The rise of Castro and the outbreak of revolution
- Date:
- July 26, 1953 - January 1, 1959
- Location:
- Cienfuegos
- Cuba
- Guantánamo Bay
- Havana
- Santiago de Cuba
- Participants:
- Cuba
- 26th of July Movement
- United States Marine Corps
Castro was educated in Santiago de Cuba and Havana, and, while he was still a student, he participated in revolutionary activities throughout Latin America. He received his law degree from the University of Havana in 1950, and, after graduating, he began practicing law. In 1952 he was a candidate for the Cuban People’s Party, but Batista’s coup preempted the election, and Castro soon settled on an alternative means for challenging the dictatorship. On July 26, 1953, he led about 160 men in a desperate and unsuccessful raid on a Santiago army barracks. He had hoped that the attack would ignite a general uprising against Batista, but most of the attackers were killed, and Castro and his brother Raúl were arrested and imprisoned. In 1955 the Castro brothers received amnesty and were released, whereupon Fidel went to Mexico, where he began organizing an invading force of Cuban exiles.
Castro returns to Cuba
Accompanied by a band of 81 men on board the yacht Granma, Castro landed in eastern Cuba on December 2, 1956, but most of the force was quickly killed or captured. Among the dozen men who escaped were the Castro brothers and Ernesto (“Che”) Guevara. This small band then began a guerrilla campaign against Batista in the Sierra Maestra mountains and took the name 26th of July Movement to commemorate the 1953 attack.
From the date of Castro’s landing, Cuba was in a state of virtual civil war. On March 13, 1957, the Revolutionary Directorate (Directorio Revolucionario), a group of insurrectionists largely composed of students, launched a bloody and unsuccessful attack on the presidential palace in Havana. Dozens were reported killed in the fighting. Serious disturbances were intermittent throughout Santiago de Cuba and central Cuba. Trade unionists attempted to provoke a general strike, but support among labor leaders collapsed after the government announced that anyone participating in the strike would be refused reemployment elsewhere. On August 1, 1957, Batista suspended constitutional guarantees such as freedom of assembly and freedom of expression. A little more than a month later, on September 4, he attempted to reassure the public that the presidential election would take place as scheduled in June 1958. An uprising in Cienfuegos on September 5, 1957, saw that city’s naval station fall into the hands of rebel officers. More than 100 people were killed when government forces retook the city.
1958, the decisive year
The revolution continued into 1958 with sporadic raids and considerable destruction of property, as the unrest began to seriously disrupt the Cuban economy. Sugar mills and plantations were burned, bombings in Havana depressed the tourist trade, and rebel activity in Oriente province hampered the mining industry. Responding to the unrest, the United States imposed an arms embargo on Cuba in mid-March and suspended delivery of nearly 2,000 Garand rifles to the Cuban government. Batista took advantage of the violence to call for a postponement of the June 1958 presidential election, and on March 26 the elections were rescheduled for November 3. Communist groups led by Juan Marinello responded by calling for a general strike on April 9. Although the strike did not materialize, the communists continued to assert their role as a major force in the opposition.
Believing that the failure of the strike represented a decline in popular support for the rebels, Batista launched a major military effort against Castro’s forces. In July government troops advanced to positions in the foothills of the Sierra Maestra. They were quickly thrown back by 26th of July Movement fighters, however, and by early August the offensive had stalled completely. Cuban army forces retreated to their strongholds in government-held territory.
For his part, Castro issued a number of proclamations during the year, ranging from appeals for a general strike to death threats against all candidates for political office. Among Castro’s exploits was the kidnapping of 10 American and 2 Canadian civilians from the Freeport Sulphur company mining headquarters in northeast Cuba on June 26. The following day 28 U.S. sailors were kidnapped from a bus outside the Guantánamo Bay naval base. Several other U.S. citizens were seized, but the anger aroused in the United States over these actions led Castro to release his prisoners within the following week. On July 28 U.S. Marines from Guantánamo Bay were deployed to protect the base’s water supply. Raúl Castro, whose rebel forces controlled the area around the base, voiced his opposition to the move, and on August 1 Batista dispatched Cuban troops to guard the water supply so the Marines could be withdrawn.
As the rescheduled election date approached, three main candidates tried to appeal to Cuban voters: Andrés Rivero Agüero, Batista’s chosen successor; Carlos Márquez Sterling, who was supported by some moderate groups; and former president Ramón Grau San Martín, the candidate of the Cuban Revolutionary Party. Castro threatened violence against both candidates and voters in the days before the election, and, when Cubans went to the polls on November 3, the rebel-controlled provinces of Oriente and Las Villas saw negligible turnout. When the results of the election were announced, however, it was clear that massive fraud had occurred. The moderate Márquez Sterling was awarded victory in the four provinces where legitimate voting had taken place, but Rivero Agüero was declared the overall winner because of unchecked ballot-stuffing in Oriente and Las Villas. Had Márquez Sterling won the election, the Cuban Revolution might have taken a very different course. Instead, Batista’s interference virtually assured the collapse of his regime.
The fall of Batista
The weeks following the election saw support for Batista melt away. Although much of the army remained loyal to him, its combat effectiveness had been seriously compromised, because of ammunition shortages resulting from the American arms embargo. Castro’s forces, which for years had waged a successful guerrilla campaign, could now match government troops in pitched battle and often faced them with superior equipment obtained from foreign sources. On December 27, 1958, a rebel force under Che Guevara routed the garrison in Santa Clara, the capital of Las Villas province, and captured an armored train filled with arms and ammunition that were desperately needed by government forces. Batista, seeing that his position was untenable, relinquished the presidency in the early morning hours of January 1, 1959. At dawn he fled to the Dominican Republic, despite the fact that he had been on bad terms with the government of that country for several years. On August 20, 1959, he flew to the Portuguese island of Madeira; he would spend the rest of his life in exile in Portugal.
Batista had handed over power to the commander in chief of the army, Gen. Eulogio Cantillo, who established a provisional government headed by Chief Justice Carlos M. Piedra, Gen. José E. Pedraza, and himself. Castro, who had proclaimed the victory of the revolution from the balcony of the Santiago de Cuba city hall, refused to deal with the junta, and on January 3 Guevara led the first rebel column into Havana, unopposed. Castro himself did not arrive in Havana until January 8, when a new provisional government was established with Manuel Urrutia Lleó as president and Castro as prime minister.
Castro triumphant
Indiscriminate arrests, acts of torture, and executions began almost at once throughout Cuba. By May 15, 1959, some 600 people linked to the Batista government had been put to death by revolutionary courts. One of the first significant acts of the new regime was to confer upon the Argentinian Guevara the status of native-born Cuban, thus making him eligible for any government position, including the presidency. Guevara would spend the following months presiding over military prisons, directing courts-martial, and making extensive tours of Asia, North Africa, and the Soviet Union.
Although Castro had repeatedly called for immediate, honest general elections, it became clear that, once he had achieved power, such elections would be postponed indefinitely. The early days of his administration were marked by triumphal visits to neighboring countries, and, at an appearance in Caracas, Venezuela, he declared that the proletarian revolution was being realized in the Americas. The United States had been among the first countries to recognize the legitimacy of Castro’s government, but tensions between Washington and Havana were growing, and in April 1959 Castro embarked on an 11-day tour of the U.S. The 33-year-old revolutionary was greeted as a celebrity, and among his stops were meetings with Vice Pres. Richard M. Nixon and acting secretary of state Christian Herter. Castro was reported to have said that Cuba would remain neutral in any contest between the West and the Soviet bloc, but, when asked about the accuracy of the quote, he slyly dissembled, claiming that Cuba was poor and had neither troops nor arms.
Castro’s goodwill mission failed to elicit any financial help from the United States, and he soon turned to expropriation, forced lending, new and heavier taxation, and exchange control. A program of expropriation of all landholdings exceeding 1,000 acres (4 square km), regardless of the owner’s nationality, was written into an “agrarian reform” decree promulgated on June 4, 1959, as part of the Cuban constitution. The National Agrarian Reform Institute was established to pay for all lands taken over with 20-year bonds, inconvertible until maturity, paying 4.5 percent interest, with payments derived only from tax revenues. The United States filed a formal protest on June 11, and five members of Castro’s cabinet resigned the following day. The Cuban government responded that the law was a final and sovereign decision and that its conditions would not be modified.
Dissension within the administration because of the worsening clash with the United States led Castro to tender his resignation as prime minister on July 17. However, Castro remained in the public eye, attending political events and remaining a figurehead for the 26th of July Movement. Throughout this time he declared that he could not work with Urrutia, whom he characterized as a traitor. A proletarian demonstration to demand Castro’s return had the intended effect of giving him a popular mandate to continue resisting what he characterized as “foreign imperialism.” Urrutia, forced to resign and placed under arrest, was replaced by Osvaldo Dorticós Torrado as president.
This consolidation of power was necessary because Castro’s position was far from secure during his first year. Cuba’s economy was in tatters, with unemployment soaring and private investment plummeting. The situation was made worse by falling prices on sugar, tobacco, and other staples of the Cuban export market. Defections were commonplace. The chief of Castro’s Revolutionary Air Force, Maj. Pedro Luis Díaz Lanz, fled to the U.S. in late June. Each high-profile defection was offset by the alleged discovery of an antirevolutionary conspiracy. By October 1959, however, genuine uprisings were occurring in western Cuba as well as the central provinces.
Little came of these early efforts to remove Castro from power, but they marked the beginning of what Cuban authorities later characterized as more than 600 attempts—a figure that was impossible to independently verify—to overthrow or assassinate him. The conclusion of a trade pact with the Soviet Union in February 1960 signaled the deepening of Cuba’s relationship with Moscow, and in September Castro traveled to the United Nations, where he publicly embraced Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev and delivered a four-and-a-half-hour speech denouncing the United States. The continued confiscation of foreign assets continued over U.S. protests, and by the end of 1960 most economic activity between Cuba and the United States had ceased. On January 3, 1961, in one of his final acts in office, U.S. Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower severed diplomatic relations with Havana. A little more than three months later, on April 17, 1961, some 1,500 Cuban exiles who had been financed and directed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency staged an abortive invasion at the Bay of Pigs. The invasion, crushed by the Cuban military, was the last large-scale overt attempt to overthrow the Castro regime.
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