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Key People

Blaise Pascal
French philosopher and scientist

Greek mathematician

Egyptian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer

Pierre de Fermat
French mathematician

Bernhard Riemann
German mathematician

Paul Erdős
Hungarian mathematician

Leonhard Euler
Swiss mathematician

Eudoxus of Cnidus
Greek mathematician and astronomer

Apollonius of Perga
Greek mathematician

Ibn al-Haytham
Arab astronomer and mathematician

Pappus of Alexandria
Greek mathematician

Heron of Alexandria
Greek mathematician

Isaac Barrow
English mathematician

James Gregory
Scottish mathematician and astronomer

Thales of Miletus
Greek philosopher

Girard Desargues
French mathematician

Colin Maclaurin
Scottish mathematician

Giovanni Ceva
Italian mathematician and engineer

Michel Chasles
French mathematician

Mikhail Gromov
Soviet-born French mathematician
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