Battle of the Chesapeake
- Also called:
- Battle of the Virginia Capes
- Date:
- September 5, 1781
- Location:
- Atlantic Ocean
- Chesapeake Bay
- United States
- Participants:
- France
- United Kingdom
- Context:
- American Revolution
Battle of the Chesapeake, (September 5, 1781), in the American Revolution, French naval victory over a British fleet that took place outside Chesapeake Bay. The outcome of the battle was indispensable to the successful Franco-American Siege of Yorktown from August to October.
The Virginia Campaign
Lord Charles Cornwallis, commander of the southern British army in America, had won a string of impressive victories in the Carolinas in 1780, culminating in the crushing defeat of Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates at the Battle of Camden (August 16, 1780). The Americans promptly replaced Gates with Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene, who engaged Cornwallis in a series of sanguinary battles that greatly depleted British strength. Part of Greene’s army, under Brig. Gen. Daniel Morgan, inflicted a stunning reverse on a superior British force at the Battle of Cowpens (January 17, 1781). Cornwallis was soon compelled to abandon the Carolina campaign and decided upon a movement into Virginia, where naval support could be utilized to better advantage.
Meanwhile, on the James River, Benedict Arnold (then under British allegiance) had been ravaging the countryside. At the request of American commander Gen. George Washington, the French naval squadron at Newport, Rhode Island, had proceeded to the Chesapeake. After an indecisive action with a British squadron (March 1781), the French returned to Newport. Cornwallis joined Arnold on March 20, at Petersburg, with the intention of undertaking vigorous offensive operations in Virginia. British commander in chief Sir Henry Clinton, who was at New York, felt that the forces available were insufficient for such an undertaking and ordered Cornwallis to entrench himself in a strong position which would control a fleet anchorage. Cornwallis complied by moving to Yorktown, Virginia, where he arrived on August 22 with 7,000 troops. There he awaited reinforcement and resupply by sea.

Washington believed that French naval power was the key to bringing the ongoing conflict to a successful conclusion. After observing the British evacuate Philadelphia in 1778 merely because of the probable arrival of a superior French fleet, Washington undertook only minor land operations for nearly three years, holding his army in readiness for joint action with a fleet, which he constantly sought. When Adm. François-Joseph-Paul, comte de Grasse, arrived in the West Indies from France in April 1781, he had orders to coordinate his operations with Washington. Exchanging messages by fast frigate, the general and the admiral concocted a plan for a junction of fleet and armies in a move against the British in lower Chesapeake Bay. After Cornwallis arrived at Yorktown, his base became the primary objective of the Franco-American military-naval forces.
A French force of some 6,000 men under the comte de Rochambeau joined Washington north of New York City, and the two marched for northern Chesapeake Bay. Concurrently, de Grasse sailed from his base in Haiti, taking north his full force of 28 ships of the line and 3,300 troops. Meanwhile, Adm. Samuel Hood of the British West Indies fleet became concerned for the security of New York. Hood started north five days after de Grasse, with 14 ships of the line. With faster ships and following a more direct route, Hood was the first to reach the Chesapeake. Finding no sign of the French, he hastened to the protection of New York, where he was joined by five ships of the line under Adm. Thomas Graves. As the senior officer, Graves took command of the whole force. Soon the British received news that eight ships of the line under Adm. Jacques-Melchior Saint-Laurent, comte de Barras, had left Newport. Correctly assuming that this squadron was bound for Chesapeake Bay, Graves sailed with his 19 capital ships in ample time to intercept it.
The Battle of the Virginia Capes
When Graves reached the Chesapeake entrance, de Barras had not yet arrived, but a startling sight greeted the British admiral—the forest of masts of the great fleet of de Grasse, at anchor just inside Cape Henry. The French admiral was equally astonished, because he had not been aware of Hood’s presence in northern waters. This mutual surprise seems to have shaken the judgment of both admirals. De Grasse hastily got underway and proceeded to sea in a long column, thus exposing his fleet to piecemeal destruction as it emerged from the harbour. Instead of exploiting such a golden opportunity, Graves deliberately awaited the exit of the French, outnumbering them 24 to 19, before attacking from his advantageous “weather gage” (the favourable position with regard to the wind). The poorly executed British attack resulted in only the leading squadrons of the two fleets being engaged in the late afternoon.
For three days the two fleets were becalmed and, within sight of each other, drifted nearly 100 miles (160 km) southward. One damaged British ship was abandoned and sunk by its crew. When a breeze sprang up, the French got it first and hastened back to the Chesapeake, where de Barras had arrived meanwhile. With this French reinforcement, the British were decisively outnumbered, and Graves sealed the fate of Cornwallis by sailing for New York. In the opinion of the British naval historian Sir William M. James, this was “the decisive battle of the war.”
Washington’s armies sailed the length of the Chesapeake under the protection of de Grasse’s fleet and landed at Williamsburg, Virginia, where they joined an allied force under the command of the marquis de Lafayette. The combined army arrived before Yorktown on September 28 and laid siege to Cornwallis’s position. Within a few days Cornwallis received a message from Clinton in New York, stating that a reinforced British fleet of 26 ships of the line and 5,000 troops would sail from New York about October 5 for his relief. With his hopes thus buoyed, Cornwallis continued resistance. On October 13 he tried a retreat across the York River, hoping to reach a position more favourable to a relieving fleet for supplying him. Failing in the attempted breakout and in urgent need of supplies, he surrendered on October 19, it being apparent that Clinton had been overly optimistic and that the indispensable relief by water could not possibly reach him in time.
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