Education, SLI-TRU

Promoting the development of the intellectual faculties in young people and teaching the values and the accumulated knowledge of a society is no easy task, and it's one that carries great responsibility. From at least the time of Plato, schools and academies have had an important role in the cultural molding of the young generations. This discipline is concerned with the methods of teaching and learning, which are an additional support to the informal means usually provided by the familial nucleus. Modern universities, colleges, and specialized academies provide an education often geared toward a specific professional field in all areas of human knowledge.
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Education Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Slippery Rock,......
Smith College
Smith College, liberal arts college for women in Northampton, Massachusetts, U.S. One of the Seven Sisters schools,......
Smith, George Washington
George Washington Smith was an American dancer, ballet master, and teacher, considered the only male American ballet......
Smith-Hughes Act
Smith-Hughes Act, U.S. legislation, adopted in 1917, that provided federal aid to the states for the purpose of......
Snouck Hurgronje, Christiaan
Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje was a professor and Dutch colonial official, a pioneer in the scientific study of Islam.......
Socratic method
Socratic method, a form of logical argumentation originated by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (c. 470–399......
Solana, Javier
Javier Solana is a Spanish politician who served as the ninth secretary-general (1995–99) of the North Atlantic......
Sorbon, Robert de
Robert de Sorbon was a French theologian, confessor to King Louis IX, and founder of the Sorbonne, a collegiate......
South Carolina State University
South Carolina State University, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Orangeburg, South Carolina,......
South Carolina, University of
University of South Carolina, coeducational U.S. state university system based in South Carolina’s capital city......
South Dakota State University
South Dakota State University, public coeducational institution of higher learning in Brookings, eastern South......
South Dakota, University of
University of South Dakota, public coeducational institution of higher learning in Vermillion, southeastern South......
South, University of the
University of the South, Private university in Sewanee, Tennessee, U.S., founded in 1857. Though affiliated with......
Southeast Missouri State University
Southeast Missouri State University, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Cape Girardeau, Missouri,......
Southern California, University of
University of Southern California (USC), private coeducational institution of higher education in Los Angeles,......
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Connecticut State University, public, coeducational institution of higher education in New Haven, Conn.,......
Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University, public coeducational institution of higher education in Carbondale and Edwardsville,......
Southern Methodist University
Southern Methodist University (SMU), private, coeducational institution of higher education located in University......
Southern Mississippi, University of
University of Southern Mississippi, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Hattiesburg, Mississippi,......
Southern University
Southern University, state-supported university system of Louisiana, U.S., comprising three coeducational units......
Spanish Riding School of Vienna
Spanish Riding School of Vienna, school of classical horsemanship in Vienna, probably founded in the late 16th......
special education
special education, the education of children who differ socially, mentally, or physically from the average to such......
Spelman College
Spelman College, private, historically black institution of higher learning for women in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.......
Spence, Catherine Helen
Catherine Helen Spence, was a writer and activist who sought to improve educational and welfare programs in Australia......
Spranger, Eduard
Eduard Spranger was a German educator and philosopher. He served as professor of philosophy in Leipzig (1911–20),......
Squarcione, Francesco
Francesco Squarcione was an early Renaissance painter who founded the Paduan school and is known for being the......
St. Andrews, University of
University of St. Andrews, oldest university in Scotland, officially founded in 1413, located in Fife region. The......
St. John’s College
St. John’s College, private coeducational institution of higher education at Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.; there is......
Stanford University
Stanford University, private coeducational institution of higher learning at Stanford, California, U.S. (adjacent......
Steiner, Rudolf
Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian-born spiritualist, lecturer, and founder of anthroposophy, a movement based on the......
Steinert, Otto
Otto Steinert was a German photographer, teacher, and physician, who was the founder of the Fotoform movement of......
STEM, field and curriculum centred on education in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics......
Stephen F. Austin State University
Stephen F. Austin State University, public, coeducational institution of higher education in Nacogdoches, Texas,......
Stewart, Maria
Maria Stewart was an American writer, lecturer, teacher, and activist who was the first known American woman to......
Stonyhurst College
Stonyhurst College, Roman Catholic school for boys in Lancanshire, Eng., conducted by the Jesuits. It originated......
Stowe, Calvin E.
Calvin E. Stowe was a professor of biblical studies who greatly influenced the development of public education......
Strachan, John
John Strachan was an educator and clergyman who, as the first Anglican bishop of Toronto, was responsible for organizing......
Strasberg, Lee
Lee Strasberg was a theatre director, teacher, and actor, known as the chief American exponent of “method acting,”......
Strasbourg, University of
University of Strasbourg, autonomous state-financed institution of higher learning in Strasbourg, France. The original......
student aid
student aid, form of assistance designed to help students pay for their education. In general, such awards are......
Sturm, Johannes
Johannes Sturm was a German educator whose Latin Gymnasium at Strassburg became a model for secondary schools in......
Sullivan, Anne
Anne Sullivan was an American teacher of Helen Keller, widely recognized for her achievement in educating to a......
Summerhill School
Summerhill School, experimental primary and secondary coeducational boarding school in Leiston, Suffolk, Eng. Founded......
Sungkyunkwan, national university of Korea under the Goryeo (935–1392) and Joseon (Yi; 1392–1910) dynasties. Named......
survival training
survival training, teaching people to survive in the wilderness, using essentially Stone Age skills. Such techniques......
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, U.S. It......
Swett, John
John Swett was an American educator known as the father of the California public school system. Swett was educated......
Sydney, University of
University of Sydney, coeducational institution of higher learning in Sydney, nominally private but supported financially......
Sylvester II
Sylvester II was the French head of the Roman Catholic church (999–1003), renowned for his scholarly achievements,......
Syracuse University
Syracuse University, private, coeducational institution of higher education, located in Syracuse, New York, U.S.......
Séguin, Edouard
Edouard Séguin was a French-born American psychiatrist who pioneered modern educational methods for teaching the......
Sālimīyah, school of Muslim theologians founded by the Muslim scholar and mystic Sahl at-Tustarī (d. ad 896). The......
Taba, Hilda
Hilda Taba was an Estonian-born American educator, who is considered one of the most-significant contributors to......
Talented Tenth
Talented Tenth, (1903), concept espoused by black educator and author W.E.B. Du Bois, emphasizing the necessity......
Tallchief, Marjorie
Marjorie Tallchief was a ballerina, dance teacher, and the first American ever to become the première danseuse......
Talmud Torah
Talmud Torah, (Hebrew: Study of the Torah), since late medieval and early modern times, an elementary school under......
Teach for America
Teach for America (TFA), nonprofit educational organization formed in 1990 to address underachievement in American......
team teaching
team teaching, approach to teaching dating from the late 1950s in which two or more teachers regularly share responsibility......
technical education
technical education, the academic and vocational preparation of students for jobs involving applied science and......
Temple University
Temple University, public, coeducational institution of higher learning based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.......
Temple, Frederick
Frederick Temple was the archbishop of Canterbury and an educational reformer who was sometimes considered to personify,......
Temple, William
William Temple was the archbishop of Canterbury who was a leader in the ecumenical movement and in educational......
Tennessee State University
Tennessee State University, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.,......
Tennessee, University of
University of Tennessee, state university system based in Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S. It is a comprehensive, land-grant......
Terrell, Mary Eliza Church
Mary Eliza Church Terrell was an American social activist who was cofounder and first president of the National......
test of teaching knowledge
test of teaching knowledge (TTK), any of various tests used to assess teachers’ knowledge before, during, and after......
Texas A&M University
Texas A&M University, state university system based in College Station, Texas, U.S., formed in 1948 as an outgrowth......
Texas Christian University
Texas Christian University, private, coeducational institution of higher education in Fort Worth, Texas, U.S. It......
Texas Southern University
Texas Southern University (TSU), public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Houston, Texas, U.S. TSU......
Texas State University
Texas State University, public, coeducational institution of higher education in San Marcos, Texas, U.S. It is......
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Lubbock, Texas, U.S. In addition......
Texas Woman’s University
Texas Woman’s University, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Denton, Texas, U.S. It focuses......
Texas, University of
University of Texas, state university system based in Austin, Texas, U.S. Branch campuses are located in Arlington......
The EdTech Challenge
No one marvels at the ballpoint pen or overhead projector as a powerful “learning technology.” In short order,......
Thoburn, Isabella
Isabella Thoburn was an American missionary to India whose work in education there culminated in the founding of......
Thomas Jefferson University
Thomas Jefferson University, private, state-aided, coeducational institution of higher education in Philadelphia,......
Thomas, Clarence
Clarence Thomas is an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1991, the second African......
Thomasius, Christian
Christian Thomasius was a German philosopher and progressive educator, who established the academic reputation......
Thomason, James
James Thomason was a British lieutenant governor of the North-Western Provinces in India and founder of a system......
Thring, Edward
Edward Thring was a schoolmaster whose reorganization of Uppingham School influenced public school education throughout......
Thun und Hohenstein, Leo, Count von
Leo, count von Thun und Hohenstein was a pro-Czech Austrian statesman and administrator who improved the educational......
Thursby, Emma Cecilia
Emma Cecilia Thursby was an American singer and educator who enjoyed a popular concert career in both Europe and......
Tikhomirov, Vasily Dmitrievich
Vasily Dmitrievich Tikhomirov was a ballet dancer and influential teacher who helped develop the vigorous style......
Till-Mobley, Mamie
Mamie Till-Mobley was an American educator and activist who helped galvanize the emerging civil rights movement......
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, case in which on February 24, 1969, the U.S. Supreme......
Title IX
Title IX, clause of the 1972 Federal Education Amendments, signed into law on June 23, 1972, which stated that......
Tokyo, University of
University of Tokyo, coeducational, state-financed institution of higher learning in Tokyo, the largest of Tokyo’s......
Toledo, University of
University of Toledo, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Toledo, Ohio, U.S. It offers more......
Tongwenguan, first institution in China for the study of Western thought and society. The Tongwenguan was originally......
Toronto, University of
University of Toronto, coeducational institution of higher learning that is the provincial university of Ontario......
Torres Bodet, Jaime
Jaime Torres Bodet was a Mexican poet, novelist, educator, and statesman. Torres Bodet studied law and literature......
Toulouse I, II, and III, Universities of
Universities of Toulouse I, II, and III, three autonomous coeducational state institutions of higher learning founded......
Towle, Katherine Amelia
Katherine Amelia Towle was an American educator and military officer who became the first director of women’s marines......
Towne, Laura Matilda
Laura Matilda Towne was an American educator known for founding one of the earliest and most successful of the......
Trinity College
Trinity College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Hartford, Conn., U.S. It is a nonsectarian......
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin, the oldest university in Ireland, founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland......
Troy Female Seminary
Troy Female Seminary, American educational institution, established in 1821 by Emma Hart Willard in Troy, New York,......
Truman State University
Truman State University, public, coeducational institution of higher learning in Kirksville, Mo., U.S. It is designated......

Education Encyclopedia Articles By Title