Samoa: Facts & Stats

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Frequent power outages is causing public frustration in Samoa Mar. 6, 2025, 12:58 AM ET (ABC News (Australia))
Samoa parliament debates motion of no confidence Mar. 6, 2025, 12:58 AM ET (ABC News (Australia))
Samoa's PM survives second no-confidence motion in less than a week - ABC Pacific Mar. 5, 2025, 9:02 AM ET (ABC News (Australia))


Also Known As Western Samoa • Independent State of Western Samoa • Malo Sa’aloto Tuto’atasi o Samoa I Sisifo
Head Of Government Prime Minister: Fiame Naomi Mataafa
Capital Apia
Population (2025 est.) 212,800
Head Of State O le Ao o le Malo (Head of State): Vaaletoa Sualauvi II
Form Of Government mix of parliamentary democracy and Samoan customs with one legislative house (Legislative Assembly [501])
Official Languages Samoan2
Official Religion none
Official Name Malo Sa’oloto Tuto’atasi o Samoa (Independent State of Samoa)
Total Area (Sq Km) 2,830
Total Area (Sq Mi) 1,093
Monetary Unit tala (SAT)
Population Rank (2023) 190
Population Projection 2030 207,000
Density: Persons Per Sq Mi (2025) 194.7
Density: Persons Per Sq Km (2025) 75.2
Urban-Rural Population Urban: (2022) 17.3% • Rural: (2022) 82.7%
Life Expectancy At Birth Male: (2021) 74 years • Female: (2021) 77 years
Literacy: Percentage Of Population Age 15 And Over Literate Male: (2021) 99% • Female: (2021) 99%
Gni (U.S.$ ’000,000) (2023) 908
Gni Per Capita (U.S.$) (2023) 4,020
1Forty-seven seats are reserved for ethnic Samoans; women must constitute at least 10 percent of the assembly.2Samoan became the official language per the Samoan Language Commission Act 2014, though all legislative activity is to be conducted in both Samoan and English per constitution.

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Tom Udall
Tom Udall
United States senator
Margaret Mead
Margaret Mead
American anthropologist

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national capital, Samoa
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archipelago, Pacific Ocean
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island, Samoa
island, Samoa
