- Introduction
- How is a CBDC different from digitized cash in a bank account?
- What is the purpose of a CBDC?
- What are the potential risks of CBDCs?
- Can CBDCs replace cash?
- When can we expect to see CBDCs circulating in the global economy?
- The bottom line
- References
Are central bank digital currencies the future of global money?
- Introduction
- How is a CBDC different from digitized cash in a bank account?
- What is the purpose of a CBDC?
- What are the potential risks of CBDCs?
- Can CBDCs replace cash?
- When can we expect to see CBDCs circulating in the global economy?
- The bottom line
- References

If you’ve been following cryptocurrency news or news on macroeconomic developments, you’ve probably come across the term “central bank digital currency” (CBDC).
What is a CBDC? A central bank digital currency is a form of digital money that’s pegged to a nation’s fiat currency (e.g. the U.S. dollar) and is backed by a central bank (e.g. the Federal Reserve in the U.S.).
Key Points
- CBDCs may change the future of the global monetary system, but their development is still an emerging phenomenon.
- CBDCs could broaden access to money and enhance payment security and convenience.
- One risk posed by CBDCs is the potential disruption to the existing financial ecosystem.
The idea of creating a CBDC came about when private cryptocurrency developers began working on stablecoins, which are crypto pegged to a country’s fiat currency.
As digital currency created by private developers, stablecoins were neither regulated nor “legal tender.” Yet they were being used as payment vehicles, which posed certain problems for the monetary system. So, central banks decided to create their own.
How is a CBDC different from digitized cash in a bank account?
The big difference between digitized (physical) cash and a CBDC comes down to “liability ownership.”
When you deposit cash in a bank, your money (i.e., your asset) is the bank’s liability. The bank owes you the money you deposited. When you ask for all of it back, the bank has an obligation to return it on the spot.
In contrast, a CBDC is the liability of the central bank—the Federal Reserve, in the U.S.—and not a commercial bank. In theory, this makes CBDCs a safer form of money, as central banks such as the Federal Reserve are often the only institutions with the power to create currency.
What is the purpose of a CBDC?
Generally, the main purpose of a CBDC (aka “digital dollar”) is to give consumers and businesses a form of easily accessible digital money that’s convenient and secure. This goal can be broken down further into smaller objectives:
1. Provide broad public access to a form of digital money free from credit and liquidity risk.
Credit risk is when someone who owes you something (like the money you deposited in a bank) can’t pay you back. Liquidity risk is linked to credit risk. Maybe the bank can pay back your deposit, but it doesn’t have enough to pay you all at once.
CBDCs are considered a liability of the central bank—aka the “bank of banks” in a given country—and may be considered the safest among all banks in a country’s domestic financial system. Because the central bank is the main issuer of currency, it should present no credit or liquidity risk.
2. Provide a secure and convenient digital payment system for businesses and consumers.
An important part of CBDC development is to create a system that can protect the privacy and verify the identities of those who use CBDCs to make transactions. CBDCs should also be capable of handling huge volumes of transactions here and abroad.
3. Promote financial inclusion.
There are plenty of people who can’t afford to maintain a bank account, let alone other financial services. These individuals are referred to as the “unbanked.”
Helping the unbanked gain access to a variety of banking services (i.e., financial inclusion) through CBDCs is one benefit the Federal Reserve has often mentioned in its research toward creating a digital dollar.
4. Preserve or promote the role of a given currency within the global economy.
Imagine being the only nation in the world that doesn’t have a CBDC. Everyone is trading with each other using their own digital currency and you’re still in the “old world” of digitizing paper cash to buy or sell international goods.
The difference is that the old way of doing things is extremely slow. In this hypothetical scenario, you’ve fallen behind in the global economy. In short, you need a CBDC system to catch up with the rest of the world. In reality, this scenario is more of a concern than a verifiable risk. Regardless, it’s enough to get countries moving toward CBDC development.
5. Provide a central bank with the means to closely implement monetary policies to ensure economic stability and manage economic growth.
A central bank’s job is to monitor and manage a country’s monetary system. It has to stabilize its national currency, keep most people employed, and tackle inflation as needed.
Yet the effects of a central bank’s action can only take hold so fast. There’s lag time between a central bank’s actions and the effect of those actions working their way through the economy. There’s a lot of cash sloshing around in the system.
In contrast, CBDCs are a mainline to the central bank, meaning it can tap the monetary system more quickly, directly, and immediately.
What are the potential risks of CBDCs?
Here’s where things get more complicated. Every country actively developing a CBDC may have a slightly different idea as to how CBDCs should work. This means it also has different ideas about the potential advantages and risks CBDCs pose to a country’s economy.
Concerns vary from one country to the next, but one of the biggest risks is that a CBDC could potentially destabilize a country’s commercial banking system.
How so? If it’s safer to hold CBDCs at a facility controlled by a central bank than it is to deposit cash at a local bank, then why use a bank at all? Commercial banks have credit and liquidity risk. The central bank likely doesn’t. And if a central bank were to offer an interest-bearing CBDC, what’s the point of opening a savings account or investing in an interest-bearing product at a bank (especially if that bank charges a lot of service fees)?
In a moderate scenario, commercial banks may lose customers to the central bank. The worst-case scenario would be a run on the bank. Banks tend to loan out most of the funds deposited, and keep only a fraction of their asset base on hand (in what’s called a “fractional reserve” banking system). The system works great—until too many depositors clamor for their funds at the same time.
As you can imagine, such a scenario poses an existential threat to a country’s commercial banking system.
There are other risks as well. If more people prefer CBDCs to bank deposits, there may be fewer commercial banks. Fewer commercial banks means fewer loans. But if the demand for loans is higher than the available supply, this may bump up borrowing costs.
Let’s suppose monetary policy were a well-oiled machine. What might happen if some of the parts go missing—specifically, a large majority of commercial banks? This might force central banks to tweak the way they’re doing monetary policy because the banking landscape just changed.
Last but not least, CBDCs, like all digital assets, are subject to cyberattacks and other technological disruptions (such as a server going down).
Can CBDCs replace cash?
They can, but whether a country aims to do so depends on the country’s lawmakers.
In the U.S., the Federal Reserve sees a digital dollar as “a means to expand safe payment options, not to reduce or replace them.”
When can we expect to see CBDCs circulating in the global economy?
Countries representing 95% of the global gross domestic product (GDP) are currently exploring or developing CBDCs, according to a study from the American think tank Atlantic Council. The same study mentions that a smaller fraction of that figure is in the advanced exploration phases of development.
With each country advancing at a different pace, we may begin to see CBDCs circulating in the near future, but that future has varying estimated start dates.
The bottom line
CBDCs have the potential to significantly change the way domestic economies work. And in doing so, they can also change the structure of the global economy. Because CBDCs are still in development and may vary in design, function, and goals depending on the country, many of the advantages and risks associated with CBDCs are theoretical and untested.
Nevertheless, CBDCs are likely to play a significant role in the future of money. As an investor, this may significantly affect the way you earn, save, and invest money. What this new horizon might look like is something that one can only speculate about at the moment. You may want to follow the key developments in this global movement to see how you might best position yourself and your money when the time comes.
- Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) | federalreserve.org
- Central Bank Digital Currency Tracker | atlanticcouncil.org