November 04, 2022
Nintendo has been making games for well over 100 years. It was founded in 1889 as a playing card manufacturer.

Nerd Nostalgia: 7 Classic Video Games to Know
Nostalgia for nerds but maybe new to you.
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Nov 03
What vegetable was used as propaganda in World War II? -
Nov 02
What animal killed the first pharaoh? -
Nov 01
What flower smells so strong it can supposedly raise the dead? -
Oct 31
What celebrity is Michael Myers’s mask based on? -
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What were jack-o’-lanterns made from before pumpkins? -
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What fall favorite is technically a berry? -
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How long was the longest World Series game? -
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What’s the temperature on the Moon? -
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What fruit is named for a scary mask? -
Oct 25
What house pet began as a food source?