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Australia: Facts & Stats

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Also Known As Commonwealth of Australia
Head Of Government Prime Minister: Anthony Albanese
Capital Canberra
Population (2025 est.) 27,978,000
Currency Exchange Rate 1 USD equals 1.545 Australian dollar
Head Of State British Monarch: King Charles III, represented by Governor-General: Sam Mostyn
Form Of Government federal parliamentary state (formally a constitutional monarchy) with two legislative houses (Senate [76]; House of Representatives [150])
Official Language none1
Official Religion none
Official Name Commonwealth of Australia
Total Area (Sq Km) 7,688,126
Total Area (Sq Mi) 2,968,385
Monetary Unit Australian dollar ($A)
Population Rank (2025) 53
Population Projection 2030 27,564,000
Density: Persons Per Sq Mi (2025) 9.4
Density: Persons Per Sq Km (2025) 3.6
Urban-Rural Population Urban: (2018) 86% • Rural: (2018) 14%
Life Expectancy At Birth Male: (2020–2022) 81.2 years • Female: (2020–2022) 85.3 years
Literacy: Percentage Of Population Age 15 And Over Literate Male: not available • Female: not available
Gni (U.S.$ ’000,000) (2023) 1,683,420
Gni Per Capita (U.S.$) (2023) 63,150
1There is no official language designated in the Australian constitution. English is widely considered the de facto national language.

Photos and Videos


Anthony Albanese
Anthony Albanese
prime minister of Australia
Scott Morrison
Scott Morrison
prime minister of Australia
The first female prime minister of Australia
Julia Gillard
prime minister of Australia
Dunlop, Weary
Weary Dunlop
Australian physician
Abbott, Tony
Tony Abbott
prime minister of Australia
Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd
prime minister of Australia
Dodson, Patrick
Patrick Dodson
Australian activist and politician
John Howard
John Howard
prime minister of Australia
Pauline Lee Hanson
Australian politician
Turnbull, Malcolm
Malcolm Turnbull
prime minister of Australia
Cheryl Kernot
Australian politician
Carmen Lawrence
Australian politician
Bronwyn Bishop
Australian politician
Palmer, Clive
Clive Palmer
Australian politician and businessman
David Morrison
Australian general
Alexander Downer
Australian politician
Tim Fischer
Australian politician
Quentin Bryce
Quentin Bryce
Australian governor-general
Ken Wyatt
Australian politician
Bob Brown
Australian politician

Murray River, South Australia
Murray River
river, Australia
flag of New South Wales
New South Wales
state, Australia
flag of Victoria
state, Australia
flag of Western Australia
Western Australia
state, Australia
flag of South Australia
South Australia
state, Australia
flag of Queensland
state, Australia
flag of Northern Territory
Northern Territory
territory, Australia
flag of Tasmania
island and state, Australia
Australian Capital Territory Flag
Australian Capital Territory
territory, Australia
Sydney: Harbour Bridge
New South Wales, Australia
Melbourne: central business district
Victoria, Australia
Great Barrier Reef
Great Barrier Reef
reef, Australia
Uluru/Ayers Rock, Northern Territory, Australia
Uluru/Ayers Rock
tor, Northern Territory, Australia
Simpson Desert
Simpson Desert
desert, Australia
