November 08, 2022
Added in 1975 after the Watergate scandal, “None of the Above” is required to appear on Nevada ballots. In two presidential elections, the amount of “None of the Above” votes was greater than the difference in votes between the two major candidates.

How to make voting districts fair to voters, not parties
Political scholars demonstrate how reforming the rules that govern the way districts are drawn and how votes are counted could result in more competitive contests and enhance legislators’ accountability to the public, ultimately making voting districts fair to voters, rather than parties.
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What type of land can “sing”? -
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What vegetable was used as propaganda in World War II? -
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What flower smells so strong it can supposedly raise the dead? -
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What celebrity is Michael Myers’s mask based on? -
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What were jack-o’-lanterns made from before pumpkins? -
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What fall favorite is technically a berry?