevant sort. Analogous points can be made about the growth, structure, and operation of the human brain. If the parameters of UG are not specified by the language-specific parts of the human genome but are instead the result of third factors, the only language-specific information that the genome would need to carry is an instruction set for producing a single principle, Merge (which takes external and internal forms). And if this is the case, then the appearance of language could have been brought about by a single genetic mutation in a single individual, so long as that mutation were transmissible to progeny. Obviously, the relevant genes would provide great advantages to any human who possessed them. A saltational account such as this has some evidence behind it: 50,000 to 100,000 years ago, humans began to observe the heavens, to draw and paint, to wonder, and to develop explanations of natural phenomena—and the migration from Africa began. Plausibly, the introduction of the computational system of language led to this remarkable cognitive awakening.