Literatures of the World, POR-ZAJ

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Literatures of the World Encyclopedia Articles By Title

poststructuralism, movement in literary criticism and philosophy begun in France in the late 1960s. Drawing upon......
praise song
praise song, one of the most widely used poetic forms in Africa; a series of laudatory epithets applied to gods,......
preciosity, style of thought and expression exhibiting delicacy of taste and sentiment, prevalent in the 17th-century......
Prix Goncourt
Prix Goncourt, French literary prize, one of the most important in France. It was first conceived in 1867 by the......
Provençal literature
Provençal literature, the body of writings in the Occitan, or Provençal, language of Provence and neighbouring......
Pulitzer Prize
Pulitzer Prize, any of a series of annual prizes awarded by Columbia University, New York City, for outstanding......
Punjabi literature
Punjabi literature, body of writing in the Punjabi language. Punjabi developed a written literature later than......
Pushkin Prize
Pushkin Prize, Russian literary prize established in 1881 in honour of Aleksandr Pushkin, one of Russia’s greatest......
pyŏlgok, Korean poetic form that flourished during the Koryŏ period (935–1392). Of folk origin, the pyŏlgok was......
qaṣīdah, poetic form developed in pre-Islamic Arabia and perpetuated throughout Islamic literary history into the......
Raven cycle
Raven cycle, collection of trickster-transformer tales originating among the Native Americans of the Northwest......
renga, genre of Japanese linked-verse poetry in which two or more poets supplied alternating sections of a poem.......
Restoration literature
Restoration literature, English literature written after the Restoration of the monarchy in England in 1660 following......
revenge tragedy
revenge tragedy, drama in which the dominant motive is revenge for a real or imagined injury; it was a favourite......
robāʿī, in Persian literature, genre of poetry consisting of a quatrain with the rhyme scheme aaba. Together with......
romancero, collective body of Spanish folk ballads (romances), which constitute a unique tradition of European......
Romanian literature
Romanian literature, body of writings in the Romanian language, the development of which is paralleled by a rich......
Romantic literature
Romantic literature, the body of written works produced during Romanticism, an attitude or intellectual orientation......
Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize
Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, annual prize given by the Poetry Foundation—an independent literary organization and publisher—to......
récit, a brief novel, usually with a simple narrative line. One of the writers who consciously used the form was......
rāwī, (Arabic: “reciter”), in Arabic literature, professional reciter of poetry. The rāwīs preserved pre-Islāmic......
sacra rappresentazione
sacra rappresentazione, (Italian: “holy performance”), in theatre, 15th-century Italian ecclesiastical drama similar......
Sangam literature
Sangam literature, the earliest writings in the Tamil language, thought to have been produced in three chankams,......
Sanskrit literature
Sanskrit literature, body of writings produced by the Aryan peoples who entered the Indian subcontinent from the......
satyr play
satyr play, genre of ancient Greek drama that preserves the structure and characters of tragedy while adopting......
saudade, (Portuguese: “yearning”), overtone of melancholy and brooding loneliness and an almost mystical reverence......
Scandinavian literature
Scandinavian literature, the body of works, both oral and written, produced within Scandinavia in the North Germanic......
scapigliatura, (Italian: “bohemianism”), a mid-19th-century avant-garde movement found mostly in Milan; influenced......
Scottish literature
Scottish literature, the body of writings produced by inhabitants of Scotland that includes works in Scots Gaelic,......
scél, (Old Irish: “story”; pl. scéla), in the Gaelic literature of Ireland, early prose and verse legends of gods......
senryu, three-line unrhymed Japanese poetic form structurally similar to haiku but treating human nature, usually......
Serbian literature
Serbian literature, the literature of the Serbs, a Balkan people speaking the Serbian language (referred to by......
shanshu, in Chinese religion, popular texts devoted to a moral accounting of actions leading to positive and negative......
shloka, chief verse form of the Sanskrit epics. A fluid meter that lends itself well to improvisation, the shloka......
shāʿir, (Arabic: “poet”), in Arabic literature, poet who in pre-Islāmic times was a tribal dignitary whose poetic......
Sicilian school
Sicilian school, group of Sicilian, southern Italian, and Tuscan poets centred in the courts of Emperor Frederick......
sijo, a Korean verse form appearing (in Korean) in three lines of 14 to 16 syllables. In English translation the......
Sindhi literature
Sindhi literature, body of writings in the Sindhi language, an Indo-Aryan language used primarily in Pakistan and......
skaldic poetry
skaldic poetry, oral court poetry originating in Norway but developed chiefly by Icelandic poets (skalds) from......
slave narrative
slave narrative, an account of the life, or a major portion of the life, of a fugitive or former slave, either......
Slovak literature
Slovak literature, the body of literature produced in the Slovak language. Until the 18th century there was no......
Slovene literature
Slovene literature, literature of the Slovenes, a South Slavic people of the eastern Alps and Adriatic littoral.......
Socialist Realism
Socialist Realism, officially sanctioned theory and method of literary composition prevalent in the Soviet Union......
sonioù, lyrical poem in the Breton language that may serve as a love song, satire, carol, or marriage lay. One......
South African literature
South African literature, the body of writings in either Afrikaans or English produced in what is now the Republic......
Spanish literature
Spanish literature, the body of literary works produced in Spain. Such works fall into three major language divisions:......
stracittà, an Italian literary movement that developed after World War I. Massimo Bontempelli was the leader of......
superfluous man
superfluous man, a character type whose frequent recurrence in 19th-century Russian literature is sufficiently......
Swahili literature
Swahili literature, that body of creative writing done in Swahili, a Bantu language of Africa. The earliest preserved......
Swedish Enlightenment
Swedish Enlightenment, period of rich development in Swedish literature during the second half of the 18th century......
Swedish literature
Swedish literature, the body of writings produced in the Swedish language within Sweden’s modern-day geographic......
Swiss literature
Swiss literature, properly, the writings in the only language peculiar to Switzerland, the Rhaeto-Romanic dialect......
Syriac literature
Syriac literature, body of writings in Syriac, an eastern Aramaic Semitic language originally spoken in and around......
Tamil literature
Tamil literature, body of writings in Tamil, a Dravidian language of India and Sri Lanka. Apart from literature......
tanka, in literature, a five-line, 31-syllable poem that has historically been the basic form of Japanese poetry.......
Telugu literature
Telugu literature, body of writings in Telugu, a Dravidian language spoken in an area north of Madras, India, and......
Thai literature
Thai literature, body of writings of the Thai (Siamese) people, historically fostered by the kings, who themselves......
theatres, war of the
war of the theatres, in English literary history, conflict involving the Elizabethan playwrights Ben Jonson, John......
Tibetan literature
Tibetan literature, body of largely religious and occult writings that has developed since the 7th century, when......
tradición, in Spanish-American literature, short prose sketch in which a historical incident is related in an imaginative......
troll, in early Scandinavian folklore, giant, monstrous being, sometimes possessing magic powers. Hostile to men,......
troubadour, lyric poet of southern France, northern Spain, and northern Italy, writing in the langue d’oc of Provence;......
Turkish literature
Turkish literature, the body of written works in the Turkish language. The Orhon inscriptions represent some of......
Turkmen literature
Turkmen literature, the body of written works produced by the Turkmen people of Central Asia. Reconstructing a......
Ukrainian literature
Ukrainian literature, the body of writings in the Ukrainian language. The earliest writings of the Ukrainians,......
Ulster cycle
Ulster cycle, in ancient Irish literature, a group of legends and tales dealing with the heroic age of the Ulaids,......
Urdu literature
Urdu literature, writings in the Urdu language of the Muslims of Pakistan and northern India. It is written in......
Uzbek literature
Uzbek literature, the body of written works produced by the Uzbek people of Central Asia, most of whom live in......
verismo, (Italian: “realism”), literary realism as it developed in Italy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.......
Vietnamese literature
Vietnamese literature, body of literature produced by Vietnamese-speaking people, primarily in Vietnam. Like the......
waka, Japanese poetry, specifically the court poetry of the 6th to the 14th century, including such forms as the......
Walloon literature
Walloon literature, the body of written works produced by Belgians in the local dialects of French and Latin origin......
Welsh literary renaissance
Welsh literary renaissance, literary activity centring in Wales and England in the mid-18th century that attempted......
Welsh literature
Welsh literature, body of writings in the Welsh language with a rich and unbroken history stretching from the 6th......
Western literature
Western literature, history of literatures in the languages of the Indo-European family, along with a small number......
yomihon, a subgenre of gesaku, a type of popular Japanese literature of the Tokugawa, or Edo, period (1603–1867).......
yuefu, form of Chinese poetry derived from the folk-ballad tradition. The yuefu takes its name from the Yuefu (“Music......
zaju, one of the major forms of Chinese drama. The style originated as a short variety play in North China during......

Literatures of the World Encyclopedia Articles By Title