Gunpowder, treason, and plot

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Quick Facts

A great hunting match was organized in Warwickshire by Digby, to which large numbers of the Roman Catholic gentry were invited. They were to join the plot after the successful accomplishment of the explosion of November 5, 1605, the day fixed for the opening of Parliament. Immediately after the explosion, the plotters were to take possession of the princess Elizabeth, while Percy was to seize the infant prince Charles and bring him on horseback to their meeting place. Fawkes was to take ship immediately for Flanders, spread the news on the Continent, and collect supporters. The conspirators imagined that a terrorized and helpless government would readily agree to all their demands.

Until this point the secret had been well kept, and the preparations had been completed with extraordinary success and without a single significant drawback. A very serious difficulty now confronted the conspirators as the time for action arrived, and the feelings of ordinary humanity shrunk from the destruction of so many persons guiltless of any offense. In addition, among the peers to be assassinated were many Roman Catholics and some lords closely connected in kinship or friendship with the plotters themselves. Catesby, however, firmly rejected all appeals to allow warning to be given to certain individuals.

Lord Monteagle, a brother-in-law of Tresham, had ties to some of the other conspirators and had engaged in previous Roman Catholic plots against the government. He had, however, given his support to the new king. On October 26 he received an anonymous letter, delivered by an unknown messenger, which read:

My lord, out of the love I bear to some of your friends, I have a care of your preservation, therefore I would advise you as you tender your life to devise some excuse to shift your attendance at this parliament, for God and man have concurred to punish the wickedness of this time, and think not slightly of this advertisement, but retire yourself into your country, where you may expect the event in safety, for though there be no appearance of any stir, yet I say they shall receive a terrible blow this parliament and yet they shall not see who hurts them, this counsel is not to be condemned because it may do you good and can do you no harm, for the danger is past as soon as you have burnt the letter and I hope God will give you the grace to make good use of it, to whose holy protection I commend you.

The authorship of the letter has never been disclosed or proved, but all evidence seems to point to Tresham and to the probability that he had some days before warned Monteagle and agreed with him as to the best means of making known the plot and preventing its execution and at the same time of giving the conspirators time to escape.

Monteagle at once started for Whitehall, found Robert Cecil, 1st earl of Salisbury, and other ministers about to sit down to supper, and presented the letter. It was decided to search the cellar under the House of Lords before the meeting of Parliament, but not too soon, so that the plot might be ripe and be fully disclosed. On October 27 Thomas Ward, Monteagle’s servant and a friend of Thomas Winter, informed Winter that the plot was known, and the following day Winter informed Catesby and begged him to give up the whole project. Catesby learned from Fawkes that nothing had been touched in the cellar, and, hoping that the government had put no credence in Monteagle’s letter, Catesby determined to stand firm. Fawkes returned to the cellar to keep guard as before.

On November 4 the king, having been shown the letter, ordered Thomas Howard, 1st earl of Suffolk, in his capacity as lord chamberlain, to examine the buildings. He was accompanied by Monteagle. When they arrived at the cellar, the door was opened by Fawkes. Seeing the enormous piles of firewood, Suffolk asked the name of their owner, to which Fawkes replied that they belonged to Percy. His name immediately aroused suspicion, and it was ordered that a further search should be made by Thomas Knyvett, a Westminster magistrate. Knyvett, accompanied by his men on the night of November 4–5, discovered the gunpowder and arrested Fawkes on the threshold. Fawkes, under torture, revealed the names of his confederates and the extent of their participation in the plot on November 9.

Upon the arrest of Fawkes, the other conspirators, except Tresham, fled in parties by different ways, rejoining each other in Warwickshire, as had been agreed if the plot had been successful. Catesby informed his friends in Warwickshire, who had been awaiting the outcome of the plot, of its failure. He assured Digby, however, that both James and Salisbury were dead. Catesby pushed on the same day with his companions in the direction of Wales, where, it was hoped, they would be joined by bands of insurgents.

Catesby’s party arrived at Huddington at 2:00 pm on November 6. The following morning the band, numbering about 36 persons, confessed and heard mass and then rode away to Holbeche House in Staffordshire, arriving at about 10:00 pm on November 7. En route they had broken into Lord Windsor’s house at Hewell Grange and taken all the arms and munitions they found there. Their case was now desperate. None had joined them: “Not one came to take our part,” said Digby, “though we had expected so many.” They were being followed by the sheriff and all the forces of the county, and their options had all but vanished. One by one their followers fled from the house in which the last scene was to be played out.

An explosion of some of their remaining gunpowder, on the morning of the November 8, struck terror into the hearts of the remaining conspirators as a judgment from heaven, undermining their assurance of their innocence and the justness of their cause. The greatness of their crime now struck home. At about 11:00 am the sheriff and his men came up and immediately began firing into the house. Catesby, Percy, and Wright were killed. Winter and Rokewood were wounded and taken prisoner with the men who had remained with them. In all, eight of the conspirators—including the two Winters, Digby, Fawkes, Rokewood, Keyes, and Bates—were executed, while Tresham died in the Tower of London. Of the priests involved, Garnet was tried and executed, while Greenway and Gerard escaped to the Continent.

Aftermath and cultural legacy

Catesby and his fellow plotters had risked and lost all in an attempt to improve the lot of Roman Catholics in England, but their crime irretrievably injured the cause for which they felt such devotion. Laws against Roman Catholics were immediately increased in severity, and the gradual advance toward religious toleration was put back for centuries. The plot bitterly intensified Protestant suspicions of Catholics and led to the rigorous enforcement of the recusancy law, which fined those who refused to attend Anglican services. In January 1606 Parliament established November 5 as a day of public thanksgiving. The day, known as Guy Fawkes Day, is still celebrated with bonfires, fireworks, and the carrying of “guys” through the streets.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Encyclopaedia Britannica.