September 22, 2023
To avoid civilians being mistaken for military personnel, in Jamaica it is illegal to wear clothing with camouflage print.

How Do Chameleons Change Colour?
The chameleon's colour is controlled by a complex interaction of hormones, temperature, and the animal’s autonomic nervous system.
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What subtle baseball skill is highly valued in South Korea? -
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What state song referred to Lincoln as a despot? -
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Did pirates say “arr”? -
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What countries don’t have written constitutions? -
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What did LEGO make before bricks? -
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What common object has about 80 percent of all nonradioactive elements? -
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Why do male giraffes drink urine? -
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What is the loudest animal on earth? -
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Who wears an 11-ton hat? -
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How do trees make their own rain?