- In full:
- Ronald Wilson Reagan
- Died:
- June 5, 2004, Los Angeles, California (aged 93)
- Political Affiliation:
- Republican Party
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Jane Wyman
- spouse Nancy Reagan
- Role In:
- Cold War
- Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
- Iran-Contra Affair
- Korean Air Lines flight 007
- United States presidential election of 1952
- United States presidential election of 1956
- United States presidential election of 1960
- United States presidential election of 1964
- West Berlin discothèque bombing
- Economic Recovery Tax Act
- Libya bombings of 1986
- Reykjavík summit of 1986
- Tax Reform Act
News •
At the time of the presidential election of 1984, Reagan was at the height of his popularity. Using slogans such as “It’s morning in America” and “America is back,” his reelection campaign emphasized the country’s economic prosperity and its renewed leadership role in world affairs. On election day Reagan and Bush easily defeated their Democratic opponents, Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro, by 59 percent to 41 percent of the popular vote; in the electoral college Reagan received 525 votes to Mondale’s 13, the largest number of electoral votes of any candidate in history. With most of the country behind him, Reagan’s prospects in his second term appeared bright. Only two years later, however, he would become embroiled in the worst scandal of his political career, one that would cost him much popular and party support and significantly impair his ability to lead the country.
In early November 1985, at the suggestion of the head of the National Security Council (NSC), Robert (“Bud”) McFarlane, Reagan authorized a secret initiative to sell antitank and antiaircraft missiles to Iran in exchange for that country’s help in securing the release of Americans held hostage by terrorist groups in Lebanon. The initiative directly contradicted the administration’s publicly stated policy of refusing to negotiate with terrorists or to aid countries—such as Iran—that supported international terrorism. News of the arms-for-hostages deal, first made public in November 1986 (only one month after Reagan ordered raids on Libya in retaliation for its alleged involvement in the Berlin bombing), proved intensely embarrassing to the president. Even more damaging, however, was the announcement later that month by Attorney General Edwin Meese that a portion of the $48 million earned from the sales had been diverted to a secret fund to purchase weapons and supplies for the Contras in Nicaragua. The diversion was undertaken by an obscure NSC aide, U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, with the approval of McFarlane’s successor at the NSC, Rear Admiral John Poindexter. (North, as it was later revealed, had also engaged in private fund-raising for the Contras.) These activities constituted a violation of a law passed by Congress in 1984 (the second Boland Amendment) that forbade direct or indirect American military aid to the Contra insurgency.
In response to the crisis, by this time known as the Iran-Contra Affair, Reagan fired both North and Poindexter and appointed a special commission, headed by former senator John Tower of Texas (the Tower Commission), to investigate the matter. An independent counsel, Judge Lawrence Walsh, was also appointed, and the House and Senate began joint hearings to examine both the arms sales and the military assistance to the Contras. As a result of Walsh’s investigations, North and Poindexter were convicted on charges of obstructing justice and related offenses, but their convictions were overturned on appeal, on the ground that testimony given at their trials had been influenced by information they had supplied to Congress under a limited grant of immunity. Reagan accepted responsibility for the arms-for-hostages deal but denied any knowledge of the diversion. Although no evidence came to light to indicate that he was more deeply involved, many in Congress and the public remained skeptical. Nevertheless, most of the public eventually appeared willing to forgive him for whatever they thought he had done, and his popularity, which had dropped dramatically during the first months of the crisis, gradually recovered.
Retirement and declining health
In the presidential election of 1988, Reagan campaigned actively for the Republican nominee, Vice President Bush. In large part because of Reagan’s continued popularity, Bush defeated Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis by 53 percent to 46 percent in the popular vote; the vote in the electoral college was 426 to 111. Reagan retired to his home in Los Angeles, where he wrote his autobiography, An American Life (1990). In 1994, in a letter to the American people, Reagan disclosed that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease, a degenerative brain disorder.
To some observers Reagan’s declining health had been evident for many years. Mindful of her husband’s diminished capacity, Nancy Reagan occasionally would screen him from the press by intercepting reporters’ questions and then whispering an appropriate response in his ear. Reagan’s health problems made public appearances difficult for the former president, but his popularity hardly waned. National Airport in Washington, D.C., was renamed Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport by Congress and President Bill Clinton in February 1998. Reagan’s conservative policies and heated rhetoric had always infuriated liberals, and his administration had experienced its share of scandals and disappointments. But to his millions of fans and political admirers, this tribute was the least the government could do for the man who had helped to end the Cold War and restored, however fleetingly, the country’s confidence in itself and its faith in a better tomorrow.
Cabinet of President Ronald Reagan
The table provides a list of cabinet members in the administration of President Ronald Reagan.
January 20, 1981–January 20, 1985 (Term 1) | |
State | Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr. |
George Pratt Shultz (from July 16, 1982) | |
Treasury | Donald Thomas Regan |
Defense | Caspar Willard Weinberger |
Attorney General | William French Smith |
Interior | James Gaius Watt |
William Patrick Clark (from November 21, 1983) | |
Agriculture | John Rusling Block |
Commerce | Malcolm Baldrige |
Labor | Raymond Joseph Donovan |
Health and Human Services | Richard Schultz Schweiker |
Margaret Mary O'Shaughnessy Heckler (from March 9, 1983) | |
Housing and Urban Development | Samuel Riley Pierce, Jr. |
Transportation | Drew (Andrew) Lindsay Lewis, Jr. |
Elizabeth Hanford Dole (from February 7, 1983) | |
Energy | James Burrows Edwards |
Donald Paul Hodel (from December 8, 1982) | |
Education | Terrel Howard Bell |
January 20, 1985–January 20, 1989 (Term 2) | |
State | George Pratt Shultz |
Treasury | Donald Thomas Regan |
James Addison Baker III (from February 25, 1985) | |
Nicholas Frederick Brady (from August 18, 1988) | |
Defense | Caspar Willard Weinberger |
Frank Charles Carlucci III (from November 21, 1987) | |
Attorney General | William French Smith |
Edwin Meese III (from February 25, 1985) | |
Richard Lewis (Dick) Thornburgh (from August 11, 1988) | |
Interior | Donald Paul Hodel |
Agriculture | John Rusling Block |
Richard Edmund Lyng (from March 7, 1986) | |
Commerce | Malcolm Baldrige |
Calvin William Verity, Jr. (from October 19, 1987) | |
Labor | Raymond James Donovan |
William Emerson (Bill) Brock III (from April 29, 1985) | |
Ann Dore McLaughlin (from December 17, 1987) | |
Health and Human Services | Margaret Mary O'Shaughnessy Heckler |
Otis Ray Bowen (from December 13, 1985) | |
Housing and Urban Development | Samuel Riley Pierce, Jr. |
Transportation | Elizabeth Hanford Dole |
James Horace Burnley IV (from December 3, 1987) | |
Energy | John Stewart Herrington |
Education | Terrel Howard Bell |
William John Bennett (from February 7, 1985) | |
Lauro Fred Cavazos, Jr. (from September 20, 1988) |