- Byname:
- Philip of Macedon
- Born:
- 382 bce
- Died:
- 336, Aegae [now Vergina, Greece]
- Title / Office:
- king (359BC-336BC), Macedonia
- House / Dynasty:
- Argead dynasty
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Olympias
- son Alexander the Great
So ended, unworthily, the first of the great Macedonians. Everything known about him comes from Greek sources, which concentrate on his impact upon the Greeks and their history. Yet even more impressive, in view of Macedonia’s troubled and undistinguished past, would be the full story of his unification and expansion of his own kingdom; his control of its regional princes, nobles, and gentry and their retainers, to form a great Macedonian people, symbolized by the finest army the world had seen; and his continuing attrition by warfare and diplomacy, which in some 20 years reduced much of the Balkan peninsula to subservience.
The apparently untidy record of his campaigns into Illyria or Thrace and of his interventions with diplomacy or arms (or both) in Thessaly, Euboea, and the Peloponnese, which might suggest that repetition is a sign of incompetence, seem better interpreted as the work of a strategist operating always on several fronts, often preferring diplomacy to war, limited objectives to the grandiose, the smaller risks to the greatest; especially never forgetting that there is always another day. His decisive day at Chaeronea came, in a sense, because his true policy in Greece had failed, thanks partly to Demosthenes. But probably to take control of Greece without a Chaeronea was a real impossibility at this date (or indeed later).
Though Philip certainly wanted to be acceptable in Greece and did attract many important Greeks to his court, his philhellenism has been overrated: Olynthus and other Greek cities knew better. Though he cultivated the Athenians for reasons of high policy, there is no evidence that he ever in his life set foot in Athens, a remarkable piece of insouciance at every level. Pella, his capital, had long been a resort or refuge of great men of letters, and under Philip the connection with Plato’s Academy was preserved, Theopompus was entertained, and Isocrates was invited; the leading actors of the Athenian stage appeared in Macedonia, too. Aristotle, whose father had been physician to Amyntas, Philip’s father, spent three or four important years as Alexander’s tutor.
Philip presumably was at home with these people, but tradition says nothing of him as a man of letters himself or as an intellectual, though as an orator he could impress a party of Athenians that included Demosthenes and Aeschines and other professionals. His charm was great; he was by nature convivial, hospitable, and a bon viveur. Undoubtedly he drank too much and too often, with the saving grace that he was known to listen to home truths even when drunk. As a commander in the field he was unwearying, and in action he fought like a lion; in the end he was really disfigured with old wounds. He was a general perhaps not of genius but of a very high order, with the tactical skill to coordinate the cavalry and infantry arms which were largely of his own creating. Making and training over the years a great army, he was paradoxically sparing and even cautious in using it.
If he had survived to invade Asia, it would not have been to overthrow the Persian Empire. He might have established a Macedonian empire in Asia, perhaps, but it would have been a Mediterranean empire in character. The Greeks would have benefitted by colonization, but the problem of Greek freedom would have remained, with the political domination of the higher culture by the lower. Philip was aware of the problem, and the League of Corinth, with its facade of freedom, was his answer. It did not deceive the Greeks or satisfy them; but no later Macedonian king could improve on it. Philip had made Macedonia, and now Macedonia and its kings made world history.