Good debt vs. bad debt: It’s all about targeting your goals

Debt may sound like a bad word, but don’t let its reputation fool you. The risk is clear, but the other side of the coin may reveal a powerful tool to get you closer to your goals.
Obviously, debt means owing money—especially money that needs to be paid back with interest. But some types of debt are better than others. Good debt helps you reach major goals, like becoming a mortgage-free homeowner or a debt-free college grad.
Key Points
- Good debt—mortgages, student loans, and business loans, steer you toward your goals.
- Bad debt—credit cards, predatory loans, and any loan used for a depreciating asset—steers you away from your goals.
- With debt, moderation is key; even good debt, when overused, can turn bad.
Bad debt—going into hock to pay for unimportant things—makes your goals harder to achieve. Yes, these things make you feel good at first, but then what? Designer clothing declines in value as soon as you put it on. And the latest tech gadget will end up in a drawer before long. If you’re serious about hitting your targets, bad debt should be avoided when possible.
What is good debt?
Think of good debt as money borrowed to help build important things in your life. Good debt ultimately contributes to your wealth and happiness and means obtaining something useful. It also helps you raise your credit score (assuming you keep up your payments). That comes in handy when you want to make other major purchases.
There are a few types of “good debt.” But remember, even good debt can turn bad if you take on more than you can realistically pay back or at too high an interest rate.
Mortgage debt. A mortgage is likely the biggest debt you’ll ever have. If you buy a house with a 30-year mortgage at age 30, you may not pay it off until you’re nearing retirement.
Mortgage debt is good debt—with some caveats. Calculate the monthly payment before signing on the dotted line, or you won’t know if it fits your budget. Many financial advisors recommend spending no more than one-third of gross income on housing. So if the mortgage payment, including interest, taxes, and insurance, doesn’t exceed 33% of your household income, that debt may prove to be a good investment.
Why is mortgage debt “good?” Because when you take it on, you become a homeowner. Making mortgage payments (instead of rent) can help you build long-term equity. Home prices don’t necessarily rise as fast as some other investments, but they still tend to rise steadily over time. That’s called “building equity.”
Plus, mortgage interest is generally tax deductible (up to a certain point). Think of tax deductibility as a way of lowering the “effective” interest rate on that loan.
College debt. College costs can be daunting. With costs rising faster than inflation for several decades, it’s an issue that seems to get worse every year. As of early 2022, U.S. residents owe a total of $1.75 trillion in student loans, according to Federal Reserve data, with the average borrower owing nearly $29,000. More than 60% of U.S. college students had student loan debt.
College debt, however, means you’ve invested in your future earning potential. Research by the Social Security Administration showed that men with bachelor’s degrees earn $900,000 more in lifetime earnings than high school graduates. For women, the figure is $630,000. These numbers are even higher for those with master’s degrees. Even when adjusted for socioeconomic and demographic differences, the SSA’s findings suggest “significant long-term economic benefits associated with college education.”
A degree may not be an “asset” the way a house is, but you might think of it the same way as far as its financial potential. You invest in a degree and, on average, you potentially earn lifetime dividends in the form of higher wages.
Other education debt. Maybe you don’t go to college, but borrow to qualify for a profession. That’s good debt, too. Learning a trade—whether it’s a traditional one, like plumbing or dental hygiene, or a newer type like software developer or wind turbine technician—can pay off. The shorter duration and potential lower cost of such education can mean smaller overall debt.
A vocational education is an investment in yourself, and many people find they can make as much or more in such professions than those requiring a college degree. The same is true if you return to school after getting a college degree and spending some time in the work world.
Business loans. If you or your family begin a business venture and have to borrow, that’s an investment in the future, and potentially an asset that could grow in value if you manage it well.
Many small businesses ultimately fail, and the craft brewery or consulting firm you start might sadly end up in that category. But if you’ve done your research, run the numbers, have a game plan, and you’re committed to rolling up your sleeves to make it work, it might turn out to be not just good debt, but rather great or even awesome debt.
What is bad debt?
What do these good-debt examples have in common? They all steer you toward your goals. Bad debt is the opposite. If good debt sets you up for smooth sailing, then bad debt is like swimming against the tide.
Credit cards. Almost all of us have encountered this one. As you probably know, interest rates on credit card debt are high, and your balance can quickly spiral if you let things get out of hand. As of 2021, the average American owed more than $5,000 on their credit card, according to Federal Reserve data. Try and pay in full each month, or simply stop buying so much on credit. Whittle it down, pay it off, then swear it off.
Luxury goods. Many luxuries are depreciating assets. Aside from being bright and shiny, they have no real use. Sure, a pair of mint-condition Air Jordans from the 1980s would be worth many times the initial store price, but most luxury goods fail to hold their value. There’s nothing wrong with luxury if you can afford it. But borrowing to buy it will steer you off track.
Payday and title loans. These loans are billed as ultra-short-term; they aim to bridge a budget shortfall between now and your next payday. But if you can’t pay the loan back within a couple weeks—and according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, over 80% of these borrowers can’t—the interest rate soars, making it nearly impossible to pay back. Your credit score tanks, and you could even lose the title to your car. Short-term, nosebleed-interest-rate loans are goal killers.
*Auto loans. Why the asterisk? Auto loans can be good or bad debt, depending on the circumstances. If you need wheels to get you to your job, and you need to finance the auto purchase, it’s good—or at least necessary—debt. But a car begins depreciating as soon as you drive it off the lot. With automobiles, if you must borrow money, try to buy only the car you need, and no more. A midsize sedan or SUV will get you to and from work just as effectively as the luxury import or exotic sports car.
The bottom line
Before you borrow money, ask yourself whether it’s steering you toward your goals or away from them. And even with good debt, it’s important to practice moderation. Think of debt like the food you eat. The stuff that’s bad for you is pretty much always bad. But the good stuff is only good up to a point, and if you overindulge, it can also be bad for you.
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