- Introduction
- Retirement ages and benefits
- Life expectancy and breakeven ages
- Optimized Social Security benefits vs. your reality
- The bottom line
- References
Calculating your Social Security benefits? Breakeven ages and how to decide
- Introduction
- Retirement ages and benefits
- Life expectancy and breakeven ages
- Optimized Social Security benefits vs. your reality
- The bottom line
- References

If you’re like most Americans, you’ve been paying into Social Security ever since you received your first paycheck. As you reach middle age and start thinking about life beyond your working years, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is when to begin drawing from the program.
You are eligible to start Social Security benefits after you turn 62. But your benefits will be reduced by 30% if you start taking them at that early age. Your full benefits are available starting at age 67 (or a few months earlier if you were born before 1960), and a bonus of 8% per year kicks in if you hold off until age 70. (In other words, you’ll receive 124% of your full benefits if you wait three more years.)
How to decide when to begin receiving benefits? It depends on many factors.
The numbers are pretty straightforward. The hard part is comparing them to your unique circumstances in order to maximize the value you receive from the program over the course of your retirement.
Key Points
- Social Security benefits are received in full when you begin payments at age 67; your payments will be permanently 30% less if you begin as soon as you’re eligible at 62.
- If you wait until age 70 to start Social Security payments, you will receive 124% of your full monthly benefits.
- If you live longer than the “breakeven” points, you will receive the most in Social Security benefits.
Retirement ages and benefits
Your Social Security benefits are calculated based on your highest 35 years of wages. You can check your projected benefits at SSA.gov. Cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) are designed to help counteract inflation, but your base benefits are a function of your personal wage history.
You can choose to begin Social Security payments at any point after you turn 62. But there are three points at which the benefits you receive really change, with a sliding scale in between. Once begun, your Social Security payments will continue until you die.
- Age 62—Your benefits are reduced by 30% (meaning you receive 70% of your full benefit), but you’ll receive payments sooner for longer.
- Age 67 (or a few months sooner if you were born before 1960)—Your benefits reach 100%.
- Age 70—You reach your maximum “bonus” benefit of 124%, but you will receive eight fewer years in Social Security payments than if you began benefits right after you turned 62.
For a deeper dive into the actual numbers—including averages and maximums—see “The Social Security decision: Drawing early, delaying, or taking at full retirement age.”
Life expectancy and breakeven ages
If you don’t need Social Security payments to pay for your everyday living expenses at age 62, it probably makes sense to hold out a little longer before beginning to receive benefits. Assuming the current Social Security parameters of early retirement at 62 at 70% benefit, full retirement at 67, and the 124% bonus by beginning payments at age 70, there are two breakeven points to consider:
- Age 78 years 8 months: If you live at least this long (but die before age 82 years 6 months), you will receive the maximum in benefits by waiting until age 67 to begin collecting Social Security.
- Age 82 years 6 months: If you live at least this long, you will receive maximum benefits by waiting until age 70 to begin collecting Social Security.
Why do these numbers work? It’s simple algebra (in case you’ve forgotten, it’s the part about slopes and intercepts, or y = mx + b). The sooner you start drawing, the more monthly checks you’ll receive, but the longer you wait, the higher the slope of the line will be (see figure 1).

Optimized Social Security benefits vs. your reality
When should you start claiming Social Security? In the ideal case, you would breeze through life until age 70, begin taking your maximum benefit, and strut confidently through your 80s and 90s knowing you made the right decision. But life is more complicated than that. You must weigh the math formulas with your unique situation. Here’s a partial list of considerations (and please, for your own sake, be honest with yourself).
Are my Social Security benefits taxed?
Social security benefits are partially taxable, depending on your filing status and your other sources of taxable income. Plus, some states tax Social Security benefits. Here’s how to calculate the taxable portion of your Social Security benefits.
- How long might you live? No one knows for sure, but your health and your family’s health history could help guide you. Plus, the SSA (Social Security Administration) has a life expectancy calculator that can steer you in the right direction.
- Spousal benefits. A spouse who makes less than you will receive the higher of their own benefit or 50% of your Social Security benefit. If you file for reduced Social Security payments right after you turn 62, your spouse will receive 50% of that lower payment for the rest of their life. Note that the 50% spouse benefit maxes out at your full retirement age, so if you wait until age 70, that will not increase their benefit.
- Can you continue working? By the time we reach our 60s, some of us simply can no longer work. Some careers exact a heavy toll on the knees or lower back, while others wear us down mentally. And some industries evolve in such a way that our skill sets are no longer consistent with the needs of the workforce.
- Is there a “retirement job” that can bring in extra income? And will it be enough to tide you over until you reach a higher Social Security threshold? Every month you delay (up to age 70) will result in a higher monthly benefit. A side hustle might not be as financially lucrative, but if you can lower your expenditures, you might be able to defer your Social Security start date.
- Have you saved for retirement? Tally up the amounts you may have saved in a 401(k) plan, IRA, annuity, and/or other investments. Do you own your home outright? If so, some retirees consider a reverse mortgage as a way to tap some of that equity.
A retirement calculator (see the sidebar) can help you figure out if you have enough other income sources to delay Social Security until the bonus age of 70. Or you may find that you really need to begin receiving payments sooner, even if you receive less money in the long run.
Honestly consider your health. If you have chronic illness or high risk factors, you might want to begin collecting Social Security early—right after you turn 62 if you must—so that you can enjoy retirement before your health becomes a hardship.
The bottom line
Deciding when to begin Social Security payments is a very personal choice. You’ll need to consider other sources of income to see if you can live without benefits if you intend to wait past age 62 or age 67 to begin collecting. Remember that the decisions you make are lifelong and can affect your spouse after you die.
Some people doubt that Social Security will be able to continue to pay promised benefits to future generations. If you are someone who worries about the solvency of the program, you can choose to take lower benefits earlier to get at least some money out of the system. (But before jumping to that conclusion, please read “Will Social Security run out? 3 myths and truths.”)
If you intend to live well into your 80s and you believe in a program backed by the U.S. government, consider doing all you can to delay receiving Social Security benefits until age 70.