United States presidential election of 1864
- Date:
- November 8, 1864
United States presidential election of 1864, American presidential election held on November 8, 1864, in which Republican Pres. Abraham Lincoln defeated Democrat George B. McClellan . As the election occurred during the American Civil War , it was contested only by the states that had not seceded from the Union.
At a glance: the election of 1864
Wartime discord
As the 1864 election approached, the prospect that Pres. Abraham Lincoln would gain a second term was very much in doubt. The war between the North and the South had persisted longer than many had anticipated, and the Union army’s efforts in early 1864 provided little hope for an expeditious conclusion. Many Northern Democrats who supported the war as a means of preserving the Union had been dismayed by the Emancipation Proclamation (1863), the promulgation of which suggested to them that slaves’ rights had also become a principal objective of the conflict. At the same time, a faction within Lincoln’s own party—the antislavery Radical Republicans—contended that the actual emancipation of slaves was not being accomplished quickly enough and that the president’s proposals for readmitting Confederate states to the Union were too lenient. Both sides, furthermore, were critical of Lincoln’s wartime restraints on civil liberties.

Several names were discussed as potential Republican challengers to Lincoln. In early 1864 Secretary of State Salmon P. Chase began a surreptitious campaign for the nomination but hastily ended it after pamphlets intended for private distribution were leaked to the press. A more formidable challenge came from former Republican presidential nominee John C. Frémont , who in May won the nomination of the Radical Democracy Party, formed by a group of disaffected Republicans. The official convention for Republicans was held in Baltimore several weeks later. Despite misgivings among some Republican party leaders, Lincoln won renomination on the first ballot. More committed to their broad strategic policies than to strict partisanship, the Republicans attempted to siphon the support of pro-war Democrats by temporarily renaming themselves the National Union Party and by replacing Vice Pres. Hannibal Hamlin on the ticket with Andrew Johnson , a former Democratic senator from Tennessee.
Although the Democratic Party was generally unified in its opposition to emancipation, in 1864 it found itself divided between those who favored the continuation of the war and those who sought peace through a negotiated settlement with the South. The former faction found a candidate in Gen. George B. McClellan, who had led the Union army in 1861–62 but was personally contemptuous of Lincoln. The latter faction, centered mainly in the Midwest and popularly known as the Copperheads , gravitated toward New York Gov. Horatio Seymour. At the Democratic convention in August, a compromise was struck whereby McClellan was nominated as the party’s presidential candidate and the Copperheads were allowed authority over the party platform; accordingly, they inserted a plank calling for immediate peace negotiations. In addition, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Ohio Rep. George Pendleton , was an advocate for peace.
Momentum for Lincoln
As late as August 23, Lincoln considered it “exceedingly probable” that he would not be reelected. However, Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman’s capture of Atlanta in early September significantly boosted Northern morale. In the wake of the victory, Frémont withdrew his candidacy, and newspapers and churches both provided enthusiastic endorsements of Lincoln. Though Lincoln did not shift his policies, he appeased the Radical Republicans somewhat by replacing a member of his cabinet whose conservative views on racial issues had come under criticism. Meanwhile, McClellan’s campaign flailed as his repudiation of the peace plank in the Democratic platform provoked further tensions within his party.
On election day, Lincoln prevailed handily, winning 212 of 233 total electoral votes. Contributing to his victory were the predominantly Republican votes of Union soldiers, many of whom had been allowed to cast ballots in the field or else had been furloughed to vote in their home districts. McClellan won only the states of Delaware, New Jersey, and Kentucky. The strategic selection of Johnson as a vice presidential candidate proved unexpectedly consequential when Lincoln’s assassination less than two months into his second term elevated Johnson to the presidency.
For the results of the previous election, see United States presidential election of 1860. For the results of the subsequent election, see United States presidential election of 1868.
Results of the 1864 election
The results of the 1864 U.S. presidential election are provided in the table.
presidential candidate | political party | electoral votes | popular votes |
Source: United States Office of the Federal Register. | |||
Abraham Lincoln | Republican | 212 | 2,213,665 |
George B. McClellan | Democratic | 21 | 1,805,237 |
(not voted) | 81 |