incomes policy

incomes policy, collective governmental effort to control the incomes of labour and capital, usually by limiting increases in wages and prices. The term often refers to policies directed at the control of inflation, but it may also indicate efforts to alter the distribution of income among workers, industries, locations, or occupational groups.
(Read Milton Friedman’s Britannica entry on money.)
Countries with highly centralized methods of setting wages tend to have the greatest degree of public or collective regulation of wage and price levels. In the Netherlands, wage settlements are subject to government approval before becoming operative, and price increases are investigated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Centralized wage negotiation in the Scandinavian countries functions to set limits for local bargaining rather than to fix the actual wage rate paid; as a result, local wage rates tend to drift away from the centrally determined one. In Norway and Sweden the government has no formal role in bargaining procedures, but its influence is nevertheless felt in negotiations.

France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, and the United States have also sought ways of restraining wage and price increases. They have usually preferred to seek the voluntary cooperation of management and labour rather than to establish administrative machinery. Incomes policies are generally unpopular among trade unionists because they are thought to bear more heavily upon wages than upon other forms of income.