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United States: Facts & Stats

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Also Known As America • U.S. • United States of America • U.S.A.
Head Of State And Government President: Donald Trump
Capital Washington, D.C.
Population (2020) 331,449,281; (2025 est.) 343,969,0002
Currency Exchange Rate 1 US dollar equals 0.937 euro
Form Of Government federal republic with two legislative houses (Senate [100]; House of Representatives [4351])
Official Language none
Official Religion none
Official Name United States of America
Total Area (Sq Km) 9,866,2893
Total Area (Sq Mi) 3,809,5253
Monetary Unit dollar (U.S.$)
Population Rank (2025) 3
Population Projection 2030 358,633,000
Density: Persons Per Sq Mi (2025) 90.3
Density: Persons Per Sq Km (2025) 34.9
Urban-Rural Population Urban: (2018) 82.3% • Rural: (2018) 17.7%
Life Expectancy At Birth Male: (2024) 78.7 years • Female: (2024) 83.1 years
Literacy: Percentage Of Population Age 15 And Over Literate Male: (2000–2004) 95.7% • Female: (2000–2004) 95.3%
Gni (U.S.$ ’000,000) (2023) 26,944,999
Gni Per Capita (U.S.$) (2023) 80,450
1Excludes five nonvoting delegates from the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam and a nonvoting resident commissioner from Puerto Rico.2Includes military personnel overseas.3Total area (excluding 42,334 sq mi [109,645 sq km] of coastal water and 76,804 sq mi [198,921 sq km] of territorial water) equals 3,677,649 sq mi (9,525,067 sq km), of which land area equals 3,531,925 sq mi (9,147,643 sq km), inland water area equals 85,631 sq mi (221,783 sq km), and Great Lakes water area equals 60,093 sq mi (155,641 sq km).

Did You Know?

  • Annually, the U.S. spends more on its military than the next seven highest-ranking countries in military spending combined.
  • The internet was first conceptualized in the United States.
  • Dwarf-tossing in establishments that sell liquor is illegal in Florida.
  • The U.S. owns the GPS (Global Positioning System).
  • A cat served as honorary mayor for 20 years in Talkeetna, Alaska.

Photos and Videos


Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
American religious leader and civil-rights activist
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway
American writer
Lisa Blunt Rochester
Lisa Blunt Rochester
American politician
Edward O'Hare
Edward O’Hare
American aviator and WWII hero
Amy Coney Barrett
Amy Coney Barrett
United States jurist
Tommy Tuberville
Tommy Tuberville
United States senator
“Swamp Thang,” C.Q.,and chairman
Charles Q. Brown, Jr.
United States general
Puller, Chesty
Chesty Puller
United States Marine Corps officer
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Kay Bailey Hutchison
United States senator
Prescott S. Bush and family
Prescott S. Bush
American businessman and politician
Tulsi Gabbard
Tulsi Gabbard
American politician
Deval Patrick
Deval Patrick
American politician and lawyer
Marsha Blackburn
Marsha Blackburn
United States senator
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
American politician
Kyrsten Sinema
Kyrsten Sinema
United States senator
Brett Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh
United States jurist
Laurens, John; Hamilton, Alexander
John Laurens
American army officer
Rick Scott
Rick Scott
United States senator
Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley
Josh Hawley
United States senator
Norman Mineta
Norman Mineta
American politician

Africatown in Mobile, Alabama
community, Mobile, Alabama, United States
Calabasas, California
California, United States
FBI Academy
Virginia, United States
North America
North America
Statue of Liberty
New York City
New York, United States
Washington, D.C. flag
Washington, D.C.
national capital, United States
Chicago skyline
Illinois, United States
Los Angeles: Harbor Freeway
Los Angeles
California, United States
California: flag
state, United States
Alaska: flag
state, United States
Minnesota: flag
state, United States
Michigan: flag
state, United States
New York: flag
New York
state, United States
Kentucky: flag
state, United States
Texas state flag
state, United States
