Siege of Khartoum
- Date:
- March 13, 1884 - January 26, 1885 (Began on this day)
- Participants:
- British Empire
- Egypt
- Mahdist
Siege of Khartoum, (March 13, 1884–January 26, 1885), military blockade of Khartoum, capital of the Sudan, by al-Mahdī and his followers. The city, which was defended by an Egyptian garrison under the British general Charles George (“Chinese”) Gordon, was eventually captured, and its defenders, including Gordon, were slaughtered, which caused a storm of public protest against the alleged inaction of the British government under Prime Minister William Gladstone.
The Sudan was a dependency of Egypt, which in 1882 was invaded and occupied by the British to safeguard their strategic interests. Though the British oversaw the majority of Egypt’s affairs, they allowed its khedive and his ministers to continue governing the Sudan. Years of Egyptian misrule there fueled a popular revolt led by al-Mahdī. Madhist forces defeated the Egyptians at El Obeid (Al-Ubayyiḍ) in 1882 and overran Kordofan and Darfur in 1883, which prompted discussion of the matter in Britain’s Parliament. However, hoping to avoid the cost of British intervention, Gladstone did not intercede. Sir Evelyn Baring, the British consul general in Cairo, ordered Gordon to oversee the evacuation of Egyptians from the Sudan. He succeeded in evacuating some 2,000 women, children, and sick or wounded soldiers before al-Mahdī’s forces closed in on Khartoum.
Gordon, despite British orders to abandon the Sudan, intended to defeat the Mahdists before they would be able to take Egypt as well. He held a defensive line at Khartoum and requested reinforcements but was denied. Now angry, Gordon sent a series of telegrams to London, which prompted Parliament to hold a vote of confidence on Gladstone and his government. Gladstone survived and persisted in refusing aid to Khartoum. After Gordon launched a failed attack on Halfaya (now in Khartoum North), he decided to return to the defensive. He utilized gunboat raids to obtain some matériel and reinforcements.

The siege
The Siege of Khartoum commenced on March 13, 1884. Mahdist forces quickly surrounded the city, and Gordon was in need of supplies and troops. In July, responding to a request by Queen Victoria, Gladstone sent aid in the form of troops led by Gen. Sir Garnet Wolseley. The Mahdists, after learning of two victories by Wolseley’s advancing forces, were on the verge of raising the siege, but further delay of the relief force encouraged them to make a final attack on the exhausted defenders of Khartoum.
British defeat and aftermath
On January 26, 1885, some 50,000 Mahdists, taking advantage of a gap in the ramparts along the White Nile and bursting through the Masallamiyyah Gate, stormed the city, overwhelming the defenders. The city’s garrison, having been reduced from some 7,000 men, was butchered, Gordon with it; he was decapitated, and his head was put on a pike. The forerunners of the relief force, consisting of river gunboats under Lord Charles Beresford, arrived off the city on January 28, two days too late, and, after a brief gun duel with the Mahdist defenders, retreated downriver. Soon afterward the Mahdists abandoned Khartoum and made Omdurman their capital. Gladstone suffered major political damage, as Gordon’s death was blamed on Gladstone’s refusal to send reinforcements earlier. His government officially fell in 1885.
Kate Lohnes The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica