Table of Contents
- Anglo-Saxon England
- 18th-century Britain, 1714–1815
- Britain from 1914 to the present
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Also Known As | Great Britain • Britain • U.K. • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Head Of Government | Prime Minister: Keir Starmer |
Capital | London |
Population | (2025 est.) 69,414,000 |
Currency Exchange Rate | 1 USD equals 0.800 British pound |
Head Of State | Sovereign: King Charles III |
Form Of Government | constitutional monarchy with two legislative houses (House of Lords [7941]; House of Commons [650]) |
Official Languages | English; both English and Scots Gaelic in Scotland; both English and Welsh in Wales |
Official Religion | See footnote 2. |
Official Name | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Total Area (Sq Km) | 242,500 |
Total Area (Sq Mi) | 93,629 |
Monetary Unit | pound sterling (£) |
Population Rank | (2025) 20 |
Population Projection 2030 | 70,338,000 |
Density: Persons Per Sq Mi | (2025) 741.4 |
Density: Person Per Sq Km | (2025) 286.2 |
Urban-Rural Population | Urban: (2018) 83.4% • Rural: (2018) 16.6% |
Life Expectancy At Birth | Male: (2020–2022) 78.6 years • Female: (2020–2022) 82.6 years |
Literacy: Percentage Of Population Age 15 And Over Literate | Male: (2006) 99% • Female: (2006) 99% |
Gni (U.S.$ ’000,000) | (2023) 3,260,416 |
Gni Per Capita (U.S.$) | (2023) 47,700 |
1Active members as of February 2020: 89 hereditary peers, 679 life peers, and 26 archbishops and bishops.2Church of England “established” (protected by the state but not “official”); Church of Scotland “national” (exclusive jurisdiction in spiritual matters per Church of Scotland Act 1921); no established church in Northern Ireland or Wales. |