December 28, 2022
“Rod wax” was a byproduct of oil drilling that workers used to heal wounds and burns. Noticing its benefits, chemist Robert Chesebrough refined and purified the “rod wax,” and in 1872 he marketed it as Vaseline.

Do Fossil Fuels Really Come from Fossils?
Are coal, oil, and natural gas made from dinosaur bones and pressed plants?
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Dec 27
What color are polar bears? -
Dec 26
What does Kwanzaa mean? -
Dec 25
What does the X mean in Xmas? -
Dec 24
What famous Christmas song was written about the father of printing? -
Dec 23
Why did kids grab flaming raisins at Christmas? -
Dec 22
What are the names of Santa’s other reindeer? -
Dec 21
Who once banned Christmas? -
Dec 20
What holiday icon was created by a department store? -
Dec 19
How do you spell the name of the Jewish festival of lights? -
Dec 18
What is by far the top-earning ballet in America?