- Introduction
- What’s a dip?
- Should I buy the dip?
- Buy the dip when the fundamentals are favorable
- Buy the dip where the technicals are favorable
- Look for historical support levels
- Catching the dip on a rising trend
- The risk of buying the dip
- The bottom line
My stock is drifting down. Should I buy the dip?
- Introduction
- What’s a dip?
- Should I buy the dip?
- Buy the dip when the fundamentals are favorable
- Buy the dip where the technicals are favorable
- Look for historical support levels
- Catching the dip on a rising trend
- The risk of buying the dip
- The bottom line

You may have heard the phrase “Buy the dip,” whether from market experts interviewed on a financial TV channel or trading enthusiasts on social media. The idea is that you might buy an asset that’s falling in price. The problem with this suggestion is that it goes against another popular maxim: “Don’t catch a falling knife.”
Key Points
- Buying the dip is a tricky maneuver that requires precise timing and execution.
- Always be ready for a dip to turn into a “falling knife.”
- It helps to have a strong grasp of fundamental and technical analysis when buying a falling asset.
Yes, that’s confusing. How can you possibly buy the dip without catching a falling knife? Is there a way to measure or time the “dip” to reduce the likelihood of getting hurt?
There’s some good news and bad news. The bad news is that you can never be 100% certain. The good news is that there are ways to reduce your risk so that your potential upside may be greater than your downside.
What’s a dip?
When talking about stocks, commodities, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or any financial asset, a “dip” is a drop in price. Maybe a stock that was trading for $100 per share, for example, is now at $95 or even lower. That’s the dip. It’s really that simple. It’s also quite tricky.
When people say “buy the dip,” they’re assuming that the asset is going to bounce back. The dip is supposed to be a temporary decline in price. It’s as if the asset were taking a breather before sweating out the next leg of an upward climb (see figure 1).

But if the asset’s longer-term uptrend has turned bearish, then the fall in price is no longer a dip. It’s a falling knife that may cut through your buying price if you jump in to grab it too soon.
Should I buy the dip?
What makes this tricky is that there’s really no way to tell the difference between what may turn out to be a “dip” or a “knife.” That’s why sound money management and a well-placed stop-loss order are critical when attempting this maneuver. It also helps to map out your strategy on a price chart so you can see where to buy and, if necessary, where to exit the trade.
Buy the dip when the fundamentals are favorable
It goes without saying that a stock that’s crashing due to internal mismanagement, exceedingly high debt, an inability to generate revenue, and unpromising prospects may not be the smartest dip to buy. In contrast, a falling stock whose company financials are reasonably sound makes for a better case of a bargain buy.
But when might be the right time to “pull the trigger,” so to speak? Tomorrow, the next day, or next week?
The answer to the “when” is the “where.” In other words, asking “Where’s the best place to plot a purchase?” is probably the better question. And to answer that question, it’s best to rely on a little technical analysis. In short, we need something of a tactical map.
Buy the dip where the technicals are favorable
If a stock that’s been trending up suddenly reverses—assuming the company is financially healthy—nobody can predict how far down it will go before bouncing back up (assuming that it does). There may also be unfavorable developments that you’re unaware of or that haven’t yet been publicly revealed.
Even if you can’t predict where prices might bounce, let alone resume climbing, you can anticipate price levels that other traders may be watching for a bounce. You can also identify price levels at which to exit your position should your buy point fail.
There are many ways to do this. For now, we’ll focus on just two simple techniques.
Look for historical support levels
Take a look at figure 2.

The S&P 500 saw a volatile series of back-and-forth movements from August to November before resuming its uptrend to close out the year with a gain. Let’s take a closer look to decipher what traders were doing:
- You can see where prices pulled back slightly at [Dip 1]. Buyers jumped in and prices kept rising until momentum ran dry in early September.
- A major decline then followed, but where did most traders buy? At [Dip 2], the same price level where they jumped in before. It’s as if the market has a memory. This is what technicians call “support.”
- In mid-October, prices once again stalled and began falling. There was a third attempt by traders to get in on a rising market. And you can see at [Dip 3] that traders anticipated a bounce at the same support level. People “bought the dip” a third time.
But what if you don’t see any historical support levels to fall back on?
Catching the dip on a rising trend
What if the dip takes place along an uptrend? One popular indicator is the 50-day moving average.
A 50-day moving average plots the average of prices over the last 50 trading days. If the average is rising, it indicates an uptrend. If the average price is falling, then it indicates a downtrend.
Because the 50-day moving average has roughly a two-month lookback period, it’s considered a longer-term indicator. So, if the average is trending up, traders will generally assume that the longer-term trend might also be moving toward the upside.
As you can see in figure 3, traders sometimes use the 50-day moving average as a buy point. You can also see that this setup isn’t perfect. Because moving averages are lagging (and not predictive) indicators, prices can rise or fall rapidly, and it might take up to 50 days for the average to catch up, so to speak.

The risk of buying the dip
These are just a couple of the many ways to buy falling assets. The strategies just discussed are pretty basic, but they’re simple enough to help you get started.
Here’s the big caveat: A dip can turn into a falling knife. In other words, the price of a stock can keep falling, and falling, and falling, until whatever’s left of an uptrend becomes history.
If you’re holding on to a position, this might present you with an uncomfortable situation. That’s why it’s important to prepare for such a scenario before it happens:
- Buy in small chunks instead of making oversize bets.
- Unless you’re looking to get into a short-term trade, be sure the asset you’re purchasing has favorable fundamentals.
- If you must exit the market, know when or where to get out.
- Remember that there may be other entry points above or below the level you choose to enter the market.
The bottom line
Buying the dip is essentially timing the market. Market timing can be extremely difficult to pull off. More often than not, the purchase of a falling asset requires strong technical analysis skills to identify and execute. With that said, understanding both fundamental and technical analysis can help stack the odds in your favor when attempting such a delicate maneuver.