development bank

development bank, national or regional financial institution designed to provide medium- and long-term capital for productive investment, often accompanied by technical assistance, in poor countries.
The number of development banks has increased rapidly since the 1950s; they have been encouraged by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and its affiliates. The large regional development banks include the Inter-American Development Bank, established in 1959; the Asian Development Bank, which began operations in 1966; and the African Development Bank, established in 1964. They may make loans for specific national or regional projects to private or public bodies or may operate in conjunction with other financial institutions. One of the main activities of development banks has been the recognition and promotion of private investment opportunities. Although the efforts of the majority of development banks are directed toward the industrial sector, some are also concerned with agriculture.
Development banks may be publicly or privately owned and operated, although governments frequently make substantial contributions to the capital of private banks. The form (share equity or loans) and cost of financing offered by development banks depend on their cost of obtaining capital and their need to show a profit and pay dividends.
Development practices have provoked some controversy. Because development banks tend to be government-run and are not accountable to the taxpayers who fund them, there are few checks and balances preventing the banks from making bad investments. Some international development banks have been blamed for imposing policies that ultimately destabilize the economies of recipient countries. Yet another concern centres on “moral hazard”—that is, the possibility that fiscally irresponsible policies by recipient countries will be effectively rewarded and thereby encouraged by bailout loans. While theoretically a serious concern, the existence of such moral hazard has not been proved.
An example of a successful private development bank is the Grameen Bank, founded in 1976 to serve small borrowers in Bangladesh. The bank’s approach is based on microcredit—small loans amounting to as little as a few dollars. Loan repayment rates are very high, because borrowers are required to join “lending circles.” The fellow members of a circle, which typically contains fewer than 10 people, are other borrowers whose credit rating is at risk if one of their members defaults. Therefore, each member drives other members to pay on time. The Grameen approach has spurred the creation of similar banks in numerous developing countries.