- Introduction
- Touring the factory floor
- Industrial data and your investing journey
- The bottom line
- References
What is the industrial production and capacity utilization report?
- Introduction
- Touring the factory floor
- Industrial data and your investing journey
- The bottom line
- References

It’s a popular myth that manufacturing no longer matters in the U.S. economy. Although China is the world’s largest manufacturer and exporter, U.S. manufacturing and mining aren’t dormant by any means, producing a hefty 18% of all the stuff the world consumes. And Wall Street keeps close tabs on the health of this economic powerhouse, which still can have a major impact on the stock market and the economy as a whole.
Manufacturing makes up around 11% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and a whopping 70% of research and development (R&D) spending. If you’ve ever filled a prescription, shopped at a grocery store, bought a newly constructed home, or shopped for electronic goods, you’ve contributed to the U.S. manufacturing sector. Leading subsectors of U.S. manufacturing include chemicals and pharmaceuticals, food and tobacco, furniture, motor vehicles, and electronic equipment.
Investors who want a big-picture view of how this mighty industrial complex affects the economy and Wall Street should consider following a monthly two-part report from the Federal Reserve called Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization.
Key Points
- Industrial production and capacity utilization reports provide a comprehensive view of U.S. manufacturing.
- The data provides insight into consumer and business demand, helping investors get a big-picture view of the economy.
- The data may also give clues into future Fed strategy and fiscal policy.
Touring the factory floor
The report measures the output of manufacturing, mining, and electric and gas utilities in the U.S., as well as how much of their manufacturing capacity companies are putting to work. Over time, following this data can help investors better understand how consumer demand, Washington’s fiscal policy, and the Fed’s monetary policy help shape the manufacturing economy.
The two categories of the report are:
- Industrial production: Actual U.S. monthly manufacturing output.
- Capacity utilization: The percentage of production infrastructure (factories, mines) that is being used; also a measure of potential output.
Industrial production numbers are presented as an index, which helps analysts visualize the numbers over time and get a better sense of what the current reading means. The averages tend to move in patterns. Most investors follow the month-over-month industrial production percentage gains or losses to get the most up-to-date insight from the report. These are the numbers most likely to move the stock market, although the report is considered only “medium” in its market impact, according to research firm Briefing.com.
The report also helps investors measure long-term trends. In figure 1, base industrial production (blue line) is measured from the 2017 level (100 on the y-axis), with anything above showing growth from that year and anything below showing contraction. The big drop in early 2020 reflects the impact of the COVID-19-related economic shutdown.
Capacity utilization numbers are presented as a percentage, with 100 indicating maximum capacity. Note in figure 1 that capacity utilization (red line) dropped dramatically in both 2008 and 2020, times of recession when manufacturers responded to falling demand by shutting down factories and energy production either temporarily or permanently.

These aren’t the only monthly reports on the U.S. manufacturing economy, by the way. Investors who want a fuller picture should also consider following monthly data on factory orders as well as the ISM Manufacturing Index. The government’s quarterly GDP reports can also provide insight into manufacturing health.
Industrial data and your investing journey
How might investors interpret the Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report data?
If production and utilization readings are high (or rising):
This indicates that manufacturers are busy producing goods for the present and the near future, probably because consumer demand is strong and expected to remain strong in the near term. The engines of economic growth are on full throttle. In a strong economy where consumer demand is on the rise, companies in sectors like consumer discretionary, energy, and information technology might see positive results.
But if consumer demand rises while industries are already producing at full capacity:
Manufacturers might want to boost production by increasing business investment. This can mean purchasing more materials, expanding or upgrading infrastructure, and possibly hiring more workers.
This can help a business keep pace with demand, but it comes with a big caveat: Increased costs can reduce profits. A business may decide to pass these input costs on to consumers. If this “passing the buck” begins taking place across an entire industry or sector, then it may (or may not) signal the emergence of “cost-push inflation,” where higher producer costs become higher consumer costs.
If inflation reaches a point where the general economy begins overheating, investors may begin wondering whether the Federal Reserve will step in to raise interest rates to cool the economy, which can send the stock market into decline.
If production and utilization readings are low (or slowing):
Consumer demand may be weak or weakening and economic growth may be declining. An economy that’s slowing typically means sectors like utilities, consumer staples, and health care might outpace so-called “growth” sectors, although results can vary.
As an investor, you might ask whether manufacturers are expecting demand to slow and are responding accordingly. If consumers choose to save money rather than spend it, then a business will find no reason to increase its expenditures.
But if demand slows to the point of a significant contraction:
Investors might want to think long and hard about what this means for the overall economy. Will companies slow hiring or lay off workers? If businesses require fewer material inputs, how might that affect other businesses in the supply chain or commodity costs in general?
If contraction reflects the state of the broader economy:
Investors may wonder if the Fed will step in to boost the economy by lowering interest rates to encourage business investment and consumer spending. Congress might consider a fiscal fix by spending more money.
Learn more
Want more on how policy makers can affect economic activity? Here’s an overview.
Another caveat:
Because manufacturing is only 11% of GDP, there’s a lot of other data out there for investors to study before deciding if a recession or an inflationary period may be underway. Still, this report can offer useful clues.
The bottom line
The monthly Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report provides a comprehensive view of the manufacturing side of the economy. It won’t give you the full picture, but if you follow it along with other major reports measuring consumer and business confidence, inflation, and employment, it can give you a wider view of current economic conditions and perhaps a hint about what to expect for the stock market in the near future.
- Delivering the U.S. Manufacturing Renaissance | mckinsey.com
- Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization – G.17 | federalreserve.gov
- Industrial Production: Total Index (INDPRO) | FRED | St. Louis Fed | fred.stlouisfed.org
- Capacity Utilization: Total Index (TCU) | FRED | fred.stlouisfed.org
- 2021 United States Manufacturing Facts | nam.org
- Global Manufacturing Scorecard: How the U.S. Compares to 18 Other Nations | brookings.edu
- Manufacturing Industry Statistics: Types of Goods Produced | nist.gov