Religious Beliefs, HAG-IMM

Our religious beliefs can affect our lifestyle, our perceptions, and our way of relating to fellow human beings. Is there a higher power (or powers) that governs the universe and judges all of us? Does committing a mortal sin mean the death of a soul, or is there a chance for forgiveness? The answers to such questions differ widely across different religions.
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Religious Beliefs Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Haggada, in Judaism, those parts of rabbinical, or Talmudic, literature that do not deal directly with the laws......
Haggadah, in Judaism, the special book containing the story of the biblical Exodus as it must be retold at the......
hagiography, the body of literature describing the lives and veneration of the Christian saints. The literature......
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, a principal prayer of the Roman Catholic Church, comprising three parts, addressed to the Virgin Mary.......
hajj, in Islam, the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which every adult Muslim must make at......
Halakhah, in Judaism, the totality of laws and ordinances that have evolved since biblical times to regulate religious......
halal, in Islam, any act or object sanctioned by Islamic law. Although the term may be broadly applied to virtually......
Hallel, (Hebrew: “Praise”), Jewish liturgical designation for Psalms 113–118 (“Egyptian Hallel”) as read in synagogues......
hallelujah, Hebrew liturgical expression, usually rendered in English as “praise the Lord.” It appears in the Hebrew......
halo, in art, radiant circle or disk surrounding the head of a holy person, a representation of spiritual character......
haltia, a Balto-Finnic domestic spirit who oversees the household and protects it from harm. The word haltia is......
hands, imposition of
imposition of hands, ritual act in which a priest or other religious functionary places one or both hands palms......
hanif, in the Qurʾān, the sacred scripture of Islām, an Arabic designation for true monotheists (especially Abraham)......
Hanukkah, Jewish festival that begins at sundown on Kislev 25 (usually in December, according to the Gregorian......
haoma, in Zoroastrianism, sacred plant and the drink made from it. The preparation of the drink from the plant......
harai, in Japanese religion, any of numerous Shintō purification ceremonies. Harai rites, and similar misogi exercises......
Haruspices, ancient Etruscan diviners, “entrail observers” whose art consisted primarily in deducing the will of......
Harvest Home
Harvest Home, traditional English harvest festival, celebrated from antiquity and surviving to modern times in......
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga, school of Yoga that stresses mastery of the body as a way of attaining a state of spiritual perfection......
Hauhau, any of the radical members of the Maori Pai Marire (Maori: “Good and Peaceful”) religion, founded in 1862......
Havdala, a ceremony in Jewish homes and in synagogues concluding the Sabbath and religious festivals. The ceremony......
hazing, form of initiation that occurs when new members enter certain social groups, most often characterized by......
headhunting, practice of removing and preserving human heads. Headhunting arises in some cultures from a belief......
healing cult
healing cult, religious group or movement that places major, or even exclusive, emphasis on the treatment or prevention......
Heathenry, a modern Pagan, or Neo-Pagan, religion. Its followers, Heathens, are inspired by the pre-Christian religions......
heaven, in many religions, the abode of God or the gods, as well as of angels, deified humans, the blessed dead,......
Heb-Sed, one of the oldest feasts of ancient Egypt, celebrated by the king after 30 years of rule and repeated......
Hebraic law
Hebraic law, body of ancient Hebrew law codes found in various places in the Old Testament and similar to earlier......
Hebrew literature
Hebrew literature, the body of written works produced in the Hebrew language and distinct from Jewish literature,......
heka, in ancient Egyptian religion, the personification of one of the attributes of the creator god Re-Atum; the......
hell, in many religious traditions, the abode, usually beneath the earth, of the unredeemed dead or the spirits......
Hellenistic religion
Hellenistic religion, any of the various systems of beliefs and practices of eastern Mediterranean peoples from......
heresy, theological doctrine or system rejected as false by ecclesiastical authority. The Greek word hairesis (from......
herm, in Greek religion, sacred object of stone connected with the cult of Hermes, the fertility god. According......
hermeneutics, the study of the general principles of biblical interpretation. For both Jews and Christians throughout......
hermit, one who retires from society, primarily for religious reasons, and lives in solitude. In Christianity the......
hero, in literature, broadly, the main character in a literary work; the term is also used in a specialized sense......
Hesychasm, in Eastern Christianity, type of monastic life in which practitioners seek divine quietness (Greek hēsychia)......
hex sign
hex sign, emblem painted on a barn, especially in Pennsylvania Dutch country, an agricultural region in southeastern......
hierophant, (“displayer of holy things”), in ancient Greece, chief of the Eleusinian cult, the best-known of the......
hieros gamos
hieros gamos, (Greek: “sacred marriage”), sexual relations of fertility deities in myths and rituals, characteristic......
High God
High God, in anthropology and the history of religion, a type of supreme deity found among many nonliterate peoples......
high place
high place, Israelite or Canaanite open-air shrine usually erected on an elevated site. Prior to the conquest of......
high priest
high priest, in Judaism, the chief religious functionary in the Temple of Jerusalem, whose unique privilege was......
hijiri, (Japanese: “holy man”), in Japanese religion, a man of great personal magnetism and spiritual power, as......
Hilaria, in Roman religion, day of merriment and rejoicing in the Cybele-Attis cult and in the Isis-Osiris cult,......
himoragi, in Japanese Shintō tradition, sacred areas or ritual precincts marked off by rocks, tree branches, and......
Hindu calendar
Hindu calendar, dating system used in India from about 1000 bce and still used to establish dates of the Hindu......
Hindu temple
Hindu temple, sacred space in Hinduism for devotional worship of Hindu deities. Temples are considered to be homes......
hippogriff, a legendary animal that has the foreparts of a winged griffin and the body and hindquarters of a horse.......
historical criticism
historical criticism, in the study of biblical literature, method of criticism of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)......
Hito-no-michi, (Japanese: “Way of Man”), Japanese religious sect founded by Miki Tokuharu (1871–1938); it was revived......
hitogami, (Japanese: “man-god”), a way of distinguishing certain characteristics of Japanese religion by focusing......
Hogmanay, New Year’s festival in Scotland and parts of northern England. The name is also used for the dole of......
Holi, Hindu spring festival celebrated in India and Nepal on the full-moon day of Phalguna (February–March). Participants......
Holy Cross, Exaltation of the
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, liturgical feast celebrated on September 14 to honour the cross on which Jesus Christ......
holy days of obligation
holy days of obligation, in the Roman Catholic Church, religious feast days on which Catholics must attend mass......
Holy Family, Feast of the
Feast of the Holy Family, Roman Catholic religious festival falling on the first Sunday after Christmas. Although......
Holy Innocents, Feast of the
Feast of the Holy Innocents, Christian feast in remembrance of the massacre of young children in Bethlehem by King......
holy order
holy order, any of several grades in the ordained ministry of some of the Christian churches, comprising at various......
Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday, Christian religious observance that ends the Lenten season, falling on the day before Easter Sunday.......
Holy Trinity, Feast of the
Feast of the Holy Trinity, Christian feast in honour of the Trinity, celebrated in Western liturgical churches......
holy war
holy war, any war fought by divine command or for a religious purpose. The concept of holy war is found in the......
holy water
holy water, in Christianity, water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy and is used in baptism and to......
Holy Week
Holy Week, in the Christian church, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, observed with special solemnity as......
Homoean, in the Trinitarian controversies of the 4th-century Christian Church, a follower of Acacius, bishop of......
homoousios, in Christianity, the key term of the Christological doctrine formulated at the first ecumenical council,......
honji-suijaku, Chinese Buddhist idea that was transmitted to Japan, greatly influencing the Shintō understanding......
hope, in Christian thought, one of the three theological virtues, the others being faith and charity (love). It......
horoscope, in astrology, a chart of the heavens, showing the relative positions of the Sun, the Moon, the planets,......
Hosanna, in modern speech and liturgical usage, a cry of praise to God. It has acquired this meaning through the......
houri, in Islām, a beautiful maiden who awaits the devout Muslim in paradise. The Arabic word ḥawrāʾ signifies......
house, in astrology, 1 of the 12 sectors, or divisions, of the celestial sphere. See...
hsüan, common term in most forms of Chinese religion and philosophy that connotes a hidden or occult dimension......
huaca, ancient Inca and modern Quechua and Aymara religious concept that is variously used to refer to sacred ritual,......
Huguenot, any of the Protestants in France in the 16th and 17th centuries, many of whom suffered severe persecution......
human composting
human composting, type of burial rite in which human remains are treated so as to turn into soil or compost. This......
human sacrifice
human sacrifice, the offering of the life of a human being to a deity. The occurrence of human sacrifice can usually......
hun, in Chinese Daoism, the heavenly (and more spiritual) “souls” of the human being that leave the body on death,......
Hungry Ghost Festival
Hungry Ghost Festival, frightening and festive Buddhist and Daoist holiday celebrated in East Asia and Southeast......
hvarenah, in Zoroastrianism, the attribute of kingly glory. Introduced to the Persian religion from Iran as part......
hymn, (from Greek hymnos, “song of praise”), strictly, a song used in Christian worship, usually sung by the congregation......
hātif, in Arab folklore, a mysterious nocturnal voice that is sometimes prophetic. A hātif is mentioned in the......
Hīnayāna, the more orthodox, conservative schools of Buddhism; the name Hīnayāna was applied to these schools by......
Hōtoku, semireligious movement among Japanese peasants initiated in the 19th century by Ninomiya Sontoku, who was......
I-Thou, theological doctrine of the full, direct, mutual relation between beings, as conceived by Martin Buber......
idiorrhythmic monasticism
idiorrhythmic monasticism, the original form of monastic life in Christianity, as exemplified by St. Anthony of......
idol, literally an image (from the Greek eidolon), particularly an image used as an object of worship. In philosophy,......
idolatry, in Judaism and Christianity, the worship of someone or something other than God as though it were God.......
ifrit, in Islamic mythology and folklore, a class of powerful malevolent supernatural beings. The exact meaning......
Iglesia ni Cristo
Iglesia ni Cristo (INC), international Christian religious movement that constitutes the largest indigenous Christian......
ihram, sacred state into which a Muslim must enter in order to perform the hajj (major pilgrimage) or the ʿumrah......
ijmāʿ, in Islamic law, the universal and infallible agreement of either the Muslim community as a whole or Muslim......
ijtihād, in Islamic law, the independent or original interpretation of problems not precisely covered by the Qurʾān,......
ikhtilāf, in Islam, differences of opinion on religious matters. Such diversity is permissible as long as the basic......
imam, in a general sense, one who leads Muslim worshippers in prayer. In a global sense, imam is used to refer......
Imbolc, (Middle Irish, probably literally, “milking”), ancient Celtic religious festival, celebrated on February......
Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception, Roman Catholic dogma asserting that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was preserved free from the......
immanence, in philosophy and theology, a term applied, in contradistinction to “transcendence,” to the fact or......

Religious Beliefs Encyclopedia Articles By Title