August 24, 2023
The first commercially successful car radio was introduced by the Galvin brothers in 1930 and cost about a quarter of the price of a new car. They named the product Motorola, motor referring to the car and ola implying sound (as in a record-playing Victrola). They went on to use the name for their company, which still exists today making cell phones.

Inventors and Inventions of the Industrial Revolution
Read about the people and machines that transformed Western society in the 18th and 19th centuries.
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Aug 23
What novelty song was nominated for the first “Record of the Year” Grammy? -
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What unusual material did Confederate forces use as armor on their boats? -
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What famous toy was created while making nautical equipment? -
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What state name is missing a letter on the Liberty Bell -
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How did the state of Washington get its name? -
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What objects were once nicknamed “the last argument of kings”? -
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How much blood does it take to get one billion red blood cells? -
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What legendary battle lasted only 30 seconds? -
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What insect produces milk more nutritious than a cow’s?