September 26, 2022
The phrase “Don’t mess with Texas” was created for an anti-littering campaign launched in 1986. By 1990 roadside litter in Texas had dropped by 72 percent.

How Much Trash Is In Space?
You might think we humans keep all our trash on the ground, but it turns out we’re pretty industrious about littering.
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Sep 25
Why is Apple called “Apple”? -
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What on Earth is hotter than the Sun? -
Sep 23
What tasty nut is considered dangerous cargo? -
Sep 22
What’s the surprising origin of the prison in Lake Placid? -
Sep 21
How did people wake up on time before alarm clocks? -
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Can humans control their piloerections? -
Sep 19
What do NFL, NBA, and MLB trophies have in common? -
Sep 18
What luxury car brand began by selling tractors? -
Sep 17
What technology is named for a Viking king? -
Sep 16
Which “orange” came first: the fruit or the color?