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Timeline of events
Key antebellum events
- 1787
- Article I, section 9 of the Constitution of the United States clearly spells out that the international slave trade cannot be banned before 1808.
- March 3, 1807
- Pres. Thomas Jefferson signs into law a bill approved by the U.S. Congress the day before “to prohibit the importation of slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States.”slave shipScene aboard a slave ship, engraving by H. Howe, 1855.
- January 1, 1808
- Act goes into effect banning the slave trade in the United States.
- 1820
- A measure known as the Missouri Compromise, worked out between the North and the South and passed by the U.S. Congress, allows the admission of Missouri as the 24th state (which will occur in 1821). It marks the beginning of the prolonged sectional conflict over the extension of slavery that leads to the American Civil War. The Senate had passed a bill allowing Maine to enter the Union as a free state and Missouri to be admitted without restrictions on slavery. Sen. Jesse B. Thomas of Illinois then added an amendment that allowed Missouri to become a slave state but banned slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of latitude 36°30′. Henry Clay then skillfully led the forces of compromise, and on March 3, 1820, the decisive vote in the House admitted Maine as a free state, admitted Missouri as a slave state, and made free soil all western territories north of Missouri’s southern border.United States: Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and Kansas-Nebraska ActCompromises over extension of slavery into U.S. territories.
- 1850
- A second Fugitive Slave Act (the first was in 1793) is enacted to ensure that runaway slaves are returned to their owners. This harsh law only encourages the abolition movement.
- A series of measures called the Compromise of 1850 is passed by the U.S. Congress in an effort to settle several outstanding slavery issues and to avert the threat of dissolution of the Union.
- 1852
- Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes her novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin in book form, after it was serialized in 1851–52 in the National Era, an antislavery paper in Washington, D.C.
- May 30, 1854
- The Kansas-Nebraska Act critically affirms the concept of popular sovereignty (in which the residents decide whether a territory will permit slavery) over the congressional edict banning the expansion of slavery.
- May 21, 1856
- “Bleeding Kansas” (1854–59; a small civil war fought between proslavery and antislavery advocates for control of the new territory of Kansas under the doctrine of popular sovereignty) becomes a fact with the Sack of Lawrence: a proslavery mob swarms into the town of Lawrence and wrecks and burns the hotel and newspaper office in an effort to wipe out this “hotbed of abolitionism.” Three days later an antislavery band led by John Brown will retaliate in the Pottawatomie Massacre.Bleeding KansasClash between proslavery and antislavery groups in Fort Scott, Kansas Territory, 1850s.
- 1857
- In the Dred Scott decision the U.S. Supreme Court rules that residing in a U.S. territory does not make a slave a freeman, as only a state can bar slavery. In his decision Chief Justice Roger Taney wrote, African Americans had “no rights which the white man was bound to respect.”Dred Scott decisionNewspaper notice for a pamphlet on the U.S. Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision.
- August 21–October 15, 1858
- The Lincoln-Douglas debates, a series of seven debates, take place between incumbent Democratic Sen. Stephen A. Douglas and Republican challenger Abraham Lincoln during the Illinois senatorial campaign, largely concerning the issue of slavery extension into the territories.Lincoln-Douglas debatesAbraham Lincoln (left) and U.S. Sen. Stephen A. Douglas in debate, 1858.
- 1859
- Daniel Decatur Emmett composes the song “Dixie”; this tune will become a popular marching song of the Confederate army during the Civil War and will often be considered the Confederate anthem.
- October 16–18, 1859
- The arsenal of Harpers Ferry is the target of an assault by an armed band of abolitionists led by John Brown. The raid was intended to be the first stage in an elaborate plan to establish an independent stronghold of freed slaves in the mountains of Maryland and Virginia. Brown is captured by Federal troops and subsequently tried and hanged in Charles Town, but his exploits inflame tensions between the country’s proslavery and antislavery factions.
- 1860
- Cotton makes up more than half of U.S. exports.
- In defiance of international law, the Clotilda, the last ship bearing Africans taken as slaves, smuggles its cargo into Alabama.
- November 6, 1860
- Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president of the United States.Examine Abraham Lincoln's campaign for the U.S. presidential election of 1860Learn about Abraham Lincoln's campaign for the U.S. presidential election of 1860.See all videos for this article
- December 20, 1860
- South Carolina is the first state to secede from union with the United States and is soon joined by Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
- 1861
- The seven states that already seceded from the Union are joined by Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia to form the Confederate States of America. Mississippi Sen. Jefferson Davis is chosen president.
- Pres. Abraham Lincoln calls for 75,000 militiamen to serve for three months. He proclaims a naval blockade of the Confederate states. The Confederate government has previously authorized a call for 100,000 soldiers, soon increased to 400,000.
- The Trent Affair causes hostility between the U.S. and Britain when a U.S. ship seizes two Confederate envoys from the Trent, a neutral British ship bound for Europe.
- The U.S. Congress levies an income tax to pay for the war effort; any income higher than $800 is taxed.