Dogs & the Canine Family, MAN-YOR

Dog, (Canis lupus familiaris), domestic mammal of the family Canidae (order Carnivora). It is a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) and is related to foxes and jackals. The dog is one of the two most ubiquitous and most popular domestic animals in the world (the cat is the other). For more than 12,000 years it has lived with humans as a hunting companion, protector, object of scorn or adoration, and friend.
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Dogs & the Canine Family Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Manchester terrier
Manchester terrier, breed of dog developed in England from the whippet, a racing dog, and the black-and-tan terrier,......
maned wolf
maned wolf, (Chrysocyon brachyurus), rare large-eared member of the dog family (Canidae) found in remote plains......
Mastiff, breed of large working dog used as a guard and fighting dog in England for more than 2,000 years. Dogs......
Mexican hairless
Mexican hairless, breed of dog that is probably descended from hairless Chinese or African dogs that were taken......
Miniature Pinscher
Miniature Pinscher, breed of toy dog originating in Germany, perhaps as early as the 1600s. The dog may have been......
Newfoundland, large breed of working dog developed on Newfoundland island, possibly from crosses between native......
Norwegian elkhound
Norwegian elkhound, breed of dog that originated thousands of years ago in western Norway, where it was used as......
Norwich terrier
Norwich terrier, short-legged terrier breed developed about 1880 in England, where it soon became a fad with Cambridge......
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, breed of hard-working sporting dog developed in the 19th century in the Little......
Old English Sheepdog (OES)
Old English Sheepdog (OES), shaggy and smart herding dog developed in west England in the 18th century from dogs......
otterhound, dog breed first described in the 14th century. Developed in England to hunt otters on both land and......
Papillon, breed of toy dog known from the 16th century, when it was called a dwarf spaniel. A fashionable dog,......
Pekingese, breed of toy dog developed in ancient China, where it was held sacred and kept as a palace dog by members......
pit bull
pit bull, fighting dog developed in 19th-century England, Scotland, and Ireland from Bulldog and terrier ancestry......
pointer, highly regarded breed of sporting dog of hound, spaniel, and setter ancestry. The pointer derives its......
Pomeranian, breed of toy dog that can be traced back—like the related Keeshond, Samoyed, and Norwegian Elkhound—to......
Poodle, breed of dog thought to have originated in Germany but widely associated with France, where it is hugely......
Pug, breed of toy dog that probably originated in China and was introduced to England near the end of the 17th......
puli, small sheepdog breed introduced to Hungary about 1,000 years ago by the Magyars (early Hungarians). An agile......
raccoon dog
raccoon dog, (Nyctereutes procyonoides), member of the dog family (Canidae) native to eastern Asia and introduced......
red fox
red fox, (Vulpes vulpes), species of fox (family Canidae) found throughout Europe, temperate Asia, northern Africa,......
retriever, any of several sporting dogs bred and trained to retrieve game. Retrievers are characterized by water-resistant......
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian Ridgeback, South African hound dog breed characterized by a narrow band of hair that grows forward along......
Rottweiler, breed of working dog that is thought to be descended from drover dogs (cattle-driving dogs) left by......
Saint Bernard
Saint Bernard, working dog credited with saving the lives of more than 2,000 people in 300 years of service as......
Saluki, breed of hound whose ancestors may date to 7000 to 6000 bce. The breed was popular throughout the ancient......
Samoyed, breed of working dog developed in Siberia, where its ancestors were kept by the Nenets (formerly Samoyed......
Schipperke, Belgian dog breed that originated in Flanders (northern Belgium) as early as the 15th century. It was......
Schnauzer, any of three breeds of dog—the Miniature, Standard, and Giant—developed in Germany and noted for their......
Scottish deerhound
Scottish deerhound, dog breed called the “royal dog of Scotland,” known since the 16th century. It was once the......
Scottish terrier
Scottish terrier, short-legged terrier breed often held by its admirers to be the oldest of the Highland terriers,......
Sealyham terrier
Sealyham terrier, breed of terrier developed during the latter half of the 19th century by Capt. John Edwardes......
setter, any of three breeds of sporting dogs used in pointing game birds. Setters are derived from a medieval hunting......
sheepdog, In general, any dog breed developed to herd sheep; specifically, the border collie. Most sheepdog breeds......
Shetland Sheepdog
Shetland Sheepdog, small herding dog developed to control the small sheep, poultry, and ponies of Scotland’s Shetland......
Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu, breed of dog that originated in Japan some 2,300 years ago for small game and ground bird hunting. A......
Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu, Tibetan dog breed developed from the Pekingese and the Lhasa Apso. Listed in the toy group by the American......
Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky, breed of working dog raised in Siberia by the Chukchi people, who valued it as a sled dog and companion.......
silky terrier
silky terrier, Australian breed of toy dog, first shown in 1907. It originated in Sydney and was once known as......
silver fox
silver fox, (Vulpes fulva), red fox of North America in that colour phase when the fur is black with interspersed......
Skye terrier
Skye terrier, breed of dog that was originated as a hunter on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, and has remained relatively......
sled dog
sled dog, any canine used in Arctic climates to pull a sled across snow and ice. The breeds most commonly associated......
soft-coated wheaten terrier
soft-coated wheaten terrier, breed of dog developed from the terriers kept as farm dogs in Ireland. It was recognized......
South American fox
South American fox, (genus Lycalopex), any of six South American carnivores of the dog family (Canidae). Although......
spaniel, any of several sporting dogs used by hunters to flush game from cover. The earliest spaniels apparently......
spitz, any of a group of northern dogs—such as the Akita, Pomeranian, and Samoyed—characterized by a wolflike or......
sporting dog
sporting dog, dog that scents and either points, flushes, or retrieves birds and other game on land and in water.......
springer spaniel
springer spaniel, either of two ancient breeds of sporting dogs used to flush game from cover and to retrieve it.......
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Staffordshire Bull Terrier, breed of terrier developed in 19th-century England for fighting other dogs in pits.......
Sussex spaniel
Sussex spaniel, breed of sporting dog developed in Great Britain in the late 18th century; like other land spaniels,......
teacup dog
teacup dog, unofficial name for any of several breeds of dogs that are bred to be less than 4 to 6 pounds (1.8–2.7......
terrier, any of a diverse group of dog breeds of various sizes—from the diminutive Yorkshire Terrier to the large......
Tibetan terrier
Tibetan terrier, breed of nonsporting dog that originated in Tibet to aid shepherds. It was believed to bring luck......
toy dog
toy dog, Any of several breeds of dogs that were bred to be small, portable, good-natured companions. Toy dogs......
Vizsla, breed of sporting dog whose ancestors were probably brought to Hungary by the Magyars more than a thousand......
Weimaraner, sporting dog breed developed in the early 19th century by German nobles of the court of Weimar. First......
Welsh Corgi
Welsh Corgi, either of two breeds (Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Cardigan Welsh Corgi) of affectionate dogs developed......
Welsh terrier
Welsh terrier, breed of terrier native to Wales, where it has been used as a hunter of foxes, otters, and badgers.......
West Highland white terrier
West Highland white terrier, a short-legged dog standing 10 to 11 inches (25 to 28 cm) tall and weighing 13 to......
whippet, hound breed developed in mid-19th-century England to chase rabbits for sport in an arena. The breed was......
wolf, any of two species of wild doglike carnivores. The gray, or timber, wolf (Canis lupus) is the better known.......
working dog
working dog, any of various breeds of dog bred as guard, herding, draft, or rescue animals. Breeds range from medium......
Yorkshire Terrier dog
Yorkshire Terrier dog, breed of toy dog developed about the mid-1800s in the English counties of Yorkshire and......

Dogs & the Canine Family Encyclopedia Articles By Title