October 02, 2022

Will We Ever Run Out of Sudoku Puzzles?
How do they keep making up new ones for the newspaper? Or have you been doing the same one over and over?
Get One Good Fact delivered to your inbox every day.
Oct 01
What musicians made NASA’s golden playlist? -
Sep 30
Do millipedes actually have a thousand legs? -
Sep 29
What comfort food counts as a veggie? -
Sep 28
What key ingredient was added to pumpkin spice lattes in 2015? -
Sep 27
What national anthem declares loyalty to another country’s king? -
Sep 26
What famous slogan reduced litter by 72 percent? -
Sep 25
Why is Apple called “Apple”? -
Sep 24
What on Earth is hotter than the Sun? -
Sep 23
What tasty nut is considered dangerous cargo? -
Sep 22
What’s the surprising origin of the prison in Lake Placid?