- Introduction
- What are option exercise and assignment?
- Exercise and assignment—an example
- Exercising your options—American vs. European
- Cash settlement vs. physical delivery
- The bottom line
Option specs: American vs. European exercise; physical vs. cash settlement
He created and managed two derivatives-based private funds in Canada and the United States, and provided hedging advisory services to high net worth clients. He is a frequent speaker, commentator, financial market educator, and writer for globally-read investment publications.
- Introduction
- What are option exercise and assignment?
- Exercise and assignment—an example
- Exercising your options—American vs. European
- Cash settlement vs. physical delivery
- The bottom line

Before you trade a single option contract—either as a buyer or seller—there are several key terms and specifications you need to know.
You don’t want to be the person who gets to the last day of an option’s life and doesn’t know whether your option will convert to a stock or futures position due to an exercise or assignment, or if you’ll be required to fork over money to square up a cash-settled position. And with some contracts, your exercise/assignment decision might come before that final day.
No idea what these terms mean? Don’t make that first trade until you know how these contract terms and logistics work.
Key Points
- American-style options can be exercised anytime before expiration, whereas European options are exercised only at expiration.
- Some options are settled via cash, while others (including options on stocks and ETFs) involve the actual transfer of the security.
- Most contracts are closed out before expiration, but it’s still important to understand the mechanics.
What are option exercise and assignment?
Exercise. As the holder of a long option contract, you have the right but not the obligation to buy (in the case of a call option) or sell (in the case of a put option) the underlying instrument (stock, index, ETF, or other asset) at the strike price purchased. Converting your option contract into the underlying means you are “exercising” your right to be long or short the underlying instrument at your strike price.
Each standard equity (“stock”) and ETF option contract is deliverable into 100 shares. So if you exercise a call, you’ll acquire 100 shares; if you exercise a put, you’ll get a short position. If you happen to hold the opposite position in your account, your exercise will be matched against it. For example, if you own 100 shares of XYZ, and you exercise one XYZ put option contract, you’ll deliver the 100 shares you own.
But note: If you plan to take on a new long or short position with an exercise or assignment, make sure you’re able to do so. For example, if you exercise a 50-strike call option in XYZ, you need to have $5,000 in your account in order to buy the shares. On the flip side, some accounts aren’t permissioned for short selling of stocks and ETFs (short selling is risky and complicated), so if you plan to exercise a put, make sure you can.
Assignment. Once the owner of an option contacts their broker to exercise it, an option seller (or “writer”) with an open short position—perhaps you, if you hold a short position—in the same contract will be assigned (through a sort of lottery system) to deliver the underlying shares. Option sellers take on the obligation to potentially deliver the long or short position to the option buyer when a position is opened and a premium changes hands.
Exercise and assignment—an example
Suppose it’s 4:01 p.m. ET on the third Friday of the month (which is expiration day for standard monthly equity and ETF options). Two months earlier, you bought a call option on XYZ stock at a $50 strike price that expires today. The contract gives you the right, but not the obligation, to purchase 100 shares of the underlying for $50 a share until the expiration date.
As it turns out, the last trade of the day settled at $50.02 and you didn’t close the contract. What happens now? You’ll receive a notice from your broker stating that your option contract was automatically exercised into 100 shares of XYZ at $50 per share. Your account will be debited $5,000 and you’ll be the proud owner of 100 shares. Alternatively, if you have a margin account that’s set up to purchase shares on margin in lieu of cash, your account might reflect a change in margin borrowed.
On the other side of this transaction, an option writer on the same contract will receive an assignment notice, instructing them to deliver 100 shares of the underlying to you, the buyer.
Exercising your options—American vs. European
At first blush, you may think American versus European exercise is a geographical thing. Nope. It is simply the handle given to two different expiration protocols.
American-style exercise. This style gives you the right to exercise your option contract into the underlying shares anytime before expiration. Why would you want to do this? Two top reasons:
- To capture a dividend. Dividends on stocks (including stocks within an ETF) are issued to the owner of record as of the so-called “ex-dividend date.” So if you hold a call option, and there’s a dividend to be issued between now and the option’s expiration, pay attention; you might be better off exercising the option early.
- You’re ready to move on. Suppose you have a hedged option position—a long put option against a long stock position, for example. Maybe the stock has fallen way below the strike price, and you plan to exercise it, thereby delivering the stock and thus your stock position. If it’s a virtual certainty that the option will finish in the money, why wait? You have money tied up in premium, and those dollars could be better deployed elsewhere—even in an interest-bearing account.
The exercise decision is based on math and probabilities. When you exercise an option, you’re essentially giving up the choice. So you need to make sure there’s no inherent value left in that choice (what option traders call extrinsic value). Even when you’re looking to capture a dividend, if there’s extrinsic value left in the option, you might be better off selling the option (capturing the remaining extrinsic value) and buying the stock. Again, follow the math.
Examples of American-style expiration include equity and ETF options, as well as some options on futures contracts.
European-style exercise. European-style options can be exercised only on their expiration date—not before. That makes it easy, for the most part, particularly if the settlement price is set concurrently with the option expiration time.
But beware: Some European cash-settled options, including monthly and quarterly options on broad-based indexes such as the S&P 500 (SPX), expire on a Thursday afternoon but the settlement price is based on where the index opens the following morning (Friday).
This can leave an option holder subject to so-called “overnight risk” if the option contracts still have considerable value.
Cash settlement vs. physical delivery
Cash settlement. European options are often—but not always—settled in cash. Here’s how it works:
- Options with intrinsic value (i.e., in the money) are exercised. Out-of-the-money options expire worthless.
- If you own an option that’s exercised, you’ll receive a cash payment of the intrinsic value (the difference between the strike price and the settlement price of the underlying index or other security) times the contract’s multiplier.
The multiplier on SPX options is $100. If you held a 3900 SPX call and, at expiration, the SPX settled at 3940, you’d receive a cash payment of (3940 – 3900) x $100 = $4,000. If you were short the 3900 call, your account would be charged (“debited”) $4,000.
If you held a 3950 call, it would expire worthless, so you’d receive no cash.
If you held a 4000 put option, you’d receive a cash payment of (4000 – 3940) x $100 = $6,000.
Physical delivery. Options on stocks and ETFs, as well as some futures contracts, are settled by exchanging the actual securities or physical product. In the case of equity and ETF options, each contract is deliverable into 100 shares of the underlying.
- Exercising a long call or being assigned on a short put will result in a long position of 100 shares.
- Exercising a long put or being assigned on a short call will result in a short position of 100 shares. But remember: Your account must have the appropriate account permissions (and sufficient funds) in place before expiration.
If you exercise a physically settled futures option, you’ll take a position in a futures contract. For example, if you exercise a Dec 2023 WTI Crude Oil (CLZ3) call option, you’ll be long one contract for December 2023 delivery of 1,000 barrels of crude oil. If you’re interested in the ins and outs of futures contract specs, here’s an overview.
Remember: Unlike cash settlement, physical settlement will result in a position change in your account. Unless and until you offset or liquidate that position, after expiration, you’re subject to the ups and downs of the market.
The bottom line
Options on stocks, ETFs, indexes, and futures allow you to speculate, hedge, or otherwise customize your risk and reward. But before you begin, it’s imperative that you understand all the contract specifications. And unless you’re absolutely, positively certain that you’ll liquidate your option positions before expiration, you need to know all the facets and mechanics of option exercise and assignment, including American versus European exercise and cash versus physical settlement.
The last thing you want is to receive an unexpected notice from your broker indicating that you’re now the proud owner of a position you didn’t want.