Philip IV
- Byname:
- Philip the Fair
- French:
- Philippe le Bel
- Born:
- 1268, Fontainebleau, France
- Died:
- November 29, 1314, Fontainebleau (aged 46)
- Title / Office:
- king (1285-1314), France
- House / Dynasty:
- Capetian dynasty
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Joan I
- daughter Isabella of France
- Role In:
- Avignon papacy
Philip IV (born 1268, Fontainebleau, France—died November 29, 1314, Fontainebleau) was the king of France from 1285 to 1314 (and of Navarre, as Philip I, from 1284 to 1305, ruling jointly with his wife, Joan I of Navarre). His long struggle with the Roman papacy ended with the transfer of the Curia to Avignon, France (beginning the so-called Babylonian Captivity, 1309–77). He also secured French royal power by wars on barons and neighbours and by restriction of feudal usages. His three sons were successively kings of France: Louis X, Philip V, and Charles IV.
Early years
Born at Fontainebleau while his grandfather was still ruling, Philip, the second son of Philip III (the Bold) and grandson of St. Louis (Louis IX), was not yet three when his mother, Isabella of Aragon, died on her return from the Crusade on which Louis IX had perished. The motherless Philip and his three brothers saw little of their father, who, stricken by Isabella’s death, threw himself into campaigning and administrative affairs. His troubled childhood and the series of blows he suffered explain in some measure the conflicting elements in his adult personality. In 1274 his father married Marie de Brabant, a beautiful and cultivated woman, and, with her arrival at court, intrigue began to flourish. In the same year, the two-year-old Joan, heiress of Champagne and Navarre, was welcomed as a refugee. Reared with the royal children, she would, when she was 12, become the bride of Philip the Fair.
In 1276 Philip’s elder brother, Louis, died, and the shock of this event, which suddenly made Philip heir to the kingdom, was compounded by persistent rumours of poisoning and suspicions that Philip’s stepmother intended to see Isabella’s remaining sons destroyed. Vague allegations were circulated that Louis’s death was linked with certain unspecified “unnatural acts” of his father. These rumours, never satisfactorily put to rest, together with the unexpected change in Philip’s fortunes, apparently served to arouse in him feelings of insecurity and mistrust.
Consequently, Philip turned elsewhere in search of a model for his own conduct. He found it in Louis IX, whose memory was increasingly venerated as the number of miracles attributed to him mounted. Reports of Louis’s exacting standards of rulership and his saintly virtues were reinforced by the precepts of the religious advisers who surrounded the adolescent Philip. A more self-confident person might have been able to discriminate realistically among the sometimes artificially exaggerated stories and the utopian ideals. Philip, however, became convinced that it was his God-given duty to attain the lofty goals of his grandfather.
When Philip was 16, he was knighted and married to Joan of Navarre. In 1285 he accompanied his father to the south on a campaign to install Philip’s brother Charles on the throne of Aragon. He had no sympathy with the enterprise, however, which was backed by his stepmother and aimed against the king of Aragon, his late mother’s brother. When his father died in October 1285, Philip immediately abandoned the venture.

Wars with England and Flanders
In the first years of Philip’s reign the Aragonese affair was settled, and Philip intensified his predecessors’ efforts to reform and rationalize the administration of the realm. He dispatched investigators to inquire into the conduct of royal officials and into infringements upon royal prerogatives. Philip persisted in seeking such reforms, which strengthened the monarchy’s position but angered the nobles, townsmen, and ecclesiastics who had profited from the laxer policies of earlier kings.
War with England began in 1294, initiating a 10-year period of conflict that severely strained Philip’s resources. There had been some naval clashes, but full-scale war might well have been avoided had not Philip, perhaps in a fit of youthful bravado, decided to demonstrate his power over England’s mighty Edward I, his vassal, for control of the duchy of Gascony. Philip’s victories in 1297 may have satisfied his ambitions, but they brought no territorial gain, for the many lands that Philip had seized were returned. Nevertheless, the war was significant. First, the peace treaty of 1303 stipulated that Philip’s daughter Isabella should marry the future Edward II of England—an alliance that resulted in years of peace between the two kingdoms. Second, during the war, Philip’s vassal Guy of Dampierre, count of Flanders, had allied himself with Edward I, a move that Philip considered to be base treachery and that resulted in a breach between the two that persisted until long after Philip’s death.
Before the peace, but after fighting with England had ceased, Philip made a move to crush the Flemish, only to see a host of his nobles fall at the Battle of the Golden Spurs in 1302. This stunning defeat was redeemed two years later at Mons-en-Pévèle, where Philip showed exceptional personal courage. Finally, in 1305, Philip forced Flanders to accept a harsh peace treaty that exacted heavy reparations and humiliating penalties.
In financing the prolonged effort against Flanders, Philip had held assemblies and had bartered privileges and promises of reform for support in the war. Most important, in abandoning the property taxes that earlier had been levied for defense, he enforced the principle that all must fight to defend France but might purchase exemption if they wished. This successful policy was later employed as a regular wartime expedient by the French monarchy.