What was Jonestown?
What was the Jonestown massacre?
How many people died in the Jonestown massacre?
Who was Jim Jones?
When did the Jonestown massacre occur?
Jonestown, (November 18, 1978), location of the mass murder-suicide of members of the California-based Peoples Temple cult at the behest of their charismatic but paranoid leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown agricultural commune, Guyana. The death toll exceeded 900, including some 300 who were age 17 and under, making the incident one of the largest mass deaths in American history.
Jones opened his first church in the mid-1950s in Indianapolis. At the time he was not affiliated with any particular denomination and had no theological training. His congregation was known for being racially integrated, which was particularly progressive at the time (Jones himself was white). In 1960 Jones’s congregation, by then called the Peoples Temple, affiliated with the Disciples of Christ, and four years later Jones was ordained in that church. In the mid-1960s he and his wife incorporated the Peoples Temple in California and settled outside the town of Ukiah with some 100 followers, believing that the move would protect them in the event of nuclear holocaust. In 1970 Jones began holding services in San Francisco, and by 1972 he had opened another temple in Los Angeles. He began to make friends among politicians and the press in California and became a respected churchman. Thousands of followers, a large percentage of them African American, flocked to him; central to Jones’s appeal were his displays of mind reading and faith healing.
While the Peoples Temple was active in humanitarian causes in its communities, Jones’s treatment of his followers was often less than humane. Temple members were regularly humiliated, beaten, and blackmailed, and many were coerced or brainwashed into signing over their possessions—including their homes—to the church. Black members and members of other minority groups were convinced that if they left the Peoples Temple they would be rounded up into government-run concentration camps. Family members were kept apart and encouraged to inform on one another. In 1977, after members of the press began to ask questions about Jones’s operation, he moved with several hundred of his followers to Jonestown, a compound that he had been building in Guyana for some three to four years.

A cable from the U.S. Embassy in Guyana to the U.S. Department of State in June 1978 characterized the autonomy that Jones subsequently found in Guyana this way:
During the consular visits it has been observed that the local Guyanese administration exercises little or no control over the Jonestown community, and that the settlement’s autonomy seems virtually total. This is due to a variety of reasons which include the fact that the area in question is remote and thus the government’s rather primitive administrative machinery is already overstrained by its obligations to the Guyanese citizens living in the region, as well as an understandable disinterest on the part of the local officials to bother with an apparently self-sufficient community of non-Guyanese who obviously are not actively seeking any extensive contact with the Guyanese environment in which their settlement is located.
What we have, therefore, is a community of American citizens existing as a self-contained and self-governing unit in a foreign land and which, for all intents and purposes, is furnishing to the residents all of the community services such as civil administration, police and fire protection, education, health care, etc., normally provided by a central government within its territory.
In November 1978, U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan traveled to Guyana to inspect the Peoples Temple’s activities and the Jonestown compound. He was investigating rumours that some members of the cult were being held against their will and that some were being subjected to physical and psychological abuse. After traveling to Guyana’s capital, Georgetown, on November 14, he arrived at Jonestown on November 17. The following day, when Ryan was set to return home, several Temple members who wanted to leave the compound boarded his delegation’s truck in order to accompany him back to the United States. Other members attacked Ryan shortly before the vehicle left the compound, but he escaped unhurt, and the truck continued on with Ryan aboard. Temple members then launched an attack at the airstrip from which Ryan and his company were to depart. Five people, including Ryan and three members of the press, were shot and killed, and 11 others were wounded.
In the wake of the shooting, Jones released radio orders for Temple members outside the compound to commit suicide. Shortly thereafter Jones enacted his “revolutionary suicide” plan at the compound, which members had “practiced” in the past, in which a fruit drink was laced with cyanide, tranquilizers, and sedatives. It was first squirted into the mouths of babies and children via syringe and then imbibed by adult members. Jones himself died of a gunshot wound. Fewer than 100 of the Temple members in Guyana survived the massacre; the majority of survivors either had defected that day or were in Georgetown. Officials later discovered a cache of firearms, hundreds of passports stacked together, and $500,000 in U.S. currency. Millions more had reportedly been deposited in bank accounts overseas.The Peoples Temple effectively disbanded after the incident and declared bankruptcy at the end of 1978.
Only one man, Temple member Larry Layton, was tried in the United States for his involvement in the November 18 events. He was found guilty of conspiracy and aiding and abetting in the murder of Ryan and the attempted murder of U.S. embassy official Richard Dwyer and was sentenced to life in prison, though he was released in 2002. Another man, Charles Beikman, pleaded guilty to the attempted murder of a young girl and served a five-year prison term in Guyana.