Battle of Tours
- Also called:
- Battle of Poitiers
- Date:
- 732
- Location:
- France
- Loire River
- Poitiers
- Tours
- Key People:
- Charles Martel
Battle of Tours, (October 732), victory won by Charles Martel, the de facto ruler of the Frankish kingdoms, over Muslim invaders from Spain. The battlefield cannot be exactly located, but it was fought somewhere between Tours and Poitiers, in what is now west-central France.
The Muslim conquest of Spain
The death of the Visigothic king Witiza in 710 left Spain in disarray. The Gothic nobles refused to recognize his young sons and elected Roderick, dux (duke) of Baetica, to succeed him. Gothic Gaul followed Witiza’s son Akhila, and the Basques rebelled. As Roderick marched north to quell the Basques, his rivals appealed to Mūsā ibn Nuṣayr, the Umayyad governor of the Maghreb. Mūsā dispatched an army under Ṭāriq ibn Ziyād in late spring 711. The force landed at Gibraltar, crossed to mainland Spain, and in July 711 defeated Roderick’s army.
Instead of returning to North Africa, Ṭāriq marched on the Visigothic capital of Toledo and took the city with minimal resistance. Mūsā arrived with a larger army in 712, and the two Muslim generals soon occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula. Although both Ṭāriq and Mūsā were recalled to the seat of the Umayyad caliphate in Damascus, their successors consolidated Muslim control of Spain and attempted to expand their holdings to the north. In 719 Muslim armies crossed the Pyrenees, taking Narbonne and establishing Berber settlements in Gothic Gaul. By 725 Muslim raiding parties were venturing as far as Burgundy, and in 731 they may have sacked Arles on the Rhône River.

The clash near Poitiers
Aquitaine (modern southwestern France) represented the frontier between the expanding Umayyad presence in Spain and the Frankish territories to the north. Eudes (Odo), the duke of Aquitaine, was already allied with the Merovingian Franks when he pledged both his daughter and his support to a breakaway Berber chieftain named Munusa in Llívia. An army under Charles, mayor of the palace of the eastern Frankish kingdom of Austrasia, responded to Eudes’s apparent assertion of independence by twice invading Aquitaine in 731. Charles humiliated Eudes but failed to bring the border region fully under control. That same year, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ghafiqi, the Muslim governor of Córdoba, launched a punitive expedition against Munusa. During that campaign, Munusa either was slain or committed suicide.
Both ʿAbd al-Raḥmān and Charles seemed to perceive that Eudes represented a persistent strategic threat, and in 732 ʿAbd al-Raḥmān invaded Aquitaine. His army sacked Bordeaux and roundly defeated Eudes. Of the Battle of Bordeaux, the Mozarabic Chronicle of 754 reported that “God only knows the number of those who died or fled.” Eudes himself escaped north to Frankish territory and appealed to Charles for help. Charles disposed his cavalry near the Loire River to defend the city of Tours and the wealthy abbey of St. Martin. Continuing north along the Roman road from Bordeaux to Orléans, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān destroyed the Church of Saint-Hilary outside Poitiers and moved on toward Tours. Tradition asserts that it was near Poitiers that the two armies met, but it is impossible to identify the battlefield. Possibilities include the little town of Cenon, just northeast of Naintré; a collection of small hamlets near Loudun; and Moussais-la-Bataille, a point east of the Clain River roughly equidistant between Poitiers and Tours. It is also likely that the main battle may have been preceded by a series of running engagements or local skirmishes between the two armies’ scouts and outriders.
Although the battle is described at length in both Muslim and Christian sources, reliable details about it are scarce. The Chronicle of 754 provides the most plausible contemporary account. Given what is known about the makeup of Frankish armies in the late Merovingian era, it is likely that the Muslim attack was broken by Charles’s massed heavy infantry. According to the Chronicle, “The northern people remained immobile like a wall, holding together like a glacier in the cold regions, and in the blink of an eye annihilated the Arabs with the sword.” Other sources indicate that the battle turned with a cavalry attack, possibly led by Eudes, on the Muslim camp. Many of the camp followers included the families of fighting men, and, when news of the slaughter in the Umayyad rear reached the Muslim lines, entire units melted away from the main battle to defend the camp. About this time ʿAbd al-Raḥmān was killed in the fighting, but another commander assumed control and withdrew the Umayyad forces into the fortified camp. Virtually all sources agree that the remnants of the Muslim army retired southward in good order during the night.
Outcome and significance
The Frankish victory has sometimes been regarded as decisive for world history, but in fact the revolt of the Berbers in North Africa (739) and internal dissensions in the Muslim dominions (culminating in the establishment of the ʿAbbāsid caliphate in 750) were the real causes that brought the Muslim advance to an end. Indeed, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān’s invasion more closely resembled a large-scale razzia (raid) than a true attempt to conquer and hold territory in Aquitaine. His army looted Bordeaux but made no attempt to occupy it and bypassed Poitiers entirely. Had he been able to kill or capture Eudes at Bordeaux, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān might have regarded his mission as a success and taken his army and its spoils back across the Pyrenees.
For his part, Charles derived profit as well as glory from his victory. He was at last able to assert his authority in Aquitaine, where, having forced Eudes to swear allegiance to him, he allowed Eudes to continue to rule as duke. Even this victory was short-lived, however. When Eudes died in 735, he was succeeded by his son Hunald, and the new duke immediately began asserting his independence. Charles was compelled to march on Bordeaux in a show of force that only temporarily cowed the region. Aquitaine would not be fully subdued until Charles’s grandson Charlemagne brought it under Frankish control in 781.
When considering the historical importance of the Battle of Tours, it is important to note that it did not actually mark the end of significant Muslim incursions into Gaul. If anything, it accelerated the pace of Muslim and Frankish clashes along the frontier. In 734 or 735 ʿUqba ibn al-Ḥajjāj, the governor of al-Andalus (Muslim Spain), and Yusuf, the governor of Narbonne in Septimania, launched an attack into Aquitaine and the Rhône valley, and its scale dwarfed ʿAbd al-Raḥmān’s campaign. Yusuf’s forces captured Carcassonne and Nîmes, while ʿUqba advanced through Burgundy and Dauphiné, taking Valence and Lyon and devastating the area around Vienne. The direct military threat was amplified when Yusuf concluded an alliance with Maurontus, dux (duke) of Provence, and Yusuf’s troops were welcomed into Avignon. Charles was campaigning in Frisia at the time, and he was not able to bring his forces to bear on this incursion until 737. With his half-brother Childebrand acting as his chief lieutenant, Charles drove the invaders back, but the Frankish army was unable to expel Yusuf from Narbonne.
ʿUqba and Yusuf launched another invasion in 739–740, and this attack was deemed a serious enough threat that Charles dispatched an appeal to Liutprand, king of the Lombards, for assistance. Once again the Muslim armies were forced to retreat, and Charles, recognizing another persistent threat on his southern frontier, deposed Maurontus and subjugated Provence. Charles’s many conquests had earned him the sobriquet “Martel” (“the Hammer”), but at the time of his death in 741, the border between Muslim Spain and the Christian Frankish territories remained contested. Some 60 years would pass before Charlemagne, having suffered a crushing defeat against the Basques at Roncesvalles in 778, would return to capture Barcelona and establish the Spanish March as a militarized buffer zone between the Pyrenees and the Ebro River. The establishment of an enduring Christian presence south of the Pyrenees would represent one of the first halting steps in the eventual Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula.
Michael Ray