PEOPLE KNOWN FOR: computer science

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People known for
computer science
  • arts, visual
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  • philosophy and religion
  • sciences
  • sports and recreation
  • technology
103 Biographies
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John von Neumann
American mathematician
John von Neumann was a Hungarian-born American mathematician. As an adult, he appended von to his surname; the hereditary title had been granted his father in 1913. Von Neumann grew from child prodigy...
Vannevar Bush with Differential Analyzer
American engineer
Vannevar Bush was an American electrical engineer and administrator who developed the Differential Analyzer and oversaw government mobilization of scientific research during World War II. The son of a...
Alan Turing
British mathematician and logician
Alan Turing was a British mathematician and logician who made major contributions to mathematics, cryptanalysis, logic, philosophy, and mathematical biology and also to the new areas later named computer...
Julian Assange
WikiLeaks founder
Julian Assange is an Australian computer programmer who founded the media organization WikiLeaks. Practicing what he called “scientific journalism”—i.e., providing primary source materials with a minimum...
Steve Wozniak in 2014
American electronics engineer
Steve Wozniak is an American electronics engineer who cofounded, with Steve Jobs, Apple Computer and designed the Apple II, the first commercially successful personal computer. Wozniak—or “Woz,” as he...
Bill Gates
American computer programmer, businessman, and philanthropist
Bill Gates is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur who cofounded Microsoft Corporation, the world’s largest personal-computer software company. Gates wrote his first software program at the...
American businessman
Danny Hillis is an American pioneer of parallel processing computers and founder of Thinking Machines Corporation. The son of a U.S. Air Force epidemiologist, Hillis spent his early years traveling abroad...
Ahn Cheol-Soo
South Korean physician, educator, and entrepreneur
Ahn Cheol-Soo is a physician, educator, politician, and computer entrepreneur who founded AhnLab, Inc., South Korea’s largest Internet security firm. He later entered politics, establishing the People’s...
Ellison, Larry
American business executive
Larry Ellison is an American businessman and entrepreneur who was cofounder and chief executive officer (1977–2014) of the software company Oracle Corporation. His mother, Florence Spellman, was a 19-year-old...
Computer interface pioneer Douglas EngelbartEngelbart holding a video conference on the right side of the computer screen while working on a document with a remote collaborator during a 1968 computer conference in San Francisco, California.
American inventor
Douglas Engelbart was an American inventor whose work beginning in the 1950s led to his patent for the computer mouse, the development of the basic graphical user interface (GUI), and groupware. Engelbart...
Maurice Wilkes
British computer scientist
Maurice Wilkes was a British computer science pioneer who helped build the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC), the first full-size stored-program computer, and invented microprogramming....
Vinton Gray Cerf
American computer scientist
Vinton Cerf is an American computer scientist who is considered one of the founders, along with Robert Kahn, of the Internet. In 2004 both Cerf and Kahn won the A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in...
American computer scientist and futurist
Ray Kurzweil is an American computer scientist and futurist who pioneered pattern-recognition technology and proselytized the inevitability of humanity’s merger with the technology it created. Kurzweil...
Minsky, Marvin
American scientist
Marvin Minsky was an American mathematician and computer scientist, one of the most famous practitioners of the science of artificial intelligence (AI). Minsky won the 1969 A.M. Turing Award, the highest...
American computer scientist
Leonard Kleinrock is an American computer scientist who developed the mathematical theory behind packet switching and who sent the first message between two computers on a network that was a precursor...
Paul Allen
American investor and philanthropist
Paul Allen was an American investor and philanthropist best known as the cofounder of Microsoft Corporation, a leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. Allen was raised...
Edward Feigenbaum
American computer scientist
Edward Albert Feigenbaum is an American systems analyst and the most important pioneer in the development of expert systems in artificial intelligence (AI). The son of an accountant, Feigenbaum was especially...
Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore
American engineer and entrepreneur
Gordon Moore was an American engineer and cofounder, with Robert Noyce, of Intel Corporation. Moore studied chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley (B.S., 1950), and in 1954 he received a Ph.D....
British engineer
Tom Kilburn was a British engineer and co-inventor of the first working computer memory. Kilburn also designed and built the first stored-program computer and led a team that produced a succession of pioneering...
American computer scientist
Robert Kahn is an American electrical engineer, one of the principal architects, with Vinton Cerf, of the Internet. In 2004 both Kahn and Cerf won the A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer...
Australian-American scientist
Rodney Brooks is an Australian computer scientist, artificial intelligence scientist, and designer of mobile autonomous robots. While attending Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia, where he...
Linus Torvalds, 2012
Finnish computer scientist
Linus Torvalds is a Finnish computer scientist who was the principal force behind the development of the Linux operating system. At age 10 Torvalds began to dabble in computer programming on his grandfather’s...
American computer scientist
Lawrence Roberts was an American computer scientist who supervised the construction of the ARPANET, a computer network that was a precursor to the Internet. Roberts received bachelor’s (1959), master’s...
American computer scientist
Allen Newell was an American computer scientist and one of the pioneers of the science of artificial intelligence (AI). Newell and his longtime collaborator Herbert A. Simon won the 1975 A.M. Turing Award,...
Charles Babbage
British inventor and mathematician
Charles Babbage was an English mathematician and inventor who is credited with having conceived the first automatic digital computer. In 1812 Babbage helped found the Analytical Society, whose object was...
American engineer
Jay Wright Forrester was an American electrical engineer and management expert who invented the random-access magnetic core memory, the information-storage device employed in most digital computers. He...
American computer scientist
Leslie Valiant is a Hungarian-born American computer scientist and winner of the 2010 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science, “for his fundamental contributions to the development of...
American electrical engineer
Paul Baran was an American electrical engineer, inventor of the distributed network and, contemporaneously with British computer scientist Donald Davies, of data packet switching across distributed networks....
American computer scientist
Fred Brooks was an American computer scientist and winner of the 1999 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science, for his “landmark contributions to computer architecture, operating systems,...
Robin Milner.
British computer scientist
Robin Milner was an English computer scientist and winner of the 1991 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science, for his work with automatic theorem provers, the ML computer programming...
David Karp
American Web developer and entrepreneur
David Karp is an American Web developer and entrepreneur who founded the microblogging site Tumblr. Karp grew up on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, the elder of two sons of a teacher and a composer. He became...
Tim Berners-Lee
British scientist
Tim Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist, generally credited as the inventor of the World Wide Web. In 2004, he was awarded a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and the inaugural...
Egyptian activist and computer engineer
Wael Ghonim is an Egyptian democracy activist and computer engineer who was one of the organizers of a social media campaign that helped spur mass demonstrations in 2011 in Egypt, forcing Pres. Hosni Mubarak...
Marissa Mayer
American software engineer and businesswoman
Marissa Mayer is an American software engineer and businesswoman who greatly influenced the development of Google Inc., the world’s leading search engine company, in its early years. She later served as...
Marc Andreessen
American software engineer
Marc Andreessen is an American-born software engineer who played a key role in creating the Web browser Mosaic and who cofounded Netscape Communications Corporation. While still in grammar school, Andreessen...
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, creators of the online search engine Google
American entrepreneur
Sergey Brin is an American computer scientist and entrepreneur who created, along with Larry Page, the online search engine Google, one of the most successful sites on the Internet. Brin’s family moved...
Richard Stallman
American computer programmer
Richard Stallman is an American computer programmer and free-software advocate who founded (1985) the Free Software Foundation. Stallman earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from Harvard University in...
American engineer
Seymour Cray was an American electronics engineer and computer designer who was the preeminent designer of the large high-speed computers known as supercomputers. Cray graduated from the University of...
Israeli-American computer scientist
Judea Pearl is an Israeli-American computer scientist and winner of the 2011 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honor in computer science, for his “fundamental contributions to artificial intelligence.” Pearl...
Garriott, Richard
American computer game developer and space tourist
Richard Garriott is a British-born American computer-game developer who became the sixth space tourist and the first second-generation American to go into space. Garriott grew up in Houston the son of...
Grace Hopper
United States naval officer and mathematician
Grace Hopper was an American mathematician and rear admiral in the U.S. Navy who was a pioneer in developing computer technology, helping to devise UNIVAC I, the first commercial electronic computer, and...
Israeli American mathematician
Michael Oser Rabin is a German-born Israeli American mathematician and computer scientist and cowinner of the 1976 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science. Rabin and the American mathematician...
American computer scientist
Ken Thompson is an American computer scientist who was a cowinner of the 1983 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honor in computer science. Thompson and the American computer scientist Dennis M. Ritchie were...
American computer scientist
James Nicholas Gray was an American computer scientist and winner of the 1998 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science, for his “seminal contributions to database and transaction processing...
Ritchie, Dennis M.
American computer scientist
Dennis M. Ritchie was an American computer scientist and co-winner of the 1983 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science. Ritchie and the American computer scientist Kenneth L. Thompson...
Evelyn Granville
American mathematician
Evelyn Granville was an American mathematician who was one of the first African American women to receive a doctoral degree in mathematics. Boyd received an undergraduate degree in mathematics and physics...
Ada Lovelace
British mathematician
Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician, an associate of Charles Babbage, for whose prototype of a digital computer she created a program. She has been called the first computer programmer. Lovelace...
Adleman, Leonard M.
American computer scientist
Leonard M. Adleman is an American computer scientist and cowinner, with American computer scientist Ronald L. Rivest and Israeli cryptographer Adi Shamir, of the 2002 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour...
American mathematician and computer scientist
Alan Jay Perlis was an American mathematician and computer scientist. He was the first winner, in 1966, of the A.M. Turing Award, given by the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and recognized internationally...
English mathematician
James H. Wilkinson was an English mathematician and winner of the 1970 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science. Wilkinson is recognized as one of the greatest pioneers in numerical analysis,...