July 16, 2024
Mississippi is the only state where drivers may have an open container of alcohol while behind the wheel, though driving with .08 percent blood alcohol concentration is still illegal.

Why Does Drinking Give You a Hangover?
You may be the master of hangover cures, but do you know why we get them in the first place?
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Jul 15
How do some museums rely on living beetles? -
Jul 14
Why are genetically modified mosquitoes being released in Florida? -
Jul 13
Do you weigh more at the Equator or North Pole? -
Jul 12
Why did Chinese villagers eat dinosaur fossils? -
Jul 11
How were trees once used to fuel airplanes? -
Jul 10
How did civet poop become a source of expensive coffee? -
Jul 09
Are you living in the “nuclear sponge?” -
Jul 08
Why did vineyards once sell bricks of concentrated grape juice? -
Jul 07
Why was arsenic once commonly added to food? -
Jul 06
What common see-through item is made from wood?