Environmental costs
- Also called:
- Gulf of Mexico oil spill
- Date:
- April 20, 2010 - September 19, 2010
- Location:
- Gulf Coast
- Gulf of Mexico / Gulf of America
- Context:
- drilling mud
- offshore drilling
- Key People:
- Luther Strange
Thousands of birds, mammals, and sea turtles were plastered with leaked oil. There was speculation that a spike in cetacean strandings and deaths that was recorded by NOAA beginning in February 2010 was further exacerbated by the spill. Typical causes of such widespread fatalities, including morbillivirus and toxins from red tides, were ruled out, and there was an unusual incidence of Brucella infection in stranded dolphins, leading researchers to suspect that contaminants from the spill had made cetaceans more vulnerable to other environmental dangers. A December 2013 study of living dolphins in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, found that roughly half were extremely sick; many suffered from lung and adrenal disorders known to be linked to oil exposure. Some 1,400 whales and dolphins had been found stranded by the end of 2015, a figure representing only a tiny percentage of the animals affected. Though the number of dead animals had begun to taper off, substantial decreases in dolphin fertility persisted. It was thought that the strandings represented the largest mortality event to occur in the Gulf of Mexico.
Birds were particularly vulnerable to the oil’s effects, and many perished—from ingesting oil as they tried to clean themselves or because the substance interfered with their ability to regulate their body temperatures. The brown pelican, recently delisted as an endangered species, was among the species most affected. A 2014 study projected that perhaps 12 percent of the brown pelicans and more than 30 percent of the laughing gulls in the area hit by the spill had been wiped out. According to another 2014 study, up to 800,000 birds were thought to have died. Even individuals not directly contaminated by oil were affected. A 2012 study determined that white pelicans that had migrated from the gulf to Minnesota to breed were producing eggs that contained discernible amounts of compounds that were traceable to the BP spill. Eggs containing traces of contaminants were found in Iowa and Illinois as well.
Animals that were found alive in the wake of the spill were transported to rehabilitation centres and, after being cleaned and medically evaluated, were released into oil-free areas. Concerns about the offspring of sea turtles that nested on the gulf coasts of Alabama and Florida led wildlife officials to dig up thousands of eggs and hatch them in a warehouse for later release on the Atlantic coast. By late 2012 some 1,700 turtles had been found dead. A long-term satellite tracking study released in May 2013 showed that the endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was likely severely affected, as its preferred foraging territory was within the area damaged by the spill. It was estimated that up to 65,000 imperiled turtles had died during 2010 alone, mostly as a result of oil contamination. It was also estimated that some 300,000 turtles, some of which were originally from breeding populations in other parts of the world, were in the region of the spill when it occurred, leading scientists to point out the global impacts of the disaster.
The impacts on smaller species were more difficult to determine. Numerous species of fish and invertebrates spawned in the gulf, and it was thought likely that some would succumb to the toxic effects of the oil. A 2014 study showed that the larvae of commercially important fish species, including tuna, likely developed heart defects after exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the oil. Areas of the seabed that had been coated by by-products of bacteria were essentially dead zones; many sedentary organisms had suffocated or been sickened by the material, and most mobile organisms had fled.
Reefs outside a 12-mile (19-km) radius from the Deepwater well appeared largely unaffected, but those within were heavily stressed. Laboratory studies suggested that oil and dispersants made coral reproduction more difficult. Coral larvae, which are initially mobile, attached to mature corals at much-reduced rates following exposure to the substances. Tests also determined that oil and dispersants were fatal to rotifers, microorganisms crucial to the gulf food web. A modeling study released in February 2016 suggested that the activity of oil-eating microbes was negatively affected by blooms of other species of microbes that preferred to feed on the dispersants. An April 2014 mission conducted by the research group Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG) aboard the submersible Alvin—which had famously been involved in investigating the wreckage of the Titanic—noted some ecological recovery of oiled areas of the seafloor, though detectable oil levels in sediment cores remained the same as they had been four years earlier.

It was hoped that extensive revisions to offshore-drilling regulations, prompted by the spill and issued in April 2016, would mitigate the likelihood of future disasters.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in pictures
Images of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Fireboat response crews attempting to extinguish the blaze aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, set off the previous day by an eruption of natural gas. | |
The U.S. Coast Guard collecting oil with a skimming boom off the coast of Mobile, Ala. | |
Sand covered with oil on Pensacola Beach, Fla. | |
Heavily oiled brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) captured at Grand Isle, La., waiting to be cleaned. | |
U.S. Pres. Barack Obama inspecting a tar ball from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the beach in Port Fourchon, La. |