Battle of Bunker Hill
- Also called:
- Battle of Breed’s Hill
- Date:
- June 17, 1775
- Location:
- Boston
- Charlestown
- United States
- Participants:
- Connecticut
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- Rhode Island
- United Kingdom
- Context:
- Siege of Boston
- American Revolution
Battle of Bunker Hill, (June 17, 1775), first major battle of the American Revolution, fought in Charlestown (now part of Boston) during the Siege of Boston. Although the British eventually won the battle, it was a Pyrrhic victory that lent considerable encouragement to the revolutionary cause.
The Siege of Boston
Within two months after the Battles of Lexington and Concord (April 19, 1775), more than 15,000 troops from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island had assembled in the vicinity of Boston. The goal of this force was to prevent the 5,000 or more British troops stationed there under Gen. Thomas Gage from making further sallies and perhaps, when enough heavy artillery and ammunition had been collected, to drive them from the city. Gen. Artemas Ward, commander in chief of the Massachusetts troops, served as the senior New England officer.
There were two obvious points from which Boston was vulnerable to artillery fire. One was Dorchester Heights, southeast of Boston, at that time confined to a peninsula extending into Boston Harbor from the south. The other consisted of two high hills—Bunker’s and Breed’s—on the Charlestown Peninsula, about a quarter of a mile across the Charles River from the north shore of Boston. As early as May 12 the Massachusetts Committee of Public Safety had recommended fortifying Bunker’s Hill, but nothing had come of the proposal. By the middle of June, upon hearing that Gage was about to occupy this hill (he was, in fact, planning first to occupy Dorchester Heights), the committee and a council of war from among the higher officers of the besieging forces decided to act.

On the evening of June 16 about 800 Massachusetts and 200 Connecticut troops, under the command of Col. William Prescott of Massachusetts, were detached to carry out the project. By some error, never explained, Prescott fortified Breed’s Hill, which, though nearer Boston than Bunker’s, not only was lower but could be more easily surrounded by the British. Prescott and his men had completed a redoubt (dirt fort) on the top of Breed’s Hill (now commonly called Bunker Hill) by the time they were discovered by the British at daybreak on the 17th. Despite a cannonade from British men-of-war in the harbor and from a battery on Copp’s Hill in north Boston, the colonists were able to further strengthen their position during the morning by building a breastwork about 100 yards (roughly 90 meters) long running northward down the slope of the hill toward the Mystic River.
The Battle of Breed’s Hill
On learning that the New Englanders had occupied Breed’s Hill, Gage sent over a detachment of 2,300 or more troops under Maj. Gen. William Howe, with Brig. Gen. Robert Pigot, second in command, to dislodge or capture the colonists. The British, landing without opposition under protection of British artillery fire, were divided into two wings. The left under Pigot would attack the redoubt from the southeast, while the right under Howe would attempt to get behind the fort and breastwork by marching northward along the bank of the Mystic.
Howe’s advance was stopped by a deadly volley from a body of Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts troops, some detached by Prescott, others sent to the front when the British movement to attack became known. They had posted themselves behind a rail fence hastily stuffed with grass, hay, and brush and pluckily held their fire until the British were very near. Popular history attributes this restraint to a command that the colonials not shoot at the advancing redcoats “until you see the whites of their eyes,” but this is almost certainly apocryphal. Pigot too was at first checked by a heavy fire from the redoubt and adjacent breastwork. However, on the second or third advance, he overwhelmed the redoubt and forced the surviving defenders, many of whom had exhausted their ammunition and were without bayonets, to flee. Their retreat was covered by the men at the fence, who now also retreated, and by New England reinforcements, spurred to the front by Gen. Israel Putnam of Connecticut.
Casualties and significance
The casualties, particularly for the British, were extremely heavy in proportion to the number of troops engaged. About 450 Americans were killed, wounded, or captured. The number of British killed or wounded totaled 1,054, including 89 officers. Among the Americans who were killed was Gen. Joseph Warren of Massachusetts, who had entered the redoubt as a volunteer. The Bunker Hill Monument, a 221-foot (67-meter) granite obelisk, marks the site on Breed’s Hill where most of the fighting took place.
If the British had followed the taking of the Charlestown Peninsula by seizing Dorchester Heights, their victory at Breed’s Hill might have been worth the heavy cost. Presumably, because of their heavy losses there and the fighting spirit displayed by the rebels, the British commanders abandoned or indefinitely postponed their plan to occupy Dorchester Heights. Consequently, when Gen. George Washington (who took command of the colonial army two weeks later) had collected enough heavy guns and ammunition to threaten Boston, he was able, in March 1776, to seize and fortify Dorchester Heights without opposition and to compel the British to evacuate the town and harbor.
One important lesson of the battle from the American standpoint was that the disparate militia forces lacked organization and discipline. Many officers and men held back when sent to reinforce the troops at Breed’s Hill, and Washington immediately took steps to correct these defects. Washington was encouraged by the general tenacity displayed by the colonials, however. Had the American volunteers been easily driven from their fortified position on Breed’s Hill by the troops of George III, resistance to the British government conceivably would have died out in North America through the colonists’ lack of confidence. The heavy losses inflicted on the British in the Battle of Bunker Hill reassured the colonists that the odds against them were not so overwhelming as to deny the prospect of ultimate success. The relatively inexperienced colonists could indeed fight on par with the mighty redcoats of the British army.
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