T.S. Eliot: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Thomas Stearns Eliot
Born September 26, 1888 • Saint LouisMissouri
Died January 4, 1965 (aged 76) • LondonEngland
Founder “The Criterion”
Awards And Honors Nobel Prize (1948)
Notable Works “Ash Wednesday”“Burnt Norton”“East Coker”“Little Gidding”“Murder in the Cathedral”“Notes Towards the Definition of Culture”“Prufrock and Other Observations”“Sweeney Agonistes”“The Confidential Clerk”“The Dry Salvages”“The Elder Statesman”“The Family Reunion”“Four Quartets”“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”“The Metaphysical Poets”“The Sacred Wood”“The Waste Land”“Tradition and the Individual Talent”
Movement / Style ModernismNew Criticism
Subjects Of Study Metaphysical poetspoetry


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