- Introduction
- Types of corporate securities
- The marketing of new issues
- The development of securities trading
- Organization of exchanges
- Trading procedures
- The structure of demand for securities
- Dynamics of the securities markets
- References
- Introduction
- Types of corporate securities
- The marketing of new issues
- The development of securities trading
- Organization of exchanges
- Trading procedures
- The structure of demand for securities
- Dynamics of the securities markets
- References
Organization of exchanges
All stock exchanges perform similar functions with respect to the listing, trading, and clearing of securities. They differ in their administrative machinery for handling these functions.
The London Stock Exchange, the largest in the world in terms of the number and variety of domestic and international securities traded, is an independent institution not subject to governmental regulation. It resembles a private club with its own constitution and operating rules, administered by a council that, except for the government broker who is an ex officio nonvoting member, is elected by the membership. Operating responsibility is vested in the secretary and his staff.
In the United States, as in Great Britain, the government does not participate directly in the operations of the exchanges. Since 1933, however, Congress has enacted half a dozen measures that in one way or another affect the securities market. The most important are the Securities Act of 1933, which is primarily concerned with the new-issue market, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which is directed toward the trading market. The latter requires that every stock exchange register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as a national securities exchange, unless it is exempted because of the limited volume of its transactions, and that it conform to certain rules in its trading practices. This relationship between the stock exchanges and the SEC is peculiar to the United States; it involves a sort of administrative partnership between the exchanges as private associations—but functioning as quasi-public institutions—and the government. The exchanges generally may adopt policies and issue regulations governing their own operations but are subject to SEC intercession in the event that the Commission believes modifications are required in the public interest.
Most European exchanges are also subject to some form of governmental regulation. The Amsterdam Stock Exchange is a private organization, relatively free to regulate the activities of the market, but the Minister of Finance exercises some supervision under existing legislation. The Zürich exchange is governed by a board of elected members that determines general policy and coordinates the work of the exchange’s committees. Of these, the Zürich Cantonal Committee, which directs dealings on the floor of the exchange, is chaired by the head of the Finance Department of the State of Zürich. Although the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is under the direct administration of a Board of Governors elected by its own members, the rules of the exchange must be approved by the authorities of the state of Hesse; and the official specialists, each responsible for the trading in certain securities, are appointed by the Minister of Finance in the state of Hesse. In Brussels the Ministry of Finance is involved in the appointment of members to major committees, while a governmental representative is attached to each exchange to supervise the observance of all rules and laws; in addition, the Banking Commission that is nominated by the government has substantial powers over the admission of securities to public trading. The policy-making Exchange Commission of the Paris bourse is headed by the Governor of the Banque de France, while the regular members are chosen by the Ministry of Finance; the agents de change who supervise the trading process are semigovernmental officials. New members of the Italian stock exchanges are appointed by the government from a list of candidates as a result of competitive examinations and therefore have some public status.

Since 1953, membership in the New York Stock Exchange has been limited to 1,366. Only individuals may be members, but they may be partners or stockholders of organizations that do business with the public. Their organizations in such cases are known as member firms. The exchange supervises and regulates member firms in what it considers to be the public interest: a majority of the owners must be engaged primarily in the business of brokers or dealers in securities; exchange approval is required of any shareholder with a 5 percent interest in a member corporation; and all principal officers and directors who are active in the firm must be members or allied members of the exchange. An allied member is subject to the rules of the exchange but does not have the right to engage in transactions on the floor.

To become a member, an individual must acquire, with the approval of the board of governors, a “seat” from a present member or from the estate of a deceased one. Before granting approval, the exchange will investigate such matters as the applicant’s past record and financial standing; he will also have to pass an examination demonstrating his knowledge of the securities field.
There are several kinds of brokers on the floor of the exchange. They include the commission broker who executes customer orders placed at or near the current market price; the specialist in one or more issues who, as a broker, executes limited orders for other members and, as a dealer, buys and sells securities for his own account; floor brokers, or “two-dollar” brokers, who execute orders for other brokers at a commission but have no contact with the public; brokers associated with odd-lot firms, who undertake to buy or sell in quantities other than the standard 100-share lot; and “registered traders” who buy and sell for their own account.
To become a member of the London Stock Exchange, an individual must acquire a “nomination” from a retiring member at a price that varies with demand and supply. Every applicant must be approved by at least three-quarters of the stock exchange council. A member may be a broker, dealing as an agent of the public, or a jobber, dealing for his own account with other brokers or jobbers.
Membership in the Paris stock exchange is limited to 85 agents de change who supervise activity while the actual work of trading and executing orders is done by their employees and those of the exchange. To become an agent de change, an applicant must meet prescribed standards of education and experience as well as pass a written examination. He must be nominated by a retiring member or the heirs of a deceased member and make a deposit guaranty. He is formally appointed by the Minister of Finance.
Other European exchanges set eligibility requirements of character, experience, and financial standing, and some have educational requirements as well. In Brussels, in addition to the completion of six consecutive years in a broker’s office, a candidate must have a degree in commercial science or economics and pass a professional examination. In Germany, Switzerland, and Sweden, the brokerage business is dominated by banks.
Members of Japanese exchanges must be corporations doing a business in securities. There are two kinds of members: regular members, who buy and sell for customers or for their own accounts, and saitori, who act principally as intermediaries for regular members.